CH 25 - Jongwoon's POV


He wanted to see Siwon too, as they haven't seen each other for months. The thing was that he already promised Donghae that they will be meeting up. Donghae already asked if he was available days beforehand and at that time he was, and so they set that day to meet. Donghae was very excited saying that he has to tell him something important. Something that he doesn't want to just tell him in passing at school. Jongwoon received a message from Donghae everyday asking him if he was still going, and of course he'd reply yes. It was Thursday night when Donghae told him through text that he was sad that Heechul backed out. Jongwoon didn't even know his brother was invited to come too. How important was whatever he'll tell them, he wondered.

Heechul said that something important came up so he had to cancel with Donghae. The older told him not to worry, and that he will just meet Donghae later on to make it up to him.

That was why he told Siwon that he really cannot cancel on his meeting with Donghae. The kid has been planning on that for days and he knows that he'll be really sad if another one cancelled on him.

By 11:45 AM that Sunday, he arrived at the arcade where they were supposed to meet. Donghae replied that they were already coming. 'They? Who's with him?'

He walked and looked around, and then saw a familiar face. It was Kyuhyun, with that look of concentration while he was playing a computer game. He looked around to see if Sungmin was there too, but it seemed like the younger was alone.

He went over and stayed behind him, just looking over the screen. He didn't want to disturb him. When that round ended, Kyuhyun just knew of hise presence after the game.


"Hey you back" Jongwoon said with a smile. "Who are you with?"

"I'm waiting for Donghae" Kyuhyun replied as he turned fully to face the other. There was still one match remaining but he didn't play it anymore.

"I'll be meeting Hae too!'

"Really? I wonder what's this about. I kept asking but he didn't tell me why he needed to meet me today"

"Same... I just let him be though. But my hyung cannot come"

"Changmin too"

"Hmmm now I'm too curious why he wanted to see the four of us"

"Woonie-hyuuuung!" Hae's voice came.

"Hae-ah!" He called back as the new comer got nearer. New comers, actually. There was a shy-looking Eunhyuk behind Donghae. 'Yeah I'm pretty sure that is Lee Eunhyuk', he thought.

"Thanks for being here hyung! You too Kyu"

"Yeah, so... what's the deal? And why are you here too?" Kyuhyu bluntly said, referring to Eunhyuk. Jongwoon looked at him still surprised with that (eventhough the knows Kyuhyun is really capable of being that rude). Kyuhyun just shrugged at him.

"Good noon" Eunhyuk said as he made a stop in front of them, with a slight bow.

"Oh hyung, this is Hyukkie, I mean Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk, this is Jongwoon-hyung"

"We've been introduced before I think" Jongwoon said, smiling at the other guy. Eunhyuk took this well and smiled back.

"I'm glad you remembered me Jongwoon-ssi."

"I told you, Woonie-hyung is so nice right?"

"Yah, what's that supposed to mean?" Kyuhyun intervened. "I'm nice too"

"Yeah right" Eunhyuk answered back.

"Also, Donghae kept on mentioning you to me ---" Jongwoon started, but Donghae cut him off.


"What? It's true", He said innocently, although he was enjoying the blush coming from both Donghae and Eunhyuk.

"Ughh I knew something was ---" But Kyuhyun was cut off again by Donghae, "Anyway, before anything else!" He said enthusiastically. "Let's eat first. I already ordered beforehand in this restaurant upstairs. It's my treat!"

"Whoa! That's new" Kyuhyun said.

"Hae-ah, I'm the hyung I should treat you guys"

"No hyung, I am the one who invited you guys. So c'mon!"

Lunch was awkward at first. Probably because Eunhyuk wasn't very comfortable with him yet. He can feel that Eunhyuk was an outgoing person. Later, he felt him ease up and the atmosphere became lighter. When they were finished eating but before getting the bill, Donghae cleared up his throat. "Uhhh Kyu, Woonie-hyung. The reason that I asked you guys, together with Chwang and Heechul-hyung here, was to uhmm" Donghae and Eunhyuk looked at each other, "Uhhh... to make you guys meet formally my boyfriend"

It was Kyuhyun and Jongwoon's time to look at each other. Kyuhyun laughed hard right after and Jongwoon chuckled as well. He saw Donghae's confused look and Eunhyuk just shrugging, also laughing a bit together with the 2.

"Yah, what's so funny?"

