
"Baek seriously, you gotta stay away from Dara" Sehun insists as two weeks passed after meeting Dara


Sehun knows that Dara is up to no good as he have seen the murderous glare on her face every once in a while. And that times were when Baek was with Chanyeol.


"What do you mean? She's really nice!" Baek reminisce the times when Dara gave him treats, made him laugh, not feel alone. It made him smile, so he shook his head no to sehun 

"You're wrong, i just know it" baek finally said. 


Sehun who was about to reason out AGAIN why he should stay away from her stopped when he saw Baek's attention was elsewhere


speak of the devil he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes in annoyance, a frown pasting itself on his lips.


There stood Dara next to a seemingly an interested looking Chanyeol, but that disappeared once Baek squealed loud enough for the other two to hear.





 Chanyeol who was heading to the gym looking as usual bored, noticed a familiar figure who seems to be struggling with something


"Hey. Dara right? You need help?" Finally having remembered who the figure was Chanyeol step up to help her


"Ah yes, my hair got stuck on the zipper of my bag, and my scalp is already hurting" Dara whined cutely which Chanyeol find adorable


"Here i'll help you" he moved on to her back and helped untangle her hair from her back 



He didn't saw the smug look on Dara's face



Seconds later Chanyeol finally untangled her hair


"There all done, though your scalp here is a little red" chanyeol massaged her scalp gently which made Dara hum in content


"It's okay now, thank you so much" she smiled sweetly to him as she hurriedly fixed her hair


"it was nothing dont worry about it" Chanyeol gave a smile which made Dara flustered her face turning red from embarrassment 



The moment was cut off when they heard a familiar voice







Baek hurriedly ran to Chanyeol's side making kissy kissy face


"Did you miss me my love? I bet you did" baek cutely nuzzled himself to Chanyeol's arm.


The action made Chanyeol flustered because of how cute Baekhyun looked but he completely shook the thought away


"Get away! God! You're so annoying!"

There was no bite in Chanyeol's words because of the redness of his face gave away, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt even less.


"Come on don't say that!" baek pouted which made Chanyeol even more flustered




Someone cleared his throat, and as quick as baek ran to Chanyeol's side, he was also quickly yanked away from him


"Okay calm down puppy" sehun, who was the culprit who yanked him away, said with a frown



Baek did and after that greeted Dara who was grumbling curses from the side before she smiled at him nervously


"Hey Dara~"

"H-hi Baek, S-sehun"


Sehun who looked like he didn't give a flying just nodded his head in acknowledgement


"Where were you headed yeol?" Baek asked cutely

"Gym" Chanyeol said in monotone

"Oh i'll come with you!" Both baek and Dara said at the same time causing them to look at each other


Baek looked at Dara then at Chanyeol questioning now why the two were together.


ofcourse we are in the same school, and we're all friends he said to himself not letting any negative thoughts enter his mind



Ofcourse what baek didn't know is that during his internal battle with himself Chanyeol for the first time was nervous seeing Baekhyun quiet, too quiet, for him


Sehun who also now seemed worried about baek shook him


"Hey you okay?"


Baek finally snapped out of it 

"Ha? Who me? yeah. I'm good. I just noticed I'm hungry. Or Chanyeol do you want me to come with you?" Baek asked with a smile although Sehun knows it was a fake


"I don't want to be around with the likes of you" chanyeol said not being able to stop himself from snapping to baekhyun 


Baek who seems surprised by this as is Sehun and Dara, but ofcourse fake surprise that is for Dara, looked at baekhyun and saw the hurt look that flash in his face before it was covered with a fake laugh


"Oh! Haha! I know that! I'll catch up with you later my love! Haha!" He turned around before they catch a tear escaping from his eyes


Sehun who held his wrist about to ask if he was okay, froze, when he saw the murderous tear stained eyes of him and heard the most chilling voice he heard from Baek


"Let go of me right now or else" baek whispered harshly that only Sehun can hear before he let him go and speed walks away from them




"What the man!" Sehun snapped at Chanyeol but the latter was just staring at the floor before he moved on heading to his original destination


"W-wait up chanyeol!" Dara who was about to head to chanyeol stopped as she was yanked by Sehun


"Aren't you going after your BESTFRIEND!?" Sehun gritted the word one by one as his grip on Dara's hand tightened


"Ow! Let me go! H-he can handle himself!! I need to go somewhere!" Finally free from Sehun's grip, she ran after Chanyeol



"Damn it!"


After baek speedwalks away from them he finally full out ran to his secret hang out 


Finally arriving to his place he stood infront of the tree as angry tears ran down his face


Out of anger he punched the tree over and over again till he felt his hand go numb from the pain


Out of nowhere a voice made him snapped out of his miserable state


"If you continue that you may break your hand" someone said across from him 


wiping away his tears as quickly as he can he looked up to where the voice was coming from


"Kyungsoo..." he whispered



Kyungsoo sighed and approached the mess that is Byun Baekhyun


"What caused you to do this to yourself?" Soo asked as he took Baek's hand inspecting it, cringing when he saw that it was already turning purple and some skin was somewhat scratch causing blood to drip out


"I punch things when I'm angry, just to let some anger out" baek hiccuped while avoiding eye contact with kyungsoo









"ow!! What did you do that for?!" Baek whined as he rubbed his head with his uninjured hand, kyungsoo whacking him upside his head


"Your an idiot! How could you do this to your hand! Don't you know how beautiful your hand is?!" Kyungsoo scolded Baekhyun like a mother 



Baek stopped and stared at kyungsoo before laughing outloud


"What?" Soo asked

"You sound like as if your my wife" baek laughed 

KyungSoo on the other paused before saying smugly "if ever we end up together, im going to be the husband and you're gonna be the wife" 


Baek blushed at this and hit Soo's arm lightly

"Your an idiot"


After calling sehun that he and kyungsoo will be in the infirmary, sehun hurriedly went to them

Kyungsoo brought baekhyun to the infirmary and aid his bruised hand every once in a while scolding him

Baek ofcourse kept on whining on how much it hurts 

Sehun too scolded him about being reckless but both he and kyungsoo had a fond look to baekhyun as he continues whining


Outside the infirmary stood Chanyeol, with clenched fist.

Confused on what he is feeling for baekhyun.



Fun fact i punch walls specifically when I'm angry or someone hurt me or my feelings

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Wah... i guessed baekkie loves dara in this story???
Waiting for yor update authornim :)