이럴줄알았어 (I Knew It)

[Collection] B2ST One-Shots

We were almost finished with our last routine when Gikwang made a mistake again.

“yah, what’s happening to you? You kept on making mistakes” I scolded Gikwang who wasn’t paying attention to me and just continue to practice the step he got wrong. “yah!”

“That’s enough Hyunseung. Let’s repeat from the start. Gikwang try to focus please” Doojoon commanded.


We started again and this time, it was Dongwoon who messed up.

“I’m sorry” Dongwoon immediately apologized and went on practicing.

*sigh* I wonder when will this practice end. I’m tired and sleepy. I was yawning as we practiced our dance. And at last our morning practice ended.

“Ahh~” I exclaimed after drinking water. “It’s so refreshing!”

I really don’t know why, but it seems like the members aren’t in their usual selves. They kept on having mistakes. They weren’t so happy, while practicing, well, they maybe tired, but, I don’t see their smiles during our breaks.

“yah” I patted Junhyung and gave him a coke. “you want?” I asked him and to my surprise, he decline. Then I went to Yoseob.

“Let’s eat bulgogi later, my treat” I said to him.

“I don’t feel like eating today, sorry” Yoseob smiled and slumped down the floor. “Ah~ I want to sleep”

What’s happening? It’s not like the kids. It’s not like them. I know something’s not right. I just know it.

Finally our next practice started. We were doing it smoothly until Gikwang messed up again.

“yah, what’s wrong with everyone?” I finally burst out my feelings and confronted them. “you’re not normally like this! There’s something, isn’t?”

Then suddenly, everybody burst out laughing.

“You don’t know what’s day is it today?” Gikwang asked as he tried to stifle his laughter.

I raised an eyebrow. “Eh?” Then I realized everything. “That’s right!”

“Happy April Fool’s Day, Hyunseungie!” they greeted happily as they laugh their hearts out.

Tsk. I sighed and smiled.

I knew it! Of course, Yoseob wouldn’t say no to free food and Gikwang wouldn’t messed up several times with our routine and also, Junhyung wouldn’t say no to coke without any reason. I laughed heartily at myself.


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yappa~! 6 stories to go!!


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Chapter 4: Okay, This has got to be my favorite fic so far. XD
Chapter 2: I can't imagine Gikwang being scared. Just so cute :)
Chapter 1: Hahaha, I just love DongWoon in this fic. :)
sallymin #4
Chapter 2: owhhh scary scary...
shujun #5
Chapter 7: hakhak..all of them r cute..^^..
hwaiting dear author..!!!
infinitejae #6
this is great! ^^
Omygod I'm so in love with your 'living without you' Juncoke FTW!
lol x) I <3 One Piece ^^