Freshers week: Day 2: Day time

Love Across The Hall

The whole situation the night before had been kind of awkward but Junmyeon could feel like there was a bit of a friendship blooming between the two. Kris had practically carried Junmyeon back to the dorm, even after their moment of witty banter Junmyeon started to feel wore again and nearly collapsed into a fountain (Kris had dragged him over to it to show him the 'cool' fish in the pond that Kris had noticed on his way to the dorm earlier in the day). In a half unconscious half I-don't-care-what-happens-right-now-I-just-don't-want-to-pass-out state Junmyeon had taken his sweatshirt off almost as soon as he got into his room which made it kind of uncomfortable for Kris who was stood directly behind him. But even despite all of this seeing each other in the morning ws kind of funny. What made it funnier was the other 4 flat mates they hadn't gotten the chance to speak to properly the day before all trying to stay awake in the kitchen. They were all really hung over but obviously didn't want to miss any of the activities going on in the day.

'Morning.' Junmyeon tried not to speak to loudly in case anyone had a headache (who was he kidding they all had headaches).

'Morning!' One girl brightened up as soon as soon as they came in the room, 'Ah you're the two we didn't get a chance to meet!'

She stood up (her chair scraped across the ground as she did so and the others groaned) and walked over to them, her brown-blonde ombre hair was up in a ponytail which swung as she walked.

'I'm Namjoo, nice to meet you.' She reached out and shook both of their hands. 'We were all in the kitchen talking yesterday and when we went to your rooms neither of you answered, sorry about going out without you, we'll definitely have to all go out tonight!'

'Ah I think we had already gone when you guys came to get us.' Kris explained.

'Oh, did you two already know each other?'

'Yeah kinda, we went to the same highschool.' Junmyeon gestured back to Kris. 'I'm Junmyeon and he's Kris.'

'I'm Seulgi.' One of the girls raised her head off the table, she had short orange hair and a curly fringe (and she looked like death).

'Lay' The guy that had been sat in the corner with his hood up pulled it back (he kind of looked a bit high but they all later figured out that was just how he looked when his face was at rest, a bit like resting b***h face only resting high face.)

'I'm Jaebum' As soon as he spoke he raised a cup of coffee to his mouth and drank it all in one go.

Junmyeo guessed this first year was going to be interesting to say the least.

Once their flat mates had managed to wake up fully and get dressed they headed down to the 'activity area'. It was basically just the main campus only with tents and clubs everywhere. They tried to stay as the full six but Seulgi and Namjoo were kind of hyper and ran off looking at different clubs, at some point they lost the other two guys so it just ended up being the two of them.

'Should we try that?' Kris pointed at a tent over Junmyeons head.

When he turned around he saw a big tent with gaudy red writing saying 'DO SOMETHING CRAZY!'

'No' Junmyeon turned back to Kris. 'No way.'

'Fine then,' Kris leaned in closer to his face, 'you can be boring if you want but you have to wait for me while I 'DO SOMETHING CRAZY!', okay?'

One thing Junmyeon couldn't stand was being called boring (it was by exploiting this weakness the rest of the student council had tricked him into convincing the principal to allow a non-uniform day), so now he had to do it.

'No, no I'll do it.' He walked into the tent before Kris who was smirking after him.

The options were: Hair cut/colour, tattoo's and piercings.

Kris already had a few piercings and neither of them particularly wanted tattoos so hair styling it was. When they got in the tent one of the (trained professional) hairdressers asked them if they wanted to pick for each other.

'He'll have it short at the sides, blonde all over, but like a silvery blonde, kind of messy at the top, I don't think blonde eyebrows would really suit him so how about a light brown?' Kris talked as if he knew a lot about this kind of stuff (Junmyeon had no idea how he would).

'Wait, blonde? I don't know about that...' Junmyeon had never touched hair dye before so the whole situation was terrifying.

'What should he have?' The hairdresser clearly wasn't that fussed about what they really wanted (they probably just wanted to get through the day).

Junmyeon looked at Kris and weighed up his face, he could tell he wasn't nervous about it (Junmyeon was tempted to say 'Avatar The Last Airbender him' to see how Kris would react to the prospect of being bald).

'Short on the sides, silvery blue all over, leave his eyebrows black... but put two slits in the right one.' Junmyeon was surprised when Kris seemed kind of happy with his descision. The hairdressers didn't hesitate to start styling their hair.

Junmyeon had been at university just over 24 hours and had already felt like he was going to throw up twice which couldn't be a good sign. However when he looked in the mirror he realised, he didn't look that bad. In fact he looked great, Kris really had an eye for hair (?). And when he looked round to the other he realised he did too. Kris looked amazing, like a real life anime character.

'Well that went better than you expected didn't it?' 

Another chapter and thier friendship grows (~^^)~

A lot of you have said you'd like it to be M rated... that'll come a bit later in the story so you'll have to wait some more for it... sorry...

Anyway see you next time ~(^^)~

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hmmmm... curious
jaebooyun #2
Chapter 3: Author-nim next chapter plzzz.. i luv this story soo much.. hope you keep writing..
Chapter 3: M rated plzzz yo~ x'D
SuhoSandi #4
Chapter 2: Sure rated plz heee... sry umm not sry I'm a ert for KrisHo :D ... looking forward ur next update ;)
Chapter 2: Make it an M. Hehehez. Good plot by the way.
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 2: It's not a Krisho fic if it's not rated M lol Jk but you should make it M
esthiSipil #7
Chapter 2: Of course you supposed to put Krisho smexy time here...hahaha.... I miss them so much..
Your story is really adorable.. Can't wait for the update... ^^
theant256 #8
Chapter 2: Cany wait for the next chap ~^^
Chapter 2: This should be M rated. More hot krisho version. Cant wait for their y times. Kekeke. Goodjob authornim. XD