

The next couple of days Baekhyun tried to steer clear of any possible sights of Chanyeol.


It was going so well the past two days, but as expected things didn't go as planned as what Baekhyun wanted.


He had encountered Chanyeol, but this time it seems as if the latter was in a foul mood, his aura screams bloody murder around him, and Baekhyun was not pleased by this, not when the soft ball in his hand was already in mid-air heading at Chanyeol's direction in a fast pace.


He closed his eyes waiting for the worst to come.


A loud groan came from Chanyeol's direction with a sound of a ball hitting his back.


He peeked and saw that Chanyeol picked up the ball before searching for the culprit who threw the ball, before his eyes landed on him. Chanyeol stormed off to his direction with fury in his eyes, which made Baekhyun flinched but stood his ground.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Chanyeol angrily let out. Although a bit scared Baekhyun stood his ground, lifting his head up to look at the others face "i didn't do it on purpose! It slipped" 


Chanyeol blankly looked at him, and then the ball.


Baekhyun thinking that nothing bad is gonna happen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chanyeol walking away, but abruptly stopped when he  faced him again and threw the ball at his direction, hitting him on the shoulder, making cry out in pain.

"Oops! It slipped!" Chanyeol mocked before walking away again. Baekhyun shouted "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" in the last minute before the giant's back disappered.


He stomped his foot and rubbed the soar area on his shoulder, the one that was hit by the ball.


"Damn that giant! I bruise easily!" He mumbled to himself, pouting, he picked up the fallen softball, and continue on to go to the gym for P.E


After P.E, he went to the clinic to get a soar reliever patch for his shoulder, he can see that it was slowly turning into an ugly purple. And once again he grew more angry at the giant.


"Seriously Sehun what's wrong with your friend?!" It was lunch, after ranting at Sehun about the incident with Chanyeol this morning, Baekhyun asked rather angrily at him, which only got a shrug in return. Baek huffed in annoyance, before continuing his lunch.

"You really, hate him that much." Sehun more likely stated than ask. Baekhyun halted at this, thinking about it.

"It's not that i hate him, i think, it's just there's something with him, that's really..." baekhyun paused, looking for the right word.

"Really what?" Sehun asked

"I don't know! There's just something with him!" Frustrated, baek bit Sehun's shoulders, making  the latter cry out in pain.

"The hell Baekhyun!" After struggling to get baekhyun off, sehun whined while stomping his foot


On the other side of the cafeteria, someone was looking at their interaction, making said person frown.

He's already friends with Sehun?! Damn it , the said person thought, she needed to act fast to be able to be close to the one and only Park Chanyeol, and Baekhyun is the way, to be able to do that.


Days passed Baekhyun resorted to observe the giant, why am i doing this again? he thought to himself.

Chanyeol was once again with Kyungsoo, said guy seems to be in a deep conversation with the giant, it made Baekhyun curious in what the two were talkinh about.

From where he stood, he looked like someone plotting murder, wearing a hoody and a black mask over his face in the corner of the lockers.

Chanyeol who seems to noticed a dark shadow on the corner of the lockers, stopped. "Do you know that guy Soo?" He pointed out for the other. Curious to what the other was talking about Kyungsoo turned and saw the same thing.

"I don't know that guy" kyungsoo said blankly while staring at the figure


Baekhyun who finally realized that the two noticed him, scrambled away, running for the other direction away from the two.


"Huh, that's one weird guy" Chanyeol said watching the othet ran away

"How do you even know if that's a guy, what if maybe that was a girl?" Soo retorted which was returned with a pout.

"So next Saturday then?"


After running away from the two, he tried to catch his breath again, inhaling and exhaling puffs of air


Baekhyun unknowingly reached a secluded garden in the school. There was a big tree in the middle of it.


"I didn't know this school has a garden" he mumbled to himself while examining the tree infront of him.


He looked around to see if there were other people in the garden, but after further examining it, it would seem not many students know of this place.


He cheered silently, doing a mini victory dance. Finally getting off of his high, he stared at the tree again.


He took five more steps, and before he knows it he was already, climbing up the tree branch by branch carefully.


After spotting what seems to be a sturdy branch, he sat on it and thinks to himself, recalling his moment staring at Chanyeol and Kyungsoo converse before he ran away.



Chanyeol is really handsome... he paused in his thoughts, what the hell are you thinking!! he was having an internal battle with himself.

"Well he really is handsome but.... he's a freaking that @#$£#€@&" baek cursed out loud

i don't hate him, if i was completely honest with myself, i like him, he's just my ideal type , he thought to himself

"Yup he's my ideal type, cold and mysterious, also funny, well when he's with his friends but-- okay i've gone crazy" he said to himself 

"Now I'm just talking to myself" 

Silence fell upon him, the wind blew softly against him making him smile, "this is nice"

He leaned his head against the tree, relaxing as the wind blew softly against him.


"It's official, i like this place! And I'm making it my special secret place" he declared to no one in particular.

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Wah... i guessed baekkie loves dara in this story???
Waiting for yor update authornim :)