CH 18 - Jongwoon


He was on the couch, facing the television, but not really paying attention to the show that's playing in front of him. Several thoughts swam in his mind. It was not until his brother showed up with a plate stacked with pancakes with loads of syrup that got him out of deep thought. The heavenly smell of the said pancakes were tickling his sensation, he was immediately put in a better mood.

"Wow... Where on earth did you get those amazing pieces of heaven at 10 in the evening hyung?!"

"Didn't you hear me in the kitchen, I made them"

Jongwoon rolled his eyes at that. "Please. You never cook"

"Yah! I would if I want to! I just am never in the zone"

"You at it, okay?"

"That was one time. Ughh"

"Anyway..." Helping himself by slicing him a huge chunck of the food, he continued speaking while munching, "where d'you get this? It's late at night. Who serves breakfast now?"

"It's Heenim-powers, you wouldn't understand. The important thing is I got this, and this shall make us happy tonight!" Heechul declared. He then put a heap of pancake in his mouth right after. Jongwoon laughed at his hyung at the sight of him ugly-eating like that. They continued eating the pancakes and talked about random things.

Later, Heechul decided to open up the topic that he wanted to talk to his younger brother about.

"You didn't even heard me go out and come back... tsk tsk... you were so out of it tonight... Are your thoughts about what happened today in your club meeting?"

Jongwoon nearly choked. "W-what? Who told you about that?"

"Aish! When will you ever stop asking how I get things done and how I know things. I just do ok? I am Kim Heechul..."

"Ughhh... gossip really travels fast in that school. It's scary."

"True though" Heechul remarked while pointing his index finger towards his brother.

"You know what... we should make an experiment..."

"...make up some crazy fake stuff and check how fast the other students are going to gossip about it?"

Whoa, Jongwoon thought, it's like his hyung read his mind. "It's like you've read my mind!"

"Great minds think alike"

"Hahahaha I never thought you'd tell to my face that I am at par with your greatness hyung! This is such a great day!"

"Alright alright kid... a precious praise from yours truly... Plus I got you your favorite pancake, what happened earlier? Spill"

"Oh god! This was a bribe!?" Jongwoon exclaimed while finishing that remaining pancakes in the plate. "Nooo! This pancake is a lie!" He kept on talking while munching.

"I am waiting for the story..." His hyung said nonchalantly while handing him a glass of iced tea.

Jongwoon just finished whatever remaining amazingness in his mouth and started to talk again. He'll tell his hyung of course.

"Ok, so remember Hae's cousin?"

"Whoa! He was the one who did that to Ryeowook-ssi?"

Jongwoon eyed his hyung narrowly, he did know the story before talking to him then.

"Yeah well... I know the basics. You, that Ryeowook kid... Meh... It isn't like I'm surprised"

"I just... I still don't believe it hyung"

"Then I have to revoke my praise kid. You are either dense or plain dumb. I don't know why you're my brother ---"

"Heebongieeee!" Jongwoon punched Heechul's arm lightly. But he didn't really say much after. Heechul as well. Jongwoon went back to face the television which was now on mute. Heechul staring at him.

After a few minutes, Jongwoon sighed. He really doesn't know how he'll handle all this.

"What exactly is it that's bothering you?"

"Hmmm... What if he really has feelings for me?"

"You are frustrating, he really does have feelings for you!" Irritation evident in Heechul's voice.

"Okaaay okay fine! But then, what now? What will I do? What is there to do after?" Heechul was nodding while listening to him rant. "I d-don't look at him that w-way. He's my favorite dongsaeng, but that's just it..."

"I'll tell you epic words of wisdom so listen to me carefully" Heechul said, in his classic Heechul-fashion. "Respect his feelings. And by that I mean, to not confront him. If he'll confess to you, then he'll do that. But there's a possibility too that he will never act on his feelings. So try and respect that."

Jongwoon nodded. It made sense.

"Also, try not to get uncomfortable towards him. Poor boy, I'm imagining how he's probably worried now because he is afraid of what you think of him now."

Jongwoon nodded some more. But now, he's also curious as to how Heechul knows just what to say to him. His hyung must really be a genius huh?

