Bedtime Stories(?)

A (Bad) Guide to Camping

A/N: Tbh idk what this story is even supposed to be but i'll try to make it something ahahah so hey hey chapter 2 i'm so sleepy sorry if it's crap ToT


Chapter 2: Bedtime Stories(?)


In truck 1 that Seungcheol was driving, almost everyone was asleep, save Seungcheol (of course, he’s driving for God’s sake), Seungkwan (who was still very excited) and Chan (who just couldn’t sleep).

“Hyung, why are you so excited? It’s like 2AM, shouldn’t you be sleeping like the rest?” Chan asked between a stifled yawn.

“Oh Chan, because it’s my first camping trip! Actually, it’s OUR first camping trip as a club!”

“What?? This club has never been on an actual camping trip together??? Then why are you called the Camping Club??” Chan, who was a newer member, asked with wide eyes, confused as heck.

“Chan-ah, you sweet little thing. Let me teach you the truth about this club.” Seungkwan started with a grin playing on his lips.

“Seungcheol-hyung formed this club because being his natural (silly) self, just wanted to have the position of club head, so he formed this club after persuading us to help make his dream come true. AND GRACIOUS OL’ ME decided to be the great dongsaeng you all know I am, and join his club.” Seungkwan ended off with his eyes close and a smug smile on his face.

“Hey I’m right here, you could AT LEAST have put it in a nicer way. Now Chan’s going to think I’m like, super ego or something.” Seungcheol scolded from the driver seat with a small pout. “AND, you’re so not the ‘greatest dongsaeng’.”

 “Wait, so everyone was PATRONIZING enough to join Seungcheol-hyung’s fake club?” Chan was still hella confused and wanted an explanation to make himself feel less like he was cheated into, well, this.

“Please Chan, not everyone can be me. Jisoo-hyung joined because he’s a saint, but actually a living meme, and was the probably the only one interested in helping Seungcheol fulfil his wishes. Jeonghan-hyung is here cause of the living meme, and because this club allows him to do absolutely nothing but still get club credits.” Seungkwan says as he reminded Chan about Jeonghan’s ‘disappearing act’ before they set off on their trip. Whether he was sleeping or actually dead, they still didn’t know. They’ll find out when they reach.

“Wonwoo-hyung and Mingyu joined because, well, I’m not too sure. I think Mingyu thought that a Camping Club sounded like fun, so just went along with the idea. I think he didn’t know at that time that this was Seungcheol-hyung’s idea. And I think Wonwoo-hyung just gave in to Mingyu’s persuading to join the same club as him. For rest of the members like Jun-hyung, Myungho and Vernon, I think they probably joined for the same reason as well. Soonyoung-hyung and Seokmin are just excited about everything, that’s probably why they joined.”

Chan listened intently, like a kid listening to a bedtime story. Except it was past midnight, in a truck, and the ‘story’ was, well, less magical in content.

“As for Jihoon-hyung…” Seungkwan leaned in to Chan’s ear to whisper that part, as he pointed to the curled up sleeping figure in the passenger seat of the truck.

Seungkwan questioned from time to time as to WHY Jihoon was even in the Camping Club since he rarely left the confines of his apartment. But his questions were always quickly answered by the (very) frequent, slightly high pitched, whining of their club leader Seungcheol. Seungkwan always knew Jihoon had a thing for Seungcheol and vice versa, but he JUST needed the evidence (which he obviously didn’t have. YET.).

“I just think he has a thing for Seungcheol-hyung, that’s why he joined. The two of them are suspicious, don’t you think? I just need evidence...”

Chan felt the story’s mood shift and ears perked up knowing there was gossip on the verge of escaping Seungkwan’s lips. He was just about to pry deeper when Seungcheol’s voice interrupted their ‘secret’ conversation.

“Kids, stop gossiping about my love life and get some rest. We won’t be reaching too soon.”

“AH HAH so you do admit that Jihoon-hyung is somewhere in or part of your love life eh?” Seungkwan quickly retorted with a smug grin on his face. Chan mirrored his expression, feeling a lil excited about what Seungcheol was going to reply.

“I’m not answering that. Drop the topic or I’m kicking you out of the truck.” Seungcheol just laughed at the youngers’ dejected looks.





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seems like fun hahah
Autumnautumn #2
Chapter 2: Whakaka 'stop gosiping about my love life...'
Chapter 2: Cheol pls xD
Levi1314 #4
Chapter 1: Super adorable, I can sense the OT13 vibe and I like it. Great job, author-nim!