Freshers week: Day 1

Love Across The Hall

By some miracle Junmyeon and Kris had come to the arrangemet that they would go to the first party of freshers week (the week at the beginning of the year when loads of parties happen for the first years so they can get to know each other and have fun) together. Junmyeon was just amazed that they'd actually spoken at all, Kris gave off a pretty intimidating aura when he was thinking plus the height difference kinda freaked him out, like he knew he was short but Kris was just too tall and made him feel like a little kid. They got to the party (after following some pretty gaudy signs) that was in one of the on campus clubs (clubs on campus would you believe it!), it was already really packed but they got in anyway. After a few minutes of pushing through the crowd and Kris using his height to find it, they got to the bar. Kris ordered a beer, Junmyeon a mixed berry cider (he couldn't handle beer plus cider is like a weird beer/wine combo anyway).

Junmyeon then realised a fatal flaw in his plan: Kris was smoking hot. Junmyeon hand't really ever put a label to his uality but he knew guys were on the list so he could tell Kris was a lady killer (well most people could). It wasn't like Junmyeon wasn't hot himself, he knew he was but he knew that he was more 'stay at home dad who would wake you up with breakfast in bed, take the kids to ballet, would be best friends with your parents, your boss would love him and you could see a long happy marriage together' hot (an almost exact quote from one of his highschool friends). It possibly didn't help that he hadn't changed out of his sky blue sweatshirt, jeans and battered converse plus he hadn't styled his hair that day because he had, had to get up early to catch the train with all his things so it was just lay flat on his head. Kris on the other hand was a completely different realm of hot. He was more of a 'dark, brooding, take you to underground gigs, calls you princess, buys you black clothes, shaved hair at the sides, leather jacket wearing, your dad would hate him, everyone's jealous of you, head turner, mysterious' hot, which is kinda the dream (to date or become someone like that). Although Junmyeon sort of knew Kris wasn't very mysterious really, but the rest really fit him. And speaking of things that fit him, he was wearing black skinny jeans that really showed off his long legs, a navy blue t-shirt (that looked black in the lighting) which was very baggy around the neck, showing off his collar bone. Junmyeon couldn't really make out the brand of Kris' shoes but then  he realised that he had been staring at Kris for a bit too long so he looked away.

Then he came to another realisation: a lot of girls had also been staring at Kris but for a (not so) different reason. The two were stood leaning against the bar in silence (if you could call big bang blasting over the speakers silence) which had made it harder for girls to approach them Kris, but as more and more people were going to buy drinks they had to move to avoid being crushed by the drunk hordes. As soon as they were in and amongst the dancers almost all of the girls Junmyeon had seen oggling Kris swooped in, some started dancing around them others were much more forward and asked him to dance with them. In the process Junmyeon had been pushed back into the crowd and away from Kris (not like he had much of a problem with it the atmosphere around them was awkward anyway). He kinda floated around the dance floor, being pushed from person to person hoping to find a way off it because he lacked the ability to look over the girls in 6 inch heels, when he suddenly felt overcome. He pulled at his sweatshirt, which was quite literally becoming a sweat-shirt, to let some cool air into it but there was no cool air. The club was too hot and he wasn't dressed for it. He started to feel like he was going to pass out and had to get out of there quickly. As if by magic Kris' head appeared in the crowd so Junmyeon pushed his way towards him.

'Kris, Kris!' It took a few shouts to get his attention because of the music and the girls in between them but he finally looked round from dancing with a pretty brunette.


'Where's the exit? I don't feel too good, I'm gonna go back.'

Kris craned his neck and turned round.

'That way,' he pointed to his left, 'You want me to come with you?'

'Nah I'm good, thanks'

He started to push his way through the crowd towards the exit when he heard one of the girls scoff and call him a  lightweight (someone who can't take alcohol well) but he didn't mind cause it doesn't really matter how much you drink or don't drink at parties plus he was leaving for a conpletely different reason. He stumbled out of the crowd, he was feeling worse and worse by the second. As he was leaving someone asked him how much he'd had to drink (he knew that he was swaying like he was drunk but his vision was starting to cloud so he couldn't help it), he ignored them and made it outside into the fresh(ish) air. After a few deep breaths he started to feel better, once he found a bench he sat down and hunched himself over, he knew he needed to get back to the dorm and change but he didn't have the energy.

Suddenly someone put their hand on the back of his neck, he sat up quickly (which made him feel like he was going to throw up) to see Kris stood next to him holding a bottle of water.

'Looks like you weren't alright after all.' He sat down next to Junmyeon and handed him the bottle of water 

'Why'd you follow me out?'

'Well, 1. You looked pale as hell, and you still do, 2. When I asked if you wanted me to come with you I was kinda asking you to say yes because I wanted out of that situation.' He smirked the most natural smile Junmyeon had ever seen (from Kris that is)

'Why did you want out? You were surrounded by tons of hot girls?' Junmyeon started to drink the water but Kris grabbed hold of his arm.

'Drink slowly or you might throw up, and that's exactly why I wanted to leave cause it's scary having all those girls all over you I don't really like that sort of thing, though you probably wouldn't understand Mr Stay At Home Dad'

'Mr what?' Junmyeon was confused cause only his friends off the student council called him that.

'What you didn't know? That was your nickname in highschool! Everyone called you that cause you were always reliable and would stand up for us when teachers were being unfair but would still shout when it was necessary.' Kris seemed genuinely surprised that Junmyeon didn't know.

'I thought only the council called me that but I guess I was the whole schools dad' He giggled 'Wait what did you mean that I wouldn't understand?'

'Well I've never seen girls falling over themselves to talk to you.' He smirked and stood up 'Should we go back? You look a lot better now.'

Junmyeon tried to brush off that quite obvious insult.

'Yeah I do feel better.' He stood up a bit too quickly (Kris realised just before he stood up and tried to tell him not to stand up too fast but he panicked and said it in Chinese instead) and out slightly, luckily Kris caught him so he didn't fall and hurt himself.

'Come on lightweight.' Kris pulled Junmyeons arm around his shoulder and put his own hand around his waist to support him as they walked.

'I'm not a lightweight, I just overheated.' Junmyeon pouted at Kris for insulting him twice in one minute.

'Okay sweaty'


Finally some dialogue (~^^)~ I'm going for a slightly different dynamic between the two in this fic so I hope you all like it (^^)

Like I said in the first chapter I'm considering making this an M rated fic so giving opinions on whether I should in the comment section would be helpful *~(^^)~*

See you next time!

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hmmmm... curious
jaebooyun #2
Chapter 3: Author-nim next chapter plzzz.. i luv this story soo much.. hope you keep writing..
Chapter 3: M rated plzzz yo~ x'D
SuhoSandi #4
Chapter 2: Sure rated plz heee... sry umm not sry I'm a ert for KrisHo :D ... looking forward ur next update ;)
Chapter 2: Make it an M. Hehehez. Good plot by the way.
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 2: It's not a Krisho fic if it's not rated M lol Jk but you should make it M
esthiSipil #7
Chapter 2: Of course you supposed to put Krisho smexy time here...hahaha.... I miss them so much..
Your story is really adorable.. Can't wait for the update... ^^
theant256 #8
Chapter 2: Cany wait for the next chap ~^^
Chapter 2: This should be M rated. More hot krisho version. Cant wait for their y times. Kekeke. Goodjob authornim. XD