DAY 21: They fight/argue

너와 함께 [30 day otp challenge]

 There are days that are just bad. Nothing really must happen, you just have a bad mood and everything makes you hate the world. Even the smallest action that didn’t go how you wanted it to go can make you snap. Especially if you have short patience. And, unfortunately, Lee Jihoon was one of those people.

He woke up in a bad mood, and everything made it even worse. The weather. Ambulances, firetrucks, motorcycles, everything that made more noise than a regular car. And, of course, Mingyu.

Because he just had to put the laundry on wrong settings and now some of Jihoon’s best clothes were ruined.

“Why can’t you do anything properly?!” He asked him angrily.


“Yes! You always do some stupid !”

“Oh well, I’m sorry Mr. Perfection, I didn’t notice that you are the only person in this universe that can’t be wrong sometimes.”

“You try to turn it around? Make everything about me?” He was at the verge of screaming. “Fine, if you’re so smart, fine!”

“I’ve never said that, Jihoon.”

“So now you’re implying I can’t understand what do you mean?”


“Really, that’s fine,” the boy groaned. If he was a character in a cartoon, there would be black smoke above his head. “Take care of that.” He threw his clothes at Mingyu. “I don’t want to even think how much of my money just got wasted,” he stated and left for the bedroom where he locked himself up. He had to write an essay anyway, so why not now.

But he couldn’t concentrate. All he was thinking about was what he should tell Mingyu – initially. But the more time passed, the more he thought of things he shouldn’t had said. That was driving him crazy.

After about one hour and a half he gave up on the essay (he’s written only one short paragraph anyway) and went to the kitchen to find some snack. He found some chips in one of the cabinets, but unfortunately, it was placed too high. Normally, he would just ask Mingyu but now-

He couldn’t even think too much, looking up at the shelf, because his boyfriend magically appeared behind him and reached for the snack. He placed it on the counter in front of Jihoon.

“You want coffee?” He asked quietly, pouring water into an electric kettle.

“Yeah,” the older answered in the same manner.

They ended up together in the kitchen, sitting by the table, both with their laptops and notes from classes, mugs of steaming coffee on their sides, bag of chips ripped open between them.

At first, they didn’t talk. Then, started with some complaining about their studies. And slowly started behaving like nothing happened earlier.

Jihoon wasn’t very good with his feelings. Apologizing wasn’t his forte too. But Mingyu knew him – and by just simple actions, like washing the dishes or feeding the cat without complaining, Jihoon was implying he was sorry. And Mingyu understood.

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[160925] added a list of all drabbles in chronological order to the foreword!


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DinaJung #1
i loooovvvvveeeee this storyy ♡ especially the last chapter. i wasnt a fan of jigyu but after reading this i just feel like to ship them XD
wrenoblese #2
Chapter 30: LOVE THIS SO MUCHIE ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 30: finally done reading this. and tbh, among all au (the main n the extra one), i really love this last chapter. huhu
well, it describes jigyu the best. a puppy and a kitty, bicker but care. hehehe
thanks for doing this and sharing it with us ^^
minhoshawols #4
as a hardcore jigyu shipper, i really appreciate your hardwork in doing this challenge. i read this at ao3 first, tho. just wanna tell u that this is probably the best oneshot collection of jigyu everything is so perfect T.T
fg #5
Chapter 30: Waaah this is heaven. I like all jigyu's drabbles. Good job author-nim. Please write more stories about them and spread the love of jigyu
cutehansol #6
Chapter 30: omg i loved the whole thing !!! keep up the good work~
Nadiaamelia #7
Chapter 29: Please write more about jigyu.... I'm so in love with ship and there's too little jigyu fic i find
Chapter 24: Me: oh yey you updated
Me: wait didnt you say that you were writing smu--
Me: *ded* O<-<
Yuni-Kim #9
Chapter 19: So. Hello author-nim. I'm leaving a comment after I read all your beautiful drabbles like 5 times? But well I just wanted to tell you that I love Jigyu it's like the couple of my life and I'm just totally in love with your writing style and everything.

And I would like to see you writing a fanfic about those two. Something like school maybe? It would be damn great because there are not many fics out there which have many chapters or are good written but please don't stop writing the couple of my life. thank you! ♡