Wall of Winners [Cabochon - 22/08/17]

First Frost: An Ongoing Writing Challenge||Please Check Announcement!
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– 1000 karma points*
– customised layout from TRXSH
– review at ODD REVIEW by pandalaxic
– graphic from itztae on story of your choice
Second Place
– 750 karma points*
– graphic from itztae on story of your choice
Third Place
– 500 karma points*
– graphic from itztae on story of your choice
– Favourites will be featured in my Fanfic Gems recs list and may also be featured in the recs list Kpop Fanfic Favourites/Recommendations at the discretion of the list curator.
Note: all karma rewards are doubled, with an extra 200 to go to the first place winner to make up for the lack of a layout.

Thank you to our reward collaborators!

• itztae
• Exo Fanfic Gems (plus other fandom pearls)
• YifanForever
• Kpop Fanfic Favorites/Recommendations
• TRXSH Atelier
• pandalaxic Wall of Winners   The most recent category winners to be announced is at the top.  Rewards for that category are listed over to the left.  Current listed winners: Cabochon, Tumbled.

The aim of the Cabochon challenge was to start and complete a short story or a one-shot in the final third of 2016.

The aim of the Tumbled challenge was to start and complete a chaptered fic, short story or one shot during the month of November 2016.

Judging follows these four criteria:
1) Did it meet the challenge?
2) How well is the prompt(s) integrated?
3) How good is the delivery and readability of the story?
4) How much did I enjoy it?

The winners of the Cabochon challenge are:
In first place, with Till I See Daylight, SugarSystem!
   I found the concept of this absolutely intriguing and would have loved to spend more in this au.  I think being a one shot did limit it slightly, but despite that, the world was well set up in such a short amount of space, and it was very sweet, and I also liked the fact that the author wasn't overly ambitious and didn't try to cram too much in or rush it, and also ended it at just the perfect place.  The romance was consequently restrained, but I personally like that  A little more could perhaps have been done on the characterisation front, but there is only so much that can be put into something short.  Also, so nice to have a Suho fic.  Thank you!

In second place, with Enigma, alydali!
   This was a friendship one (boy, aren't those rare beasties?), which makes a really nice break from all the romance-oriented fics.  (I think there is actually inklings of romance if you squint, but the author wisely didn't put it in, and I think that really elevated the story.  I love stories about
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Chapter 5: Hi Korey, unfortunately I have to withdraw Overshadowed from First Frost. Thank you for hosting and I look forward to seeing the results!
Chapter 5: Oh yes! Forgot to let you know my entry is completed! - Goddess Mistaken. (P.s. thank you for all the extensions, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to finish ^^)
Just wanted to let you know that I've completed my entry (Gambling with Death)!
Chapter 2: Oh I just realized, my entry also fits under #8 under your cheatsheet, but idk if it's good xD
Chapter 2: More than a year later and I still can't get over that pic of Chanyeol in the tracksuit <3
Chapter 1: Hi Korey, maybe can you start another writing challenge? I really wanted to participate but am too late.....

I've been slacking a bit on updates for my entry, but I think I can work to get it finished next month. =) Shpank you so much.
Hi, Korey! I know you're busy and probably won't be paying too much attention to aff or first frost but I wanted to share a couple ideas with you if you don't mind. On Tumblr, there's an amazing blog called sparkingstoryinspiration and they writing ideas, prompts, etc. Something I thought you might like to see and maybe add into the comp are these things called 'three set prompts.' Basically they give a set of three seemingly unrelated things (ex: a crumpled dollar bill, a perfectly tuned violin, a shop window) and you incorporate them in your story somehow.

I thought the concept was pretty cool (and I used a few myself haha) and I just wanted to share it! Maybe you could put it in the comp or use it yourself or just leave it alone. Just felt like sharing :)
Is it okay for me to enter my fic into other contests as well?