CH 7 - Kyuhyun


His parents' company is one of the biggest cellular phone company in Asia. His parents are so busy taking care of the business and they have been working and traveling non-stop ever since he can remember. Her mother's sister, Changmin's mom, takes pity on him he guesses, that was why he was always invited in their home or sometimes she lets Changmin sleep-over, that was why he can really say that they grew up together.

It's ironic, actually, that their main business was cellular phones, a medium of communication, but there isn't much communication extended by his parents to him. He grew up not being whiny about getting affection from people because he doesn't get any from his parents. They even once had a full month of not talking to each other. Not even one call. No, he wasn't fighting with his mom and dad. Did he make a big deal out of it? Nope. He just thought that maybe his parents must have that busy. Maybe they didn't have anything to say to him anyway, so why would they call him up. Maybe they forgot they had a son. That's a possibility. Did it bother him? Sure. Did it hurt? Not really. It's bound to happen. 
Maybe that was why he isn't that type of person who shows affection. It weirds him out. But that doesn't mean that he hates getting some from other people, right? He doesn't have it that much but it doesn't mean that he hates getting affection and attention. His aunts and cousins sure give him attention. And he's never short of girls and guys giving him attention (he is pretty good-looking, and he knows it).
Then there's Sungmin. It wasn't a good start with him. He wasn't keen in having a serious relationship. He didn't think he was ready for it at all. He is  the type of person who doesn't show care that much because 99% of the time, he really just doesn't care. But Sungmin was steadfast. He gave them a chance eventually. He was like his ideal type anyway. Who would think that they'll be nearing 2 years now?
He was honest about all these from the start. Maybe that was why Sungmin has always been understanding and patient with him. He forgets their dates. He spends more time in the computer. He doesn't initiate for them to mee up (especially last year when Sungmin went to college and he stayed as a senior in highschool). Their relationship was all Sugmin's work, really. He doesn't put much effort and he knows it. If Sungmin wakes up 1 day and breaks up with him, he'd actually understand. He was guilty for not showing that he cares for Sungmin too. After all of Sungmin's showering of affection towards him, he is bound to be attached to the person too of course. He just wasn't that "sweet type". 
But forgetting his birthday is just beyond the line. He himself is a bit disgusted with this fact. How can he not remember?! He has a really sharp memory. This explains why he doesn't study as hard as others but still manages to get As.
He looked for a gift but he doesn't really know what to get him. When he passed by one of their outlet stores, he immediately remembered the guy in school who wanted to punch him. He shivered at the thought. Sheesh, a black eye wouldn't go well with his handsome face.
He went inside the store. He called up one of his mother's assistant and said that he wants 2 units of their latest model. The message was related to the store he was in, and just moments later, the manager came to his side, showed him to the office, and asked him to wait as they prepare the 2 units he asked for. 
As he sit in the couch, he took a very small notebook from his bag and opened it. Kim Jongwoon was the name written on it. He remembered how weird it was to realize that this must be the same Jongwoon who he thought looked like Sungmin. When he saw the notebook laying on the ground, he took it, opened it and saw the name on the first page.  He remembered what Changmin told him during lunch, and lo and behold, when he looked at him walking away, he does indeed looked like his boyfriend. They have the same stance, height and bodily proportion.
He decided he'll just return this small notebook at the same time that he'll give the cellphone.
He chuckled when he realized that the very small notebook was perfect for "Jongwoon's" very small hands.
• • •
It isn't really bad is it? For him to give Sungmin a cellphone as birthday gift? He was tired of walking looking for something which isn't clear on his mind anyway, and has to go back to achool for his class. That's why he decided to get 2 units. 1 to cover for the one which flew to the pond. The other for his boyfriend's birthday. He booked for a dinner in a fancy restaurant too, that should cover it right?
After his class, he saw that Sungmin was already waiting. He made the birthday boy wait. He can really be an sometimes. Ok, most of the time. They drove off to the heart of the city after they quickly changed from their uniforms (Sungmin already bringing with him a set of clothings) and around 7 PM, they arrived at the restaurant and had dinner. 
When desserts came, a small cake with a candle and a greeting was given to Sungmin, courtesy of Kyuhyun. Sungmin broke out to a smile and kissed Kyuhyun. He looked happy and contented. 
Just before they went home, Kyuhyun gave his gift. When Sungmin opened it, it seemed like he was slightly confused. Kyuhyun felt like it was a bad gift.
"Didn't you like it? I could get you another one --"
"No it's fine Kyu... I was just a bit... Shocked" He chuckled a little. "You don't like texting and calling... You hate using your phone but you give me one?" Sungmin was smiling while saying this. Alright good, Kyuhyun thought. His gift wasn't bad. He doesn't want to go to the mall and wreck his brain trying to figure out what to get as a gift again. 
"It's not like I hate using phones ok... I just... It's, you know, a lot of hassle."
"What are you saying? Haha... It makes everything easier! Omg is this a latest unit? The one that was released just a week ago?"
"Yeah the manager said that. So you like it right?"
"Sure! Well, this is cheesy but whatever you give me actually, I'd like it anyway. Because it is from you"
Kyuhyun made a face, jokingly, "I'll let that pass because it's your birthday" And they laughed.
By the time they arrived at Kyuhyun's place, Sungmin asked meekly if he can stay for the night. Kyuhyun asked about his clothes and uniform but Sungmin said he can just borrow from him stuff to wear for the night and his uniform now be just washed clean to be used the next day.
"You really thought this through already huh?" Kyuhyun teased. 
"What if I did?" Sungmin moved towards him, hands slowly moving southwards of Kyuhyun's body. Hey hey hey, Kyuhyun thought, he never wanted this relationship in the first place but this is definitely one of the reasons why he is still here. The birthday boy seems . Who is he to say no?  
(End of CH)