"Just... just go back to wherever you are before all this." He looked at Heechul when he said that and saw his serious face. Was he talking from experience?

"Hyung... how do you know all of this? I mean... you're like, dating lots of girls since forever, so how ---"

"I was in Ryeowook-ssi's shoes for a time you know?"

Jongwoon's mouth literally dropped. Kim Heechul? In a one-sided love?

"I was in love with my bestfriend."


"But she was in love with my other bestfriend. And their feelings were mutual." Heechul said with a bitter smile.

Jongwoon realized at that precise moment that his hyung was talking about Taeyeon and Jungsu. What the actual . He was in a mental breakdown. His hyung was in love with Taeyeon-noona? Is he still in love with her now? How is he still friends with Jungsu-hyung? Why is he still hanging out with the couple?

He didn't realize that he was looking at Heechul with a look that Heechul would hate, of course.

"Don't give me that pity-look kid. Ugghhh seriously..."

"But hyung... I'm s-so... sorry... I never knew"

"I didn't want you to know okay? So it's fine. Plus, I'm over all that now." Heechul gave a wink, just to get the message across.

"But... I don't understand. How can you... you are still friends with them..."

"Precisely. I never want them both out of my life. So I chose not to confess. I knew they'll be happy together."

Minutes of silence enveloped the brothers.

"So... there..." Heechul concluded.

The older was sitting in the couch, facing the television, his body moved forward, his knees supporting his elbows. Jongwoon sat sideways to face Heechul and then hugged him.

He didn't care if his hyung did not hug him back. He just wanted to show him his love and affection. He was sad that he never saw Heechul going through those emotions of love and pain. His hyung might have went through that alone. He was not able to talk him when it was happening. He was not able to comfort him when he needed one. He wasn't able to get him his favorite pancakes in the middle of the night to make him feel better. He was not able to embrace him just like how he is embracing him now.

He was thankful that his hyung opened up to him. Serious-Heenim is rare. So he won't let this opportunity pass by without even just a one-way hug.

☁ ☁ ☁

The room was as usual noisy and energetic while waiting for the meeting to start. It's duet exercises, so everyone was doing their last second practices with their duet partners. The room was filled with tension however when Kyuhyun along with Sungmin came by the door and went inside, then Ryeowook coming in just seconds after. It only became normal when Kyuhyun and Ryeowook greeted each other like nothing happened. Jongwoon was relieved when he saw the two interact. One less problem in the world, he thought.

As a tradition, Lee Soo Man will come by again to check on their performances. The said man came in minutes after and so with that, they started. LSM sat with everyone else but he occupied a seat near the front where everyone will sing. Jongwoon took a seat in the far side, but in line with LSM's seat, to be able to assist him easily in case the teacher needs something.

The Jung sisters came first, who sang an emotional piece fit for sisters. Then, Taeyeon and Tiffany, who sang a very lively song, giving off vibrant feels to the room. After the two performances, LSM went and asked Taeyeon and Jessica to sing a line from a song, and right of the bat, they harmonized pretty well. LSM seemed pleased.

Everyone was impressed with LSM's experimentation.

LSM does have good sense of music and vocal expertise, Jongwoon thought.

The next pair was Onew and Luna, who were teased so much by everyone while they were on their way to the front. Onew seemed very pleased. Luna was blushing madly.

After they sang, they got so much applause from their co-members, some even stood up for them. LSM praised the 2 not just for their vocals but also because of the emotions that they showed when they sang. He even added that the 2 can compete for the duet category in this year's National Glee Club Competition. Everyone was pleased.

A number of other duets were performed up until Sungmin and Kyuhyun. They sang an english song called Lucky, with Sungmin playing the guitar.

When the couple finished, LSM said that Kyuhyun sang technically well, but he seemed void of emotions. "Good thing Sungmin compensated for both of you... hmmm... what else, oh, the arrangment? Who did it?"

"I did LSM" Sungmin said with a sweet smile.

"Bravo! Well done! You are really quite talented"

"Thank you!" He replied as he bowed, showing his gratefulness for the praises.

LSM was looking at his notes and then looked up and said thanks to them, which meant that they can go back to their seats. But then he called Kyuhyun to stay in front.

