When Bambam’s twin sister dates Jackson

Armless Ambidextrian's Scenarios

Idol: Jackson [GOT7]


“You need to stop wearing my clothes for God’s sake, Tasha!” Bambam shrieked when he noticed you coming out of his room in his favorite shirt and jacket.


“I didn’t spend time in the same womb with you for 9 months for you to be selfish. I shared with you my nutrients without which I could have died. Have you ever thought about that, huh?” you fought back and he sighed complaining about how you always used the same comeback every time but truly he could not do anything to get you out of his clothes.


“Don’t worry, Bam, she wears my clothes too if that makes you feel better.” Jackson joined in the conversation as he got out of the kitchen.


“I don’t want to know that. And can you both stop kissing around me. It makes me very uncomfortable.” Bambam whined and covered his eyes with his hands at the sight of Jackson holding and kissing you.


“You should not be facing discomfort when there is love all around.” Jackson replied cheekily and Bambam imitated puking actions and you decidedly went out with Jackson to leave your twin to his own devices.


Bambam never understood how his best friend could have fallen in love with you who acts like such a boy and who looks like him. You’ve known Jackson just as long as Bambam did and initially all of you were just friends, but in time, no one could deny the feelings that came up. Sure you acted like a boy, never once wore a skirt other than the one school forces you to wear but when a boy like Jackson comes along acting like the sweetheart he is for you, there is no way in hell you could refuse that. There was never a boy who came up to you asking for a little piece of your heart, whatever small part you could give him but Jackson did and he asked so kindly in exchange for the biggest part he had to give. He loved you fiercely and you did just as much.


“Where do you wanna go?” he asked and you shrugged asking if riding your skateboards sounds okay to which he happily agreed.


“Did you ask me out so you could do stuff you do with Bambam just with someone who looks exactly like him but just with girl parts?” you asked him sarcastically to which he took into offense that maybe you felt upset and held you to a halt.


“I asked you out because I felt for you what I never felt for anyone else despite you looking like Bambam. Looking like that monkey doesn’t make it a plus that I do love you but I do love how you look though,” he tried to fix what he said and you laughed, “You get what I mean right? I mean you’re beautiful I love your face really I do! Bambam looks like a monkey but you? You look like an angel!”


“Stop that, I’m not going to eat you up for saying that and I was only kidding, relax!” you answered between your giggles and he reached out for your face and planted a kiss on your lips.


“I really do love you, doesn’t matter how you look to me.” he concluded and you hugged him warmly in return.

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