A gift to KyuMin shippers who have subscribed. :D

to be honest I am not a huge fan of the pairing. I ship YeMin more than KyuMin, oh good lerd... You guys might be mad at me now. Lol. But here it is, so much KyuMin for this chapter. Enjoy ~


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Heyyy. I made slight edits. And added some stuff too waaah sorry


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tessa24 #1
Chapter 25: hello authornim do you still have plans to continue this amazing fic,,,its such a nice and we haven't reach the main point yet,,,pleaseeeee comeback

happy 17year anniversary to suju
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 25: No No Noooooooo!!!! This awesome story simply cannot be abandoned!!!! Authornim, my Kyusung heart is so needy... I'm begging, pleading, beseeching you, to please return and bring closure to this fantastic fic. <3
AuperJ #3
Chapter 25: This is 3 years author-nim TvT
392 streak #4
Chapter 25: I need some update~~~~ T^T Where are you author-nim~ You said about Sungmin's POV T^T
392 streak #5
Chapter 6: I knew I read this before years ago, but seems like I just forgot or lost or something so I just gonna reread this~ <3
sheen1614 #6
Chapter 25: Awww.. it actually looks like a promising plot but your last update was years ago. Not sure if you’ll ever return to this and if you’ll ever read this comment. I think you’re good at thinking plots and writing banters between characters. You’re able to bring their personality well... as for the overall story development, I see quite a number of subplots that could easily derail one from the main plot. If you’re not careful, even you as a writer can get lost or confused.

Thank you for what you’ve written thus far. You left room for a lot of imagination for the readers on how this story will unfold. :)
PathxX #7
Chapter 25: Still waiting for an update >.<
I hope you find your motivation to write ~
For now, I'm going to reread this because I swear, this story is really good (plus you write well) <3
[And like you, I'm a yewonxkyusung trash + abline sibling relationship XD]
Chapter 25: Omooo i hope you update this soon XC
Chapter 2: Omoooo I'm so loving abline siblings relationship!!!! I'm crazy for overprotective heenim towards yeye XD
Chapter 25: Please update ~~~~I love~ this story ~