Chapter 02

While You Were Sleeping

“H-hoseok-ah” she stuttered and smile slyly, rubbing the back of her neck. The guy just stood there motionless.

“You quit?” he asked then his sour face suddenly turned slowly into a small grin making her confused.

“What? You just passed the hell on earth. There must be another better company than this . I wonder when was I going to quit” he tapped his chin then his eyes darted to the luggage beside her, with a confused look he lookd at his friend earning for an explanation.

“Hyojin got admitted in Hospital” she stated and looked up then she pinched both of the guy cheeks when he pouts while making murmuring sound and it’s very irritating to listen since Yeojin voice so high that it could even break the window glass.

Nawhh! My Hoshiki! I’ll be back as soon as Hyojin discharged. Ok? I’ll call you when I’ve arrived in Daegu. I know you’ll miss me” she hugged her best friend and he ruffled her head. He sends her to her car and she even passed her keys to him.

“Don’t let anyone in” she stated with narrowed eyes and the guy nodded like a kid receiving orders. He holds the key tightly.

Jung Hoseok. A bestfriend, an officemate, a neighbor. When she moved to Seoul and lives beside his apartment and she realizes it when they meet on her first day of working. Hoseok and Yeojin can’t be separated they like glue, they just know each other only for 3 years but they look like they’re childhood best friends. Yeojin once had feelings for Hoseok but she throws the tshallow feelings away when they go out together and suddenly Hoseok actually checking out a guy, even Yeojin can tell that he’s quite hot. That’s when Hoseok let out a low whistle.

“Look at that…” he said and literally eyeing the guy just walked passed them like he’s a prey. Yeojin can’t help but to freak out, but to be honest, Yeojin doesn’t really care about somebody’s personal. Hoseok actually her bestfriend, like one and only and she’s not letting any idea of being awkward with the guy since he’s not straight.

Hoseok? Seriously?” she crossed her arm and looking at him in disbelief but not in a very judgemental way. The guy’s eyes widened and he nervously chuckles, rubbing his neck. With that, she suddenly found herself on a floods of PlayBoy magazine in his room.

They even close to each other when Yeojin said that she really don’t care what Hoseok is. Anyway, she could freely worship man’s body and basically eyeing a hot stuff when they passed them without being judged by her friend.

Now that she really do miss him within a minute before the guy could even walk away and she turned back and hug her bestfriend and the said guy hugged her back with a chuckled leaves his mouth.

“Miss me already our Yeojinie here…” he cooed and the girl’s hair. If other people would see this they might think that both of this BFF are a couple. BUT NO. Hoseok and Yeojin are like a sisterhood.

“Just don’t bring any men home. And anything just asked me” she narrowed her eyes and Hoseok nodded his head, holding up his hand like he’s making swear. The brown hair just laughed at this. She enters her car and waved a goodbye at Hoseok.


Two hours passed and alone in a car, only a lousy stereo that lost it frequencies almost all the time companies her. No conversations were made and Yeojin’s eyes getting heavier from time to time. There are many stops and even a petrol station for her to actually pull over for awhile spending a little to buy some snacks. But no, she told herself not to stop no matter what. Full determination she needs to arrive at the hospital before night. When she look at the digital clock right above her stereo it’s 5pm and that makes her even pressed her paddle.

Three hours trip without stop, Yeojin finally manage to arrive before 8. As she passes the toll she starts to dig her free hand in her handbag searching for her phone and her hands-free as she put it on her left ear, dialing for her mother’s phone number.

“Yeojin? Gosh.. Why haven’t you called me for the past three hours?” Her mom’s let out a sigh of relief and a low chuckle escapes the brown hair lips.

“For the past three hours, I’m hurting my own sitting on the car seat and I really need to pee. What’s Hyojin’s ward number?” she asked and yes she needs to pee. One thing about Yeojin is that this brown hair really likes to hold back her urine, sometimes her mother can get annoyed every time they’re traveling when she out of sudden wanted to pee and spoil the mood.

“You drive?!” her mother exclaimed but not too loud, Yeojin can feel there’s a slight sarcasm in between those tone. The girl can’t help but roll her eyes. Her mother didn’t expect her to drive all the way since she knew that Yeojin is a lazy 24 years old women who don’t like long-distance driving.

“Your gay friend drives?” and yes her mom knows about Hoseok. Yeojin’s mom here told both of her daughters don’t ever keep secrets from her and Yeojin told every single detail that happened in Seoul every time the elder called her

“No mom.. “ she sighed but continues “I’m alone. That has his day-off today and he needs to go to work tomorrow” she said without aware that she swears. Then something clicked in her mind.

“M-mom? I-I need to tell you something” she said, stuttering.


“I quit” then there’s silence between the lines. She heard a relief sighed escape the women’s mouth. Yeojin just stays confused.

“Welcome home my child. You now just take back your soul from the satan” her mother joked and then Yeojin just smiled but she knows deep down in her mother heart that women must feel a bit disappointed in her.

“I know this might happen Yeojin-ah as soon as I called you asking you to come back home” she paused then continues “I’ll search you a new job. In Seoul of course! I don’t want to be an separating you with your gay friend”

Thanks, mom, I love you” she stated then waiting for her mom to answer but there’s silence on the other line.

“Hello?” her brows furrowed.

“Mom?” she called out her mother. Then she reached for her phone and actually swears for like thousands time. Her phone went blank, she needs to change her battery, no her phone. Her phone had been making her life as hard as a rock. But whatever it is she needs to arrives at the hospital and to pee.


Parked her car, Yeojin straight away goes to level 5 and once arrive at the level she search for number 503. Sighing, she enters the ward and without further more she enters the bathroom. Satisfied letting goes what she needs, she went out of the bathroom.

Suddenly, she heard a cough, turning around there’s a women somehow same age like her mother, in her forties. Yeojin just assumed that she might be mom’s friend. Then, she walked forward, smiling but to her surprise why the hell Hyojin colored her hair into pink?! Since when?! And Why the hell mom would allow her to?! No, Why would a school allow their students to color their hair?!

“Who are you?” the women asked. If she is mom’s friend then why is she asking her who she is? She thought for awhile then she look at her sister that actually turns out to be a man her age maybe? On a life support machine. ‘! ! ’ she thought in her mind and she slowly back away. Then her steps stop when her back met with a hard surface. When she turn around there are two more men just the same age as her and she assumed that these two might be the person’s friend. One with dark greenish hair and another one with gray slight parted hair, both look at her confusing and even the old women. Now that Yeojin really needs to jump out of the window. No. She can’t. Think Yeojin Think! She mentally facepalming herself many times. Then an idea clicked in her mind.

“I-I’m his fiancée”


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