Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse

. .

He had really done it this time. Slamming against the wall, Taehyung skidded around another corner, trying to muffle his giggles as he sprinted around trying to find somewhere to hide.

So, maybe kicking the ball right at Jungkook’s resting form hadn’t been his brightest idea (you know what? No. It was brilliant, it landed right on the kid). He hadn’t even bothered waiting around to see what would happen. He knew. And the sound of Kook’s footsteps chasing after him confirmed his suspicions within seconds.

He stopped for a moment, panting and leaning against a door frame. He listened for the sounds of pursuit, but all he could hear was... silence? He cocked his head, straining to hear quiet footsteps, or breathing, or something to give the kid away. All he caught was the distant sound of Hobi’s laughter.

Had he given up? No way. Jungkook was ruthless.

Just as panic began to set in, the wall - no door - behind him fell away, and he was dragged inside, a hand clamped over his mouth, before the door was shut once more and he was slammed up against it.

He yelped in surprise - or tried to. Damnit.

“Taehyung. Did you really think I wouldn’t catch you?” Jungkook murmured into his ear menacingly, still pressing him against the door, but finally releasing Taehyung’s face. The elder shivered.

“On the contrary, I was really hoping you would,” Taehyung purred, sliding his hands around Jungkook’s waist and pulling him closer - if that was even possible. This was a game they both knew how to play, and although Taehyung had lost this round, he couldn’t say he really minded. He never did. And how could he?

Jungkook fell on him viciously - just how Taehyung liked it. Their lips crashed together in a heated battle, tongue’s fighting for dominance, but a better idea suddenly sparked in the elder’s mind. Purposely slowing down the pace, Taehyung nibbled Jungkook’s bottom lip before gently it, fingers tangling in the younger’s hair. Jungkook moaned slightly at the change and Taehyung moved to his jawline, on the skin there. It was still slightly sweaty, and salty, and just so Jungkook. He tipped his head back as Taehyung bent in further to gently mouth at the skin below his ear.

They weren’t sure how this started, this cat and mouse lover’s game. They had always messed with each other, in fact, all the member’s did. But... but one day it became something else.

The first time had been when Jungkook stole Taehyung’s phone, sprinting away to find a place to hide, much like the current situation, only to be found crouching in the back of the closet, giggling. Taehyung had crawled in after him, and then on top of him, reaching for the phone Jungkook was holding out of his reach. It had been dark and the space was rather small, but neither noticed.

Everything was fine and normal - until Taehyung looked down. Because there was Jungkook - breathless, laughing, beautiful. And he stared for too long, and suddenly everything was so hot and they were so close and Taehyung was on top of him. And then Jungkook wasn’t laughing anymore, and there was something else in his eyes that Taehyung couldn’t name.

He had always had a bad habit of his lips, but this time when he did, Jungkook looked down at his mouth. And there was that look again.

Without either knowing quite how it happened or who started it, their lips were suddenly moving against each other desperately, small gasps of delight and pleasure escaping as they moved. The heat became overwhelming but so right, hands became tangled in hair, and they didn’t leave the closet for a very long time.

And now here they were. It had been months and it hadn’t taken long for things to progress. When Jungkook moaned out his name, in that breathless way he did when he wanted - needed - more, Taehyung didn’t have to ask. He knew.

Shifting, Taehyung slowly rocked his hips forward, still mouthing at the younger’s neck. The movement created friction, and hearing a satisfying gasp from the younger was all he needed. Kissing back along Jungkook’s jaw, he finally made it back to the soft lips he had been thinking about all day. Nipping softly at the bottom one, he continued to slowly rock his hips forward. The younger was beginning to get impatient with the newly slowed pace, whining, but Taehyung only grinned, stopping the hands that tried to grab him and pinning them to Jungkook’s side.

The younger frowned, but Taehyung moved back to kissing along his jaw, finally purring into the younger’s ear, “What do you want, Kook?” just as he canted his hips forward with slightly more force. This elicited a moan and a glare.

- you know what I want, Tae.” He knew. But where’s the fun in that?

“How could I know if you don’t tell me?” he asked, pulling his head back slightly, eyes wide and innocent. This earned him another glare. Oh god, this was gonna be good. Wound up Jungkook was dominant Jungkook - when Taehyung allowed.

He once again canted his hips forward. “Come on Kook, tell me what you want,” he breathed against the younger’s ear, and finally he could tell the kid was getting desperate. He could feel it. Right near his thigh.

Fu- I hate you,” Jungkook moaned, still resisting but only barely. Taehyung slowly the skin below his ear, even adding a nibble for good measure.

“Yeah? That’s too bad... I would’ve really liked to-” another hip roll “-help you out. You seem a bit-” and another “-tense.” That seemed to do it. Jungkook was beginning to look a little glazed over, the same way he always did when he was nearing the point of gone that Taehyung liked him at.

Tae- aahh- Tae, I want you. Please.”

What do you want?” Taehyung purred.

You. I want you. All over. Inside. I want you to bend me over a table and - -” Taehyung had finally cut him off with a kiss, though not before first reaching around to slip his hands into the younger’s pants - that - to press even harder against him, both men at the increased friction and horrible presence of pants that by all rights ought to be on the floor.

Then, just as quickly as the entire escapade began, Taehyung pulled his hands out, shoving Jungkook away. He appreciated, for a moment, the look of dazed confusion on Jungkook’s face before grinning evilly and turning to sprint out the door. He laughed as he heard the younger come to his senses and begin sprinting after him.



His win this time, motherer. Though, tonight he was really going to get it. Wound up, ually frustrated Jungkook was dominant Jungkook. He couldn’t wait.




Soo, I wrote this in like an hour this morning. Came back later, did a little editing, but if you see anything that needs fixing, let me know! Also, if you liked it, don't forget to upvote and/or subscribe and/or comment. Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: You may notice that I removed the picture... I had forgotten it was even there, and looking at it, I realized Jungkook was really young, which would be very inappropriate for this situation. This was written with the assumption that both boys are of legal age to consent to any ual activities. So! Goodbye picture. If I ever get off my lazy , I'll go find another one to replace it :D (or if anyone has a picture they wanna recommend, feel free!)

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araskey #1
Chapter 1: I never told you but this was amazing and I just read it again

We need more BTS up HERE
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