"...and hmmm... Jongwoon?"

"I'm here LSM..." He wondered why he was called.

"Do you know the lyrics to that song from Alladin?"

"Uhh... yes?"

The teacher then turned his head back in front, "How about you Kyuhyun?" The other just nodded.

"Alright, so can you both sing just a line from that song? Maybe start fromt the last chorus"

"Uhh, are you sure, you want me to sing now LSM?" Jongwoon asked with his right hand pointing to himself.

"Why, you don't want to?" LSM . The other members are now laughing silently. Jongwoon might have looked really lost.

"No! Hahaha what I mean is that I haven't sang in today's exercise and ---"

"But I have your voice imprinted in my ears already" The teacher smiled at him warmly, "Go on please. I just want to hear your voices together"

"Oh okay" Jongwoon turned to the guy who is still in front, while he stayed standing up by his own seat. He gestured if he should sing first, and when Kyuhyun nodded, he started to sing. He heard Kyuhyun sang with him later on.

JW: "A whole new world
KH: A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go

JW: Or say we're only dreaming

KH: A whole new world
JW: Every turn a surprise
KH: With new horizons to pursue
JW: Every moment red letter
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare

JW: Anywheere...
KH: There's time to spare
JW: Let me share
KH: This whole new world
With you..."

Jongwoon opened his eyes, and saw Kyuhyun looking back at him. He wondered if the other was looking at him the entire time. 

But another thing that caught his attention was actually the ringing silence in the room. So he took it as a sign to continue and just end the song. And yes, while in a staring contest with his duet partner.

JW: "A whole new world...
KH: A whole new world"

Good. The other sang as well. He was afraid for a split-second that Kyuhyun won't continue the song with him.

JW: "That's where we'll be...
KH: Where we will be
JW: A thrilling chase
KH: A wondrous place"

He didn't know why but he felt like smiling. He smiled at Kyuhyun as they sang the last line.

"For you and me..."

Kyuhyun smiled back.

Then the room erupted with cheers. He saw Ryeowook smiling at him. Youngwoon whistled. Taeyeon was clapping so hard and shouting "Daebak!" over and over. Wendy, his duet partner was beaming and cheering too.

He looked at LSM who seemed pleased as well. Did they really sound good together? That's a relief, he thought. He looked back at his duet partner who was already looking at him. Jongwoon just gave the other a smile with a shrug.

When the noise in the room was subsiding, LSM thanked Kyuhyun. While Kyuhyun was going back to his seat, LSM mentioned how Kyuhyun was able to pick up from what he just told him. LSM was impressed with how Kyuhyun was able to show off emotions, just right after LSM told him about that lack in his ious performance. He further said that he is impressed with the 2 because they sang well without actually practicing beforehand.

"So... hmmm... Just like Onew and Luna, I'll put you 2 on a ready for the duets category, okay? You better practice a song and let's see your progress later..."

After that, the other duet partners came and sang in front, Jongwoon and Wendy included, who sang their version of Spring In Me. LSM was all praises for Wendy, and Jongwoon was happy with that.

☁ ☁ ☁

Jongwoon went to the small office inside the VAS room while the others went about their ways. Some were congratulating him, and the others who were told by the teacher to get ready to be tapped for the Nationals competition.

When he was already inside, he was busy shuffling about with his things and putting them inside his bag when he heard a familar voice calling him from the door.


"Wookie..." He started, when he turned to look at his dongsaeng.

"Congrats for getting into the duets cut hyung"

"I have to congratulate you more, Wookie-ah! LSM wanted you to do the solo category right there and then!" He pouted playfully, "That was my category."

"Hahaha right! You were for solos last year... But now hyung, you were demoted to duets"

"Aish! Such a meanie. Haha! Well... I already had my time. This year is yours. So you have to practice well ok, you have to win that category just like what I did last year"

"Hyuuuung! Don't pressure meeee" Ryeowook whined

"Hahaha! I'll help you of course" Jongwoon touched Ryeowook's cheeks (like he always does) because he found his whining cute. But he felt like Ryeowook stiffened at his touch.

