CH 11 - Kyuhyun


He was at their usual table in the cafeteria. He was done with his lunch so he just hanged out there with his friend Yi Xing and some of his cousin's friends like Eunhyuk and Suho. He was just playing his PSP when Sungmin arrived, together with his was a girl he didn't know, Ryeowook and Jongwoon. Sungmin proceeded to introduce both groups of people to each other. Jongwoon seemed to know both Eunhyuk and Suho but just called them by their last name (Lee-ssi, and Kim-ssi). Jongwoon went and shook hands with Yi Xing (he called him formally, as Mr. Zhang), but only gave a nod to Kyuhyun.

Sungmin mentioned that the girl's name is Kim Taeyeon, a senior in school and VAS' ex-president. He also introduced Kim Jongwoon was the current President of the club, and Kim Ryeowook the VP. Taeyeon was the one who talked to him about convinving him to join the club. Kyuhyun actually already told Sungmin that he is too lazy to join anything in school. However, it seemed like the officers cannot take no for an answer. Taeyeon was now enumerating the reasons on why he should join their elite club, "We work hard and we have fun... VAS actually already has 9 national wins and we are aiming for the 10th one this year, it'll be cool if you're a part of that, don't you think?"

Kyuhyun noted Jongwoon's neutral face. He just nodded to whatever Taeyeon said that he agreed with, but never meeting Kyuhyun's eyes. Kyuhyun now believes that maybe the other guy decided to think that this is the first time they've met. It's like he is pretending that they've never met before. Well, they've only met once, and he probably did not give a good first impression to Jongwoon that time. Not that he cares, really. But wouldn't it be so hard for the other to thank him for the cellphone he gave him? Kyuhyun inwardly laughed at that --- but his thoughts (and Taeyeon's passionate monologue about Vocal Arts Society) was interrupted by a familiar voice who yelled, "Woonie-hyun!!!".


His cousin went to Jongwoon and Jongwoon, shocked for just a second, stood up and met the other with a hug. Kyuhyun's mind wondered, how do they know each other? To be fair, everyone in the table seemed at a lost with this random reunion. He saw the Ryeowook-guy's baffled face contorted in slight displeasure at the sight of Donghae and Jongwoon. The boyfriend is jealous, Kyuhyun thought. It was Sungmin who spoke first, curious of what just happened, "Jongwoon-hyung, how do you know Donghae?"

"We were neighbors before" Then he faced Donghae, "I never thought I'd see you here Hae!" Kyuhyun's interests peaked, he called him with a nickname. His cousin also called him 'Woonie-hyung' a while back. Are they that close?

"Did you just move? Is your family here too?" Jongwoon continued.

"Yes hyung, I'm a new student here. All of us came here in the city. Mom will be pleased to know I saw you here!"

Oh, even Aunt Hyangsook knows Jongwoon. What a small world.

"Have you met my cousin Kyuhyun?"

That's when Jongwoon looked at him. Kyuhyun thought it was cute when Jongwoon for a moment tilted his head seemingly trying to remember something, or understand something. He then said, "Oh so you are cousins with Changmin too?"

"Yes! Are you friends with Changmin hyung?"

"Yeah, he was a member of our club last year... what a small world" That's what I just thought, Kyuhyun's mind said.

Donghae and Jongwoon's conversation was too fast to follow by that time. Plus Taeyeon tried to get his attention already, talking about VAS and trying to convince him to join. The Ryeowook guy who hasn't spoken a word as of yet was still glancing from time to time to the 2 who stood beside the table who clearly were enjoying their conversation.

After some time, Kyuhyun asked the 2 seated in front of him and Sungmin too who was beside him, "Do everyone really agree that I should be a member of your group?"

"Sure Kyu, why would you think otherwise?" Sungmin said.

"Well I just have a feeling that the current President doesn't really care if I join or not". Kyuhyun's voice has no malice on it. It just sounded curious. When he said that though, he did saw Taeyeon's eyes got bigger and Ryeowook heaved a sigh. So does that mean that Jongwoon really told them that he doesn't want him in the group?

Taeyeon assured him that it isn't the case. So she politely called Jongwoon's attention who was still talking at that time to his cousin. Jongwoon and Donghae took seats.

"Kyuhyun here is wondering if everyone agrees that he should join us"

Jongwoon was slightly startled but this time he looked at Kyuhyun. The latter then said, "I don't know, it just feels like you don't actually want me to join Mr. President?", but all that with a knowing smile.

"O-of course n-not. We all decided that you should be in VAS. What made you think that?"

