The one across the hall

Love Across The Hall

Kris and Junmyeon had both excelled at their respective areas in school. Kris was a master linguist, Junmyeon was a scientist. Junmyeon was student council president and Kris was captain of the basketball team. But despite both being at the top for their entire highschool career, they barely ever crossed paths. In fact Junmyeon could think of only a handful of occasions where they did or might have interacted (he couldn't remember if they had but he figured that given some of the situations they would have).

1. When the basketball team won a national competition and Kris had to speak in the assembly, because A. Junmyeon had to read over Kris' speach to make sure it was suitable, B. Junmyeon had to speak to him just beforehand so Kris would know when to walk on and C. He then had to run back on stage during Kris' speach to adjust the height of the mic as a result of the almost foot height difference between the two.

2. When two of the basketball guys had gotten into a fight which Junmyeon had to stop (with much difficulty on his part) and Kris had come to shout at them in the principals office so Kris apologised for their behaviour and thanked Junmyeon for stopping them.

3. At one of the school's sport days because they were in the same team (which he only remembered because of the girls drooling over Kris all day).

4. (This one he only guessed they spoke but couldn't remembered if they had or not) At their pre-graduation trip into the mountains for a week.

But by some mirraculous turn of fate they, not only, ended up at the same university but lived in the same dorm, directly across the hall from each other. They looked the other up and down, taking in this odd event. No one else from their school ended up going to this specific university and they weren't aware of the other going either.

Junmyeon could tell by the atmosphere between them (and the fact that neither of them had spoke yet) that this year was going to be awkward.

Hello everyone (~^^)~~(^^~)

This is just a brief introduction to the story that I'll be working on for the next few months, I only kept it short so you could get a taste of the story not because I hate awkward/cringey situations and couldn't acutally bring myself to write their conversation.

I'm contemplating making this a M rated story but it all depends on comments and how people want the story to play out once I start writing it soooooo, anyway see you next time ~(^^)~

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hmmmm... curious
jaebooyun #2
Chapter 3: Author-nim next chapter plzzz.. i luv this story soo much.. hope you keep writing..
Chapter 3: M rated plzzz yo~ x'D
SuhoSandi #4
Chapter 2: Sure rated plz heee... sry umm not sry I'm a ert for KrisHo :D ... looking forward ur next update ;)
Chapter 2: Make it an M. Hehehez. Good plot by the way.
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 2: It's not a Krisho fic if it's not rated M lol Jk but you should make it M
esthiSipil #7
Chapter 2: Of course you supposed to put Krisho smexy time here...hahaha.... I miss them so much..
Your story is really adorable.. Can't wait for the update... ^^
theant256 #8
Chapter 2: Cany wait for the next chap ~^^
Chapter 2: This should be M rated. More hot krisho version. Cant wait for their y times. Kekeke. Goodjob authornim. XD