DAY 19: Gaming together

너와 함께 [30 day otp challenge]

a/n: -ish?

 “Bull!” Jihoon exclaimed as he lost yet another match. Mingyu smiled at hm triumphantly.

“Just admit I’m better at Fifa. And basically any other game.”

The older just snorted and got up. He knew he was bad. His friends even joked he can lose ‘The game of life’.

(“How the you lose game of life?” Jihoon asked.

“You die,” Seungkwan answered simply.

“Wow, that was deep,” Soongyoung said and they high-fived. Jihoon left the room.)

But he was too proud, and he wanted to prove Mingyu that yes, there is a game he can win. So he digged in the closet and brought back a big box.

“Monopoly?” Mingyu asked when he set it on the table.

“Yes. I will make you go bankrupt.”

The younger smiled mischeviously.

“Is this a bet?”

“It can be.” He took his hand. “What do you wanna bet?”

Mingyu pretended to hesitate for a while, but Jihoon could see he had already an answer in his mind.

“The one who wins...” He made a pause to made it more dramatic. “Gets to top tonight.”

Jihoon chukled, but shook his hand anyway.



At three am, Jihoon finally won.

“I told you so,” he said and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. He was too tired to even pack the game back to the box, he didn’t even want to think about ing Mingyu. “But can we like, postpone the to tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” Mingyu groaned. His eyes weren’t even open and he was laying on the floor. “But do you mean tomorrow like thursday or tomorrow like today like wednesday?”

Jihoon suddenly felt a pang in his chest and it wasn’t nice. It was horrible. He wanted to die.

“It’s wednesday already?”

“Uh, it’s after midnight so I guess yeah.”

“I have an exam today.”

“Good luck, you’ll ace it like always.”

“No, you don’t understand, I was meant to study but I didn’t because of this stupid game.”

Mingyu shrugged and muffled a yawn.

“That was your idea. So, what you’re going to do?”

“Sleep. And go there and fail it.” Jihoon got up to go to the bedroom.

“Okay. Hey, carry me to bed?” The younger extended his hands in the direction of his boyfriend. Jihoon just kicked him lightly in the shoulder.

“Carry yourself.” He left and took his clothes off. He was too tired to change into pajamas so he just went to bed only in his underwear. After a while he heard Mingyu going into the room too. “But the has to be ing good to compensate me for this.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Mingyu said and collapsed on the bed beside him. They immediately fell asleep.

(The next day they did have , and it was one of the best. Jihoon considered failing another exam if it was the condition of getting laid that good, but he didn’t tell Mingyu. It was a bad idea.

He had to find something else.)

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[160925] added a list of all drabbles in chronological order to the foreword!


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DinaJung #1
i loooovvvvveeeee this storyy ♡ especially the last chapter. i wasnt a fan of jigyu but after reading this i just feel like to ship them XD
wrenoblese #2
Chapter 30: LOVE THIS SO MUCHIE ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 30: finally done reading this. and tbh, among all au (the main n the extra one), i really love this last chapter. huhu
well, it describes jigyu the best. a puppy and a kitty, bicker but care. hehehe
thanks for doing this and sharing it with us ^^
minhoshawols #4
as a hardcore jigyu shipper, i really appreciate your hardwork in doing this challenge. i read this at ao3 first, tho. just wanna tell u that this is probably the best oneshot collection of jigyu everything is so perfect T.T
fg #5
Chapter 30: Waaah this is heaven. I like all jigyu's drabbles. Good job author-nim. Please write more stories about them and spread the love of jigyu
cutehansol #6
Chapter 30: omg i loved the whole thing !!! keep up the good work~
Nadiaamelia #7
Chapter 29: Please write more about jigyu.... I'm so in love with ship and there's too little jigyu fic i find
Chapter 24: Me: oh yey you updated
Me: wait didnt you say that you were writing smu--
Me: *ded* O<-<
Yuni-Kim #9
Chapter 19: So. Hello author-nim. I'm leaving a comment after I read all your beautiful drabbles like 5 times? But well I just wanted to tell you that I love Jigyu it's like the couple of my life and I'm just totally in love with your writing style and everything.

And I would like to see you writing a fanfic about those two. Something like school maybe? It would be damn great because there are not many fics out there which have many chapters or are good written but please don't stop writing the couple of my life. thank you! ♡