"Just a vibe really..."

"You don't have to worry. We all agreed that you are one of the best voices we've heard in the audition. I personally want my team this year to be the best, and if we want to be the best, then we need to have the best"

Sungmin nudged him at the side and smiled at him with that proud smile. He cannot help but smile as well. Damn. What the other told him made his insides go tingly. It must be his ego bloating once again because of the praise he just received.

"I'll do it then... because your club seems to need me so badly". He heard Donghae and Taeyeon's laugh at that, seemingly amused by Kyuhyun's words. Sungmin laughed too but playfully hit Kyuhyun's arms saying that he shouldn't let the praises he receives get to his head so quickly. His eyes was at Jongwoon though, who tried to hide a chuckle. Beside him was the Ryeowook guy, who rolled his eyes. Sure, this guy might still be furious about the audition when Kyuhyun stared at Jongwoon from across the stage. Kyuhyun looked at Jongwoon just to catch his attention at first. But when he saw this Ryeowook beside him looking furious, he decided to mess with him. He stared at Jongwoon all through out, that it might seemed like he sang his song  Jongwoon. Ryeowook was too obvious with his jealousy, Kyuhyun thought. So obvious and so easy.

After that, Taeyeon decided to leave first. Ryeowook told him and Sungmin of the information that they have to know about their first official meeting as a club. He glanced at Jongwoon who was now speaking to his cousin again. They were exchanging numbers. He smiled a bit seeing that Jongwoon was using the phone he gave him.

☁ ☁ ☁

It was now late in the afternoon and some of them hang out again the gazebo lines near the school garden. Most of them were just waiting for their last class. Changmin told Kyuhyun that it was a good decision to join VAS. He said that he was glad that Kyuhyun was now expanding his circle. Kyuhyun was a person who just chooses 1 or 2 friends, and that's that. It was the first time that he hangs out with a number of people now, because they are his cousin's friends. The reason he gave Changmin for ultimately deciding to join, when the latter asked, was because Sungmin was there too. A little later, their conversation went to Donghae and Jongwoon.

Changmin was curious, "So you were neighbors before! It's so cool that you've met again here. I knew him not knowing that he knows you and the other way around too!"

"I know! I actually never thought I'll meet him again because he and his brother just moved without really saying goodbye. Mom was actually sad that time because he really liked Woonie-hyung and Heechullie-hyung"

"Oooohhh so you are close with that guy too? He is here too actually, a senior now. We aren't friends but whenever I see him, he does and says something outrageous! Haha... I cannot believe that they're brothers actually. Jongwoon-hyung is just too chill and cool and nice"

Chill and cool? Kyuhyun remembered how Jongwoon was 'chill and cool' and then became like an erupted volcano in a splitsecond in their first encounter. That Jongwoon was about to punch Kyuhyun! Thank heavens he didn't.

"I know what you mean Chwang hahahaha they are too different from each other. But if you know both of them better, there are actually a lot of similarities"

"But you still didn't tell us how you've met, why are you that close if your houses weren't really that near each other?" Sungmin asked.

"Oh that's actually a long story. But to cut it short, some guys were bullying me since forever, and there's that time when I was going home from school and I pass by their house. The bullies came to me and was about to physically hurt me when Woonie-hyung came to my rescue. The bullies however were not stopped by him immediately. I guess they didn't believe that he was a bit older than us. We were in highschool that time, so you can just imagine he looked way younger than he looks now"

"So they bullied him too?"

"They thought they can! It happened so fast actually, I remember that I was not able to move, just looking at what was happening in front of me. Woonie-hyung basically took down those 3 bullies all by himself! He really gets mad when people are like that I guess"

"Whoa! He did that?"
"I cannot imagine that at all!"
Different reactions were made among the people there, but mostly not believing that the guy with such delicate and cute features is capable of that. Kyuhyun's was not similar though. He was thinking that there was really a huge possibility for him to be punched that day. He shivered at the thought. He doesn't know how to fight back. He'll be a punching bag if that happens.

Much later, Sungmin asked Kyuhyun on why he thought Jongwoon did not want him to be part of the club. He just shrugged and answered he just felt it. Asked further and he told Sungmin if he remembered that time when he bumped into someone and that someone's phone flew to the pond.

"Was it Jongwoon-hyung?"