"Sorry Hae-ah... uhmm we just ---"

"Was that why you have to make this meet-up and all? We kind of already know there's something between you 2! You're so obvious!" Kyuhyun said, still not done with his laughter.

"Well... Well I just want to..."

"He just wanted to really tell you guys himself. You guys are important to him and he really wants you guys to know" Eunhyuk said, helping out his flustered boyfriend.

'Aww... that's so sweet. He really does think of me and Heebongie as family.' Jongwoon thought upon hearing Eunhyuk say that.

"Sorry for laughing Hae-ah... I understand. And I am so grateful for telling me this. I love the fact that you really went out your way so that you can tell me... well, us... this very important thing in your life. You're already my baby brother after all."

Donghae smiled at him sweetly.

"This is still super funny", Kyuhyun muttered.

"Anyway... uhmm... you are the only ones we've told. And we won't be telling anybody else because..."

"My parents don't know that I'm gay" Eunhyuk said, his head bowed down. That was the time when all the laughter in Kyuhyun's face subsided. Jongwoon and Kyuhyun looked at each other again. Mutual understanding was there. They both wanted to comfort the couple.

"Hey... it's fine. We'll keep your secret."

"We will. But lessen your PDA at school if you don't want to be rumoured. Seriously. You guys are too obvious" Kyuhyun added, to which the couple nodded.

"If you don't mind me asking, will you be telling your parents soon though?" Jongwoon asked. All 3 are now looking expectantly at Eunhyuk.

"It's... it's so difficult. My dad's very conservative. I don't think he'll understand. Maybe my mother will, but I afraid...." Eunhyuk said, with a voice so low. "My dad's strict and conservative and... Anyway. Yeah." Eunhyuk faced Donghae. "Who knows though? I'm just building up the courage. I want my parents to know who I really am. And who I am in love with"

Jongwoon didn't realize his eyes were welling up. He realized that he was in the same situation as them.

"Don't push it though. Some things need time. Just enjoy being together first I guess" Kyuhyun's voice said. "Donghae understands your situation anyway, right?"

"Yes I do! I really do. I am not telling him to come out or anything" Donghae told his cousin. "Jongwoon-hyung? Are you ok?"

"Yes yes, haha I'm good!" He said with an overcompensating enthusiasm in his voice. "I just am touched with you guys. And Eunhyuk-ssi, it's fine if you still can't tell anyone else. I know that it's difficult to explain yourself and your preferences to others" (Donghae earlier insisted that he call him Eunhyuk instead of his last name)

"Are you also ---"

"Ahh no. My hyung knows I'm not straight. And he loves me the same. I mean, uhmm, I just know a person in the same situation as you". He then felt Kyuhyun's gaze at him. 'Wait... does he know this about Siwon? He probably inferred already.'

"Who is it hyung?" Donghae said, curious.

"Umm, you don't know him", he told the younger one, with a smile.

💙 💙 💙

After lunch they strolled leisurely. Kyuhyun asked him what's wrong. He told hims thaglt he was a bit guilty because Hae told him about his relationship but he was hiding his from him and even to his real brother. Kyuhyun comforted him by saying that they will probably understand his reasons later when he will be more ready to tell them.

💙 💙 💙

Kyuhyun and Jongwoon went together with Eunhyuk and Donghae to play games in the arcade, walk around the mall and later joined in the festivities which were happening on the Mall grounds. They 2 decided that they can go with the couple as they have their public 'date' so that if ever they will be seen by other people especially from school, it wouldn't be so weird. Just 4 friends hanging out together.

It meant playing certain computer games 2 versus 2, with Kyuhyun and Jongwoon in 1 team and the couple in another. Jongwoon realized that what Kyuhyun told him about being competitive was really true. Jongwoon himself was competitive but Kyuhyun was of another level. He could have found it annoying but he found it adorable instead. He would just laugh when Kyuhyun would tell him off and scold him, like he wasn't older than him. When he played a fighting game similar to what Kyuhyun was playing when he saw him earlier, the younger got really frustrated at him, making the EunHae couple laugh.

At the end, Kyuhyun went directly behind him, hands holding on to Jongwoon's hands which was in the game controller and buttons. It distracted Jongwoon so much when he realized that Kyuhyun's chest was stuck in his back. The hair in his nape stood up when Kyuhyun's voice came in directly to his right ear. The game ended.

"Yah! How could you have lost?!"

