Chapter 01

While You Were Sleeping

The clock on the wall ticked, it’s 2 in the afternoon and Yeojin just sit back on her office’s chair with a red mug on her hand as she took a sipped of the hot drink. Putting it on the right side of her table, she turned back on her PC start to type all her work that her boss gives her. Working as a journalist chooses by herself such a happy life but not until she worked under a very selfish old man, her boss indeed.

She worked her off and the least she could get were the same thing. Meeting people, interviewing them and creating a journal for them and what she get? Still on the same level where the normal employers do. Sure she is nothing but she met more than 10 people and she make a great story and carry the name of her company. Her boss praises her work but never did anything came in that tight brain of his like ‘Yeojin, I’ll be giving you anytime day-off’ or ‘Yeojin, you’ve been doing such a great work. You should take half of the blah blah blah and what so ever.

But no. It didn’t happen she even once think about quitting her job but she can’t it’s her life. Writing like part of her, she studied so hard that she went to Chicago for her further studies and it didn’t turn out so well when once her story was on hits the name goes by her boss. Mr. Han. Quite unfair right?

She put her strands brown hair locks behind her ear and continue typing word by word. Satisfy she turn to other pages but then stopped when her phone rings causing the sound echoes. Not so many people were here today, almost all the employers had a day-off today, so the office was quite silent. She digs in her bag searching for her phone. Looking at the Caller ID.


“Hey, mom. Wha-?”

“Y-yeojin-ah…” her mother stuttered and panicked rush through the brown hair spine when her mother voice cracked. “Y-your sister. S-she” the name she would get herself excited everytime her mother call. But right now, she had a bad feeling about it if one could see the brown hair right now, they might see how pale she turn out to be.

“Hyojin? What? What happened?” her hand trembling and the phone in her gripped start to loosened. ‘No, get a gripped Seo Yeojin’ she thought to herself.

“Hyojin got a seizure.. in her school..”

“Right Mom. I’ll talk to Mr.Han. Just wait… Where are you guys now?” she asked, already pack all her things up and she starts to save her files in her pendrive.

“Hospital. Please arrive before Night Yeojin ah”

“Alright Mom. Bye” she hung up and sighed, raking her brown hair. How can her sister get a seizure? You can tell that the girl was healthy she didn’t appear weak. That girl has this strong vibe within herself, she appear as the happiest girl but Yeojin can tell that her sister was always got scold by their mom. But that’s normal.

Yeojin walked towards her boss door where every time she did a great job or failed she would enter that room. But now she needs an emergency lift. She need drive herself back to her hometown, Daegu. She knows her sister needs her, but then actually she just being dramatic it’s just seizure not that her sister dying. However, she still needs to go back to Daegu. She knows that her mother needs her and as the oldest daughter out of two she need to be responsible. Her mother worked as a professor at Daegu University and her father worked as a programmer in Japan. Right now, without Dad, she knows her mother can’t really think straight especially it’s Hyojin we’re talking about the last daughter and she’s at her teenage year.

Yeojin knocked her boss’s door as she heard the old man “Come in”. The brown hair enters the room gripping on her phone tightly.

Ah.. Seo..” he looks up and put both of his elbow on the table and propped his chin. “Any problem” he paused for awhile then as if something clicked in his he snapped his finger.

“Yes! Seo.. we got client and I need you to interview them”

Then Yeojin’s eyes widened and she moves forward a bit near to Mr.Han’s table.

“I-I can’t Mr.Han. My sister is sick she just got a seizure. My mom was alone back in Daegu. She needs my help. I have to drive myself back to Daegu”  she stated and look on the ground then her ears almost burning when she heard the old man scoffed. She looked at the old man in disbelief but then jumped when Mr.Han slammed his hands on the table and he stood up.

“I don’t care if she got a seizure or not. Those clients are important than she is. This like our future investment. Are you out of your mind?! Seo Yeojin. If you really wanted to go back, I think this place isn’t suitable for you…” he’s word are like knives that stabbed her heart. She’s not hurt not a spleen but she’s in fury, who is he to control her? Who is he to say that Hyojin not important? Who is he to even care about anything? He’s selfish of course. What do you expect?

“Then I quit” the only word came out from , with that she left the old man hanging and she stormed out of the room and straight away packed all her things up. From the files and she even transfers anything necessary to her pen drive. With last check, she reset everything in PC. From the smallest and the tiniest info to the most important and the asset of the company, she deletes all of it. Call her the evil witch or a , she doesn’t care. Nobody can talk like that about her family.

“Selfish.Dying.Old.Man” she said and put everything in her box where she purposely put it under her table. She knows things like this would happen then there’s the box waiting for it content to be filled up. She slung her white Prada on her right shoulder and carry the box. Luckily the box not too heavy  for her to carry. Her office mate look at her with sympathy in their eyes and some of them giving the ‘be strong Yeojin’ look. She just nodded and when she wanted to open the office door there Mr.Han burst open his office door.

“YOU UNGRATEFUL ! I’M THE ONE WHO GIVE YOU MONEY FOR YOU TO SURVIVE AND YOU JUST WANNA QUIT?! JUST FOR THAT LITTLE SISTER OF YOURS?!” he scoffed  then leaned against the wall next to his door. Yeojin tries her best to hold herself from tackling the old man and choke him with a telephone wire to death. She took a deep breath and hold her box with only her left arm as she held up her right hand as she pointed up her middle finger at the old man leaving the other employers gasped and even Mr.Han taken aback with the action. She smirked and pushed the door opened.

Yeojin straight away to the basement gives anything relate to the company to the guard  right after the entrance to the elevator to the office. When she gave the things Mr.Yang, the guard giving me the same look as the employee. The brown hair been wondering what would her bestfriend a.k.a officemate a.k.a neighbor react to this.

Once she put her box on her boot she walked to the front and enter her car as she starts the engine. She needs to hurry its 3pm and she must arrive before night like her mom said. As she reached her apartment she packed all her things her clothes and necessary stuff even her laptop too. She needs to search for another job, of course. As she walked out of her apartment then the said person actually standing in front of her house crossing arm.


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