"Whoa... From what you told me and what Donghae just mentioned, I am definitely seeing him in a whole new light now! I cannot imagine him getting mad or angry at all to be honest"

"Well. If you ask me, he seemed like he has anger-issues"

Sungmin laughed at that. "See? That person in your mind and the Jongwoon in my mind is just not the same person! Jongwoon hyung is super friendly and nice actually. He treats his dongsaengs well. I remember when Luna, Onew and me were new in the club, he was the hyun who was very nice to us. And last year, Changmin and Ryeowook can tell you the same"

"Ryeowook, the boyfriend?"

"Whose boyfriend?"

"They are in a relationship right? The President and the VP?"

Sungmin was drinking soda at that time and he slightly choked with Kyuhyun's question, "What???" Sungmin shrieked. He was laughing too. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh right. You are going to tell me that they're straight huh... Changmin doesn't believe me either"

"Well... from what I know, Jongwoon-hyung is gay. But Ryeowook isn't... or is he? Ok yeah, I really don't know. But I am very sure that they are not a thing. They are really just close."

"Don't believe now, sure. But I know what I'm talking about. That Ryeowook guy is too obvious"

"Huh... I actually know what you mean. I sometimes see him all googly-eyes over hyung... but I just shrug that off as adoration you know"

"Plus he is easily jealous with everyone around the other. Like a while back at lunch, I swear, his stares at Hae.. hahahaha"

"But that was just one time Kyu! Hahaha"

"I saw them in the auditions too. He had that jealous face that time as well". But of course, Kyuhyun won't tell his boyfriend that it was him to whom Ryeowook was sending jealous glares to at that time.



(End of CH)




Hi ~Annyeong

Was this ok? What did you guys think?

Hmmm, the story is now slowly building. KyuSung will have moments here and there, now that we are starting with the Vocal Arts Society meetings. That's where the bulk of this story will happen. I'm not sure if you guys have watched the American series called Glee? (I loved Season 1 but I never cared about later seasons...) Anyway, the pattern will be in that type. I feel like the story will unfold more easily with that plot-device. And by plot-device I mean that VAS will be a weekly meeting with certain activities between members. Then they will join competitions. There will be District-wide competition, then if they win they go to Regionals, and lastly is the Nationals.

I've been spamming here and there the fact that VAS has won the Nationals for like 9 years in a row already. So yeah... but uhmmm that's for group category only. There's also Duets category and Solo category, so... yeah. DUET, anyone??? Smells super KyuSung right? HAHAHAHAHA

Also, just a tidbit of cool info, last year's SOLO competish was won in the national level by my (ok, OUR) very lovely Jongwoonie. Yey! Whooo! :D

So yeah... please stay tuned for the succeeding chapters. I have them all in my mind already. I'm just working on the writing part.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS. I appreaciate them so much! I feel so loved. THANKS YOU GUYS ~


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Heyyy. I made slight edits. And added some stuff too waaah sorry


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tessa24 #1
Chapter 25: hello authornim do you still have plans to continue this amazing fic,,,its such a nice and we haven't reach the main point yet,,,pleaseeeee comeback

happy 17year anniversary to suju
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 25: No No Noooooooo!!!! This awesome story simply cannot be abandoned!!!! Authornim, my Kyusung heart is so needy... I'm begging, pleading, beseeching you, to please return and bring closure to this fantastic fic. <3
AuperJ #3
Chapter 25: This is 3 years author-nim TvT
392 streak #4
Chapter 25: I need some update~~~~ T^T Where are you author-nim~ You said about Sungmin's POV T^T
392 streak #5
Chapter 6: I knew I read this before years ago, but seems like I just forgot or lost or something so I just gonna reread this~ <3
sheen1614 #6
Chapter 25: Awww.. it actually looks like a promising plot but your last update was years ago. Not sure if you’ll ever return to this and if you’ll ever read this comment. I think you’re good at thinking plots and writing banters between characters. You’re able to bring their personality well... as for the overall story development, I see quite a number of subplots that could easily derail one from the main plot. If you’re not careful, even you as a writer can get lost or confused.

Thank you for what you’ve written thus far. You left room for a lot of imagination for the readers on how this story will unfold. :)
PathxX #7
Chapter 25: Still waiting for an update >.<
I hope you find your motivation to write ~
For now, I'm going to reread this because I swear, this story is really good (plus you write well) <3
[And like you, I'm a yewonxkyusung trash + abline sibling relationship XD]
Chapter 25: Omooo i hope you update this soon XC
Chapter 2: Omoooo I'm so loving abline siblings relationship!!!! I'm crazy for overprotective heenim towards yeye XD
Chapter 25: Please update ~~~~I love~ this story ~