An awkward air stood still for some seconds.

"Are w-we... are we okay, Ryeowookie?"

The younger seemed like he was in deep thought. He sighed and then gave the elder a smile. A genuine one. "Yes we are hyung."

"Did you and Kyuhyun talk already? Did he apologize?"

"Yes yes he actually did. Which was quite surprising" Ryeowook chuckled. "Let's just forget about that okay? Kyuhyun was just trying to tease me... the thing is we aren't close yet and I don't even like him, that was why I got pissed."

Ryeowook looked at Jongwoon, "I'm sorry if I walked out in that meeting hyung"

"It's ok. Cho is annoying. I totally understand." And they both laughed at that. "Let's not get affected by his randomness and silliness"

"Goodluck hyung, because he'll be your duet partner by the way..."

"Oh my... no need to remind me." He was shaking his head sideways. "Good thing that I got loads of training on how to handle evilness, being the brother of my brother"

"Oh right! The original evil and diva, Heechul-ssi! Hahahaha"

Jongwoon felt lighter as they conversed about randomness just like normal. If Ryeowook tells him to just forget about that, then he'll try and not to think about that then. Whatever his friend says. He's just glad that he has his Ryeowook back.



(End of CH)




A western song! I'm sorry if you aren't all for my choice of song hahaha... It just felt like the perfect piece for their first duet. I mean, the meaning! A WHOLE NEW WOLRD A THRILLING CHASE A WONDROUS PLACE FOR YOU AND ME?! I mean... c'mon! Ditch Minnie and Wonnie and we'll get KyuSung's new world OMG I'm sorry I'm getting ahead of myself LOL I apologize.

Oh and of course I remember this song from when Kyukyu sang this in Star King way back in 2007. He had a duet with a guest. Some members were emotional (ehem Kangin, ehem) while seeing him sing beautifully, because that was right after the accident. If you are a SUJU fan, you'd know what accident I'm referring about. Anyway here's the link: A WHOLE NEW WORLD, and the part that Jongwoon and Kyuhyun sings in here would be 0:55 until 1:10. Kyuhyun is singing his part in this video. The other one of course will be Jongwoon's lines ^^

KyuMin duet - Lucky!

Wendy x Yesungie - Spring In Me in the SM Town Osaka concert. It was beautiful! I swear!


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Heyyy. I made slight edits. And added some stuff too waaah sorry


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tessa24 #1
Chapter 25: hello authornim do you still have plans to continue this amazing fic,,,its such a nice and we haven't reach the main point yet,,,pleaseeeee comeback

happy 17year anniversary to suju
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 25: No No Noooooooo!!!! This awesome story simply cannot be abandoned!!!! Authornim, my Kyusung heart is so needy... I'm begging, pleading, beseeching you, to please return and bring closure to this fantastic fic. <3
AuperJ #3
Chapter 25: This is 3 years author-nim TvT
392 streak #4
Chapter 25: I need some update~~~~ T^T Where are you author-nim~ You said about Sungmin's POV T^T
392 streak #5
Chapter 6: I knew I read this before years ago, but seems like I just forgot or lost or something so I just gonna reread this~ <3
sheen1614 #6
Chapter 25: Awww.. it actually looks like a promising plot but your last update was years ago. Not sure if you’ll ever return to this and if you’ll ever read this comment. I think you’re good at thinking plots and writing banters between characters. You’re able to bring their personality well... as for the overall story development, I see quite a number of subplots that could easily derail one from the main plot. If you’re not careful, even you as a writer can get lost or confused.

Thank you for what you’ve written thus far. You left room for a lot of imagination for the readers on how this story will unfold. :)
PathxX #7
Chapter 25: Still waiting for an update >.<
I hope you find your motivation to write ~
For now, I'm going to reread this because I swear, this story is really good (plus you write well) <3
[And like you, I'm a yewonxkyusung trash + abline sibling relationship XD]
Chapter 25: Omooo i hope you update this soon XC
Chapter 2: Omoooo I'm so loving abline siblings relationship!!!! I'm crazy for overprotective heenim towards yeye XD
Chapter 25: Please update ~~~~I love~ this story ~