SHHs and Where's Jeonghan?

A (Bad) Guide to Camping

Chapter 1: SHHs and Where's Jeonghan?


“We’re finally going caaaaaaamping!” Soonyoung shouted way too loud for a chilly autumn Wednesday morning at 12AM.

“Shut up Soonyoung, or I’ll lock you out of the truck.” The blonde (half-asleep) fairy warned from side.

Why were the 13 members of the Camping Club up at 12AM next to two trucks, you ask? WELL, that’s because they were preparing to set off for their ‘Bid Exams Sayonara Trip’, or as Seungkwan liked to call it, BEST Camping Trip (he was proud of the acronym he came up with). This was a way for the camping club to celebrate the end of their exams and camp out while the weather was just the right kind of chilly, and not the freeze your off kind of chilly.  

They had planned to set off at 12AM and reach their camping site at about 3AM, get some sleep, wake up well rested and begin their exciting adventures in the woods. HOWEVER, due to amazing planning and great amounts of cooperation, they were running behind schedule. But what’s new, right?

Simply put, it seemed like chaos outside Mingyu’s apartment as they had to stop by to collect their camping equipment that they had stored there. Seungkwan was KINDA excited, just kinda, and singing at the top of his voice, while constantly being shushed by Minghao cause some people ACTUALLY sleep at 12AM. Seokmin and Soonyoung were, to Minghao’s exasperation, laughing along with Seungkwan which only encouraged him to sing EVEN louder (if that was even possible). Mingyu and Jisoo were slightly frantic, trying to get all the equipment out of the apartment as quick as they could to get back on schedule (though they probably know that’s not going to happen). Chan and Seungcheol were busy loading the stuff into the back of the two trucks that were parked outside. Jun was standing around the apartment with the usual cheeky grin on his face, trying to be helpful with the chaotic situation. Wonwoo was lying on Mingyu’s couch, simply watching what everyone was doing. Vernon was just standing by the trucks, hands in his jacket pockets, laughing at the mess in front of his eyes.

“Hey, where’s Jeonghan-hyung??” Seungkwan shouted to everyone when he realised that the long haired boy was nowhere in sight.

“SHHHHHH. Seungkwan look it’s getting late and you’re getting too loud, so lower your volume before I kill myself, or you, whichever comes first.” The small blonde haired boy hissed from across, throwing a small glare towards the diva.

“Jihoon-hyung doesn’t have the best relationship with the outdoors nor sunlight, I wonder what possessed him to agree to come along for the camping trip.” Chan whispered into Seungkwan’s ear just as he finished loading a few tents into the truck.

“Three words, my sweet Chan, Seung. Cheol. Hyung. I don’t know what kind of black magic he used to get Jihoon out of his room and here but he somehow succeeded. And seeing how Jihoon-hyung is currently groggy and sleepy, I’m not going to question any further, and so should you.”



At 1AM and officially an hour behind time, they finally finished loading all (or so they thought) the required camping stuff into the trucks.

“FINALLY! Let’s go! I’m so excited!” Soonyoung was bouncing excitedly on his feet next to Seokmin, who mirrored his overly excited grin and half-present eyes.

“Okay kids, hurry get into the trucks if you want to start the camping journey! Jisoo and I will be driving the trucks so get settled in, buckle up and leggo!” Seungcheol said as he wiped his forehead, small beads of sweat dripping down from the hard work of transporting equipment into the vehicles. Out of nowhere, a neatly folded napkin presented itself in front of his face. Seungcheol’s eyes followed the hand on the napkin, only to lead to the small blonde male who was trying to avoid eye contact.

“Use this.” The smaller male said. Seungcheol, who had just about the biggest grin anyone could have on their faces, gladly took the napkin out of Jihoon’s hand, deliberately brushing his fingers across the younger’s.

“Thanks Jihoonie!” Seungcheol wiped off his sweat and proceeded to get into the driver’s seat of truck 1, while JIhoon naturally claimed shotgun.

Just as things were getting quiet, a loud noise, from an unexpected person, gained everyone’s attention.

“GUYS WHERE’S JEONGHAN??” Shouted Jisoo from the apartment.

“He’s not sleeping on the couch! Oh no did we lose him even before the camping trip??? Oh my god oh my god what do we do???”

“Hyung! You can’t say ‘oh my god’.” Vernon exclaimed.

“Shut up Vernon.” Scowled Seungkwan.

After panicking a little and searching Mingyu’s apartment, a tired voice came from the backseat of one of the trucks.

“Hey guys, Jeonghan-hyung is here, sleeping...” Wonwoo yawned and pointed to a lifeless body next to him, that seemed to resemble a certain Yoon Jeonghan.

Everyone was quiet for a moment (which is very rare, trust me), before a big sigh of relief was heard from Jisoo and a few ‘we should have expected that’s from the other members.

Everyone piled into the trucks and before anything, Seungcheol shouted, “Okay headcount! ONE.”

Two was silent, cause, well, Jeonghan was dead.












And with that, the Camping Club set off for their first ever camping trip!






A/N: Thanks agin for reading^^ Sorry if there are spelling/grammar mistakes. No time to really re-read through );






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seems like fun hahah
Autumnautumn #2
Chapter 2: Whakaka 'stop gosiping about my love life...'
Chapter 2: Cheol pls xD
Levi1314 #4
Chapter 1: Super adorable, I can sense the OT13 vibe and I like it. Great job, author-nim!