
First Frost: An Ongoing Writing Challenge||Please Check Announcement!
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FIRST FROST FIRST FROST HOME ♦ CHALLENGES ♦ PROMPTS ♦ FAQS ♦ REWARDS ♦ ENTRIES HOME ♦ CHALLENGES ♦ PROMPTS ♦ FAQS ♦ REWARDS ♦ ENTRIES Prompt Guidelines   Please include the prompt number you are using in the foreword of your story.  All challenges currently require prompts, though future ones may not.  You may use as many or as few prompts as you want (with a minimum of 1).  If more than five people take the same prompt, it will become unavailable for other contestants and will be struck through.  (Each prompt has • beside it for each person that uses it.)

Image prompts at the moment are largely EXO Lotto- and EXO Monster-themed and for the foreseeable future will remain EXO-related (though feel free to use them as inspiration for other groups).  All quote prompts are attributed.  Scenario prompts you may use as closely or as loosely as you wish, so long as they are clearly in the plot – it's completely possible two contestants might pick the same scenario and one end up with a fantasy story and the other with a psychological thriller.  I may expand prompt categories into other areas in the future.

Note: More prompts may well be added from time to time while the challenge gets going and/or when a specific challenge finishes and a new one starts.
  Quote Prompts  

  #1: I don't need a hair stylist; my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning. – Anonymous•••••
#2: Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. – Mark Twain•••
#3: I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! – Network (1976)••••
#4: Show me the money! – Jerry Maguire (1996)••••
#5: I'm gonna have to science the out of this. – The Martian (2015)••••
#6: I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you. – Robin Williams••••
#7: I love mankind; it's people I can't stand. – Charles M. Schulz•••
#8: F.E.A.R. has two meanings – Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise.  The choice is yours. – Anonymous••••••
#9: Hello, gorgeous. – Funny Girl (1968)••••
#10: You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means. – The Princess Bride (1987)••••••
#11: You make me want to be a better man. – As Good as it Gets (1997)••••••
#12: Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. – The Godfather: Part III (1990)••••
#13: If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it.  I will not look for you; I will not pursue you.  But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you. – Taken (2008)•
#14: I'm the king of the world! – Titani
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Chapter 5: Hi Korey, unfortunately I have to withdraw Overshadowed from First Frost. Thank you for hosting and I look forward to seeing the results!
Chapter 5: Oh yes! Forgot to let you know my entry is completed! - Goddess Mistaken. (P.s. thank you for all the extensions, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to finish ^^)
Just wanted to let you know that I've completed my entry (Gambling with Death)!
Chapter 2: Oh I just realized, my entry also fits under #8 under your cheatsheet, but idk if it's good xD
Chapter 2: More than a year later and I still can't get over that pic of Chanyeol in the tracksuit <3
Chapter 1: Hi Korey, maybe can you start another writing challenge? I really wanted to participate but am too late.....

I've been slacking a bit on updates for my entry, but I think I can work to get it finished next month. =) Shpank you so much.
Hi, Korey! I know you're busy and probably won't be paying too much attention to aff or first frost but I wanted to share a couple ideas with you if you don't mind. On Tumblr, there's an amazing blog called sparkingstoryinspiration and they writing ideas, prompts, etc. Something I thought you might like to see and maybe add into the comp are these things called 'three set prompts.' Basically they give a set of three seemingly unrelated things (ex: a crumpled dollar bill, a perfectly tuned violin, a shop window) and you incorporate them in your story somehow.

I thought the concept was pretty cool (and I used a few myself haha) and I just wanted to share it! Maybe you could put it in the comp or use it yourself or just leave it alone. Just felt like sharing :)
Is it okay for me to enter my fic into other contests as well?