Jongwoon then elbowed Kyuhyun, as revenge for talking like that to him, and more importantly to get away from such close contact between them.

"I don't like playing computer games ok! And now I don't want you as my partner anymore, you annoy me so much. Let's switch!" Jongwoon took Donghae's hand, "Hae come with me"

The couple still laughed at their bickering.

"Stop laughing you monkey!" Kyuhyun said to Eunhyuk.

Donghae and Jongwoon won in the basketball game and dance pad. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun won in another round of computer games.

When they went on the groundfloor, they saw that there was a thick mass of people because of some festivities. There were a lot of mini-stages for games and booths for different activities.

Eunhyuk and Donghae joined a contest to be entered between 2 people. It needed more players so he 2 kept on motioning for Jongwoon and Kyuhyun. The latter was acting like he didn't know them. Jongwoon however later on decided to just join.

"You sure?"

"Why the hell would I make fun of myself in front of a lot of people"

"Ughh you're no fun", Jongwoon said, walking towards the mini-stage where Donghae and Eunhyuk was. He was stopped in his tracks when a guy taller than him came beside him and told him that he'll just partner up with him if he doesn't have anyone. He didn't know how to respond. The guy was going to hold his hand when someone else beat him to it.

"No need. He's with me"

Kyuhyun then dragged him in front. The host then went on to explain the rules. They had to win a number of games until they come to the end.

The first game was for all pairs which will get more than 10 of 15 songs that will be played. Kyuhyun and Jongwoon got the highest score because of the latter.

"I didn't expect you to know those rock and r&b songs"

"What, have I been living under a rock?" He told Kyuhyun, smiling. Kyuhun truly seemed surprised that he knew the titles and artists of certain rock songs.

"I don't know... you don't seem like the type to listen to rock songs"

"Well... I do. Depending on my mood. I actually listen to any genre, to be honest."

"Even trot?"

"Especially trot music! I love that! Hahaha"

In another game where the 2 was winning again, Donghae was not able to stop himself from asking the 2 to stop being serious with the games because they wanted to win it.

"It's your fault. We didn't want to join, but you kept on pushing us" Kyuhyun said, dismissing Donghae's whining.


"It's ok Hae. You'll win don't worry"

"No they won't!"

"Yes we will!" Eunhyuk said playfully. "I'm watching you", he said as he was pointing Kyuhyun with his index and middle finger, and then his own eyes, and then back to Kyuhyun.

The host found them funny as they were competing like they will win gold medals. In the end, it was just between the 2 pairs. The last game was paper-dance. They were given pieces of paper each pair and when the music stops, the 2 has to step on the paper and stay there until the host says so. And they have to fold up the paper further until it becomes smaller and smaller.

It came to a point where the paper was too small. Kyuhyun stepped on it with his right foot, Jongwoon also only with his right foot, and they fronting each other because it will take more space if their position isn't like that. Heat rose up to Jongwoon's face because of the close proximity. He wondered if it was the same for the other. He was hoping that Kyuhyun wasn't looking at him because he knew that his cheeks can blush madly. But if his instincts were correct, Kyuhyun was actually looking at him. Good thing Kyuhyun wasn't saying anything.

He tried taking off their position in his mind. 'Why is the host still not ending this?!' he thought. He had looked away because he was becoming more conscious with how close their faces are with each other, his nose on the same level as Kyuhyun's lips.

"Success! Ok, fold it again!" The host called out.

Only a foot now can be placed inside the folded paper. They were thinking of how to do it, Jongwoon still not looking at Kyuhyun.

"We may have a winner now, hehe" said the host.

They checked the other pair and saw that they already have a comfortable piggyback position, Donghae on Eunhyuk's back. When the music stopped, Kyuhyun quickly stepped on the paper and took hold of Jongwoon.

"Step on my foot!"

Jongwoon did but Kyuhyun holding his waist to make him stay still was what surprised him. His hands were the only thing between their bodies. Jongwoon can hear fast heartbeats but he doesn't even recognize if it was his or Kyuhyun's. 'Why would Kyuhyun's heart beat that quickly though?' He told himself. 'But why would mine too?'

Unfortunately, or fortunately, however they look at it, they lost their balance and the EunHae couple won. They got gift certificates in a food place as prize.

After that, they went on for snacks. Eunhyuk and Donghae ordered first. Kyuhyun got Cookies-And-Cream icecream. Jongwoon apparently wanted that too but Kyuhyun's was the last of that.

