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The second mission is coming, but before that there’s a new rule, that leaders can be replaced by voting from his other member.

Yellow’s leader Jinseok, replaced by Luouon, the older member, and Jinseok can accept that because he feels a little burdened by one of that a little blunt and hardheaded, David.

When its Sky unit’s turn, Yong Hyun feels quite confidence because he already did a good job from their first mission, so when the result told other way, he really confused and a little upset, though he doesn’t show his feeling in front the other boys from other units. Yong Hyun replaced by Sang Min, the oldest member from their unit, because the members feels a little worry with Yong Hyun that to burdened with the responsibility in his young age.

Doha, feels his heart hurt because he can see the upset feeling through the younger’s eyes. And he really didn’t understand why Sky unit decide to replace the good leader like Yong Hyun.

Doha really want to hug the boy and cheer him up, but he find that the new leader, SangMin, already try to talk heart to heart with Yong Hyun. Even though, for Doha, Yong Hyun still Sky unit’s leader.


The second mission will find the lowest point from the audience and masters who will be eliminated, all of the member from one unit.

SangMin still not familiar with his responsibility, plus his lack of skill, make Sky unit having a hard time. They must stand as eliminated candidates for four rounds, until Red Unit replaced them.

When they go to back stage, save from elimination with Red unit point lower t

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Jeainez #1
Chapter 5: awwww cutest can't believe I just found this
reika_love #2
Chapter 5: Yayy! finally! i love this rare couple...