Chapter Two

Fair Play

I will never be used to the amount of people who subscribed to this story with even just a prologue and a chapter out. Also with Paradise Found, it’s really touching, really. I know I’m being repetitive with all this but I’m really thankful to you wonderful readers! Cookies for everyone!

I’m sorry this took too long. It was rather hard. I love making conversations but too many is too much. So, I had to type, delete, type and delete once again. My internet connection is a bummer too. College is too. LOL, well, I’m out of reasons. So here’s the second chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter Two

The party Nichkhun threw was still alive and kicking once the clock struck half past ten but he felt exhausted from talking to business partners and party guests. He was feeling parched and in dire need of good hard liquor. He wanted something like vodka or whiskey to flame his dry throat.

His gaze traveled from the dance floor towards the bar to his left. And what greeted his vision was his brunette friend sitting on a barstool having a friendly conversation with an old accomplice of his whose first name he cannot recall. He quickly made a mental note to check on his guest list once in a while.

He walked leisurely towards their direction. Noticing the lingering hands of the man on Victoria’s bare shoulders, he picked up his pace. He slightly cursed at her for not shrugging of the hand, cursed at her for wearing a provocative black backless dress and he quickly added another curse at how over protective he was turning into.

It wasn’t wrong actually; the need to look out for Victoria came in nature to him. They had been friends since they were six and he was always the big brother that Victoria never had. He recalled a time wherein Victoria was the new kid in school and everyone kept teasing her for her poor Korean. He was the first one to come to her side, comfort her and encourage her that the others were just not used to having a foreigner around.

As he reached his destination, he quickly placed his hands on Victoria’s shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. The action caused the man to quickly his hands and he faintly gave a scowl when Nichkhun kissed the top of Victoria’s head.

“Mr. Horvejkul.” The man acknowledged and reached out his hands for a handshake.

Nichkhun took his time before responding. As he became aware of the hand, he stretched out his palms and opened his mouth to say out a name but instantly regretted it when he remembered he doesn’t know the man.

 “Yesung Kim?” he answered for him.

“Oh, right. So, how’s the business going?” Nichkhun asked, being polite as possible.

“Good actually. You know what, I’d love to stay and chat but I should better go.” Yesung replied and stood up from his chair without waiting for an answer. He was walking briskly and after three steps, he collided with a waiter carrying a tray of drinks. The incident caused red rum to splatter all over his suit. 

Nichkhun tried to hold back from having hysterics but as Yesung was completely out of earshot, he broke out into fits of laughter. The persons behind him gave him a strange look when he continuously laughed loudly by himself. Victoria had to avert her attention to her drink, taking interest on the small ripples it made when she pirouetted the glass. She immediately faked a cough when she noticed he wasn’t stopping and added a mental prayer that the gesture would help Nichkhun become aware of the gazes thrown at them. Nevertheless, it was pointless.

When Nichkhun’s laughter didn’t die down, Victoria faced him and gave her best deliberating look. Her eyes grew big and the sides of slightly curved downward. The action seized Nichkhun’s joy and in return he gave her a pout. Victoria pulled Nichkhun out of the barstool and towards the tables located at an isolated corner. That way they can blend in and get less attention.

“You’re such a spoilsport, Tori.” Nichkhun said as he sat at a chair. At the same time, he puckered his lips further so that his pout would be more irritating to Victoria.

“Gosh, I can’t believe you just called me that.” Victoria responded, forgetting that she was supposed to scold him for his rude behavior.  

“You’re father calls you Tori. Speaking of, how’s the old man?”

Victoria let out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes before responding. “You know, the usual, running his restaurant and occasionally asks about you.”

“As expected. I mean, who wouldn’t?” Nichkhun remarked, his arms crossed over his chest and his nose stuck in the air.

“Apparently, my mom doesn’t. She still has this grudge against you, you know.”

“In my defense, it’s only because I spitted out bubblegum in your hair in the second grade. I can’t believe she’s still holding that against me.” Nichkhun raised both of his arms when he replied as if he was guarding himself.

“Well, my mom doesn’t let things go so easily.” Victoria said. She reminisced the exact day wherein she went home from school, