
Written on my heart

Ryohyun has been my partner in crime for 5 months. We met at a gallery exhibition and the chemistry was there from the very start. He treats me like a queen, we talk on the phone all the time and he lives only a bus ride away from me. Seojoon is the type of guy who loves to travel all over the world, however, the only negative side to that is that he travels so regularly, me and all my friends don’t see him so when he comes down to visit every few months, we all make the most of it. Seojoon’s sister Yui lives with me whilst he is out of the country on business trips. She’s only a year younger than me and sadly, my real sister got killed during a bike stunt. It’s nice to have Yui around, she’s as close to a sister that I could have.

“Hey Yui. Why didn’t you tell me that your brother was back in town? I found out from Hiro”

“Oh. Surprise!” Yui chuckled. “Why are you still here?! Go and see him”

“N-No I’m not going. Hiro’s meeting him at the airport in around half an hour then I told him we could meet up f-for lunch l-later on. Hiro’s messaged Hyorin, Yebin and Yeni too”

“well let’s plan your outfit. What are you thinking? Sistar glam realness? Twice girly getup?”

“Yui, I don’t need to p-plan m-m-my outfit, I d-don’t even know if I’m definitely going to go out today. Now get out of my room, I need to d-do my yoga”

I cleared my head and focused on my yoga routine. I don’t know what Hiro and Yui are trying to imply. They like Ryohyun but in their twisted world, they believe he has some sort of hidden agenda or he’s not who he appears to be. I ain’t got feelings for Seojoon, Ryohyun is the guy I want to be with forever. Yeah he might not talk much but he’s my type and I don’t wanna let him go. ‘Naega jaeil jal naga’. My text tone went off, it was one of my best friends, Yeni.

‘seems like you don’t wanna come out today so I’m coming to you. Btw, just got Hiro with me. Says hi. Yen xx'

I quickly finished my yoga routine and put on one of Yui’s dresses. I still looked pretty rough but it’s only Yeni and Hiro, they are used to my roughness. 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. Yui sprinted down the stairs to open the door.

“Hands up who’s at your house now?! I bought Soju. Yeni's got the food covered. Where’s the music?”

“HIRO! YENI!” Yui gave them a massive hug. As I walked downstairs in Yui’s coral maxi dress, I was prepared to hug Yeni but I stopped in my tracks. “Surprise”

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