"Oh but hyung! Cookies-And-Cream is your favorite!"

"It's ok Hae-ah"

"Here, I haven't eaten it yet" Kyuhyun said as he held the huge cone in front of him. That was the first time he looked at Kyuhyun's eyes again after that pairing game. "Take it"

"No it's fine Kyuhyun. That's yours ---"

"Seriously, take it. I'll just buy another" Kyuhyun said as he took Jongwoon's hand to put the icecream cone there. "Hurry. Before it melts". He then moved towards the counter probably to get himself another. Jongwoon went with him, the icecream cone already in his hand.

"I'll pay for what you're getting"

"No need. That's my treat"

"Why? Here ---"

"Just think of it as my treat for all your help to me as a newbie in the club, alright?" He then held out his own money to pay. "Chocolate please" he said to the man scooping icecreams.

"That doesn't make sense, you've been helping me with my Math so ---"

"Ughh just don't think about it! Just... ok just treat me some other time if it really bothers you"

"Ok" Jongwoon mumbled, taking a bite of the dessert in his hand. He looked at Kyuhyun who was already watching him. "What?"

"What?' Kyuhyun asked back, with a smirk. And he took a bite of his Chocolate icecream too.

"You're being weird." Jongwoon told the other, eyes narrowing. Kyuhyun just chuckled and walked away towards Eunhyuk and Donghae.

💙 💙 💙

It was already 7 o'clock when they decided to call it a day. Donghae asked him to come by their house because his mom prepared dinner. Apparently, he'll introduce Donghae to them now. Jongwoon declined politely. In his mind he doesn't want to intrude in a family meet up. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun went with Donghae. And that's when they parted ways.

As he was driving home, he realized that he was not able to text or call back to Siwon for long period of time that afternoon. He actually didn't think of him.

'This isn't like me at all. I'm always the clingy one. What has changed in me? Should I be worried?', he thought.


(End of CH)



Shout out to @melodyewonkyu!!! I loooove reading your long comments. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Sometimes I think that I cannot surprise you anymore though. You seem to know how my story will unfold! Hahahaha... but please continue telling me what you think. It helps me a lot in my writing, technicality-wise and story-wise ^^

Anyway. To everyone! This is just a short update, but I hope I was able to give you good KyuSung moments. Plus EunHae too! I think this doesn't come as a surprise right? I mean this was already mentioned way back in CH 16, when the AB/Kim brothers and Kyu were in Donghae's house, right? Mehehehe

Til the next update. Mwah mwah


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Heyyy. I made slight edits. And added some stuff too waaah sorry


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tessa24 #1
Chapter 25: hello authornim do you still have plans to continue this amazing fic,,,its such a nice and we haven't reach the main point yet,,,pleaseeeee comeback

happy 17year anniversary to suju
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 25: No No Noooooooo!!!! This awesome story simply cannot be abandoned!!!! Authornim, my Kyusung heart is so needy... I'm begging, pleading, beseeching you, to please return and bring closure to this fantastic fic. <3
AuperJ #3
Chapter 25: This is 3 years author-nim TvT
392 streak #4
Chapter 25: I need some update~~~~ T^T Where are you author-nim~ You said about Sungmin's POV T^T
392 streak #5
Chapter 6: I knew I read this before years ago, but seems like I just forgot or lost or something so I just gonna reread this~ <3
sheen1614 #6
Chapter 25: Awww.. it actually looks like a promising plot but your last update was years ago. Not sure if you’ll ever return to this and if you’ll ever read this comment. I think you’re good at thinking plots and writing banters between characters. You’re able to bring their personality well... as for the overall story development, I see quite a number of subplots that could easily derail one from the main plot. If you’re not careful, even you as a writer can get lost or confused.

Thank you for what you’ve written thus far. You left room for a lot of imagination for the readers on how this story will unfold. :)
PathxX #7
Chapter 25: Still waiting for an update >.<
I hope you find your motivation to write ~
For now, I'm going to reread this because I swear, this story is really good (plus you write well) <3
[And like you, I'm a yewonxkyusung trash + abline sibling relationship XD]
Chapter 25: Omooo i hope you update this soon XC
Chapter 2: Omoooo I'm so loving abline siblings relationship!!!! I'm crazy for overprotective heenim towards yeye XD
Chapter 25: Please update ~~~~I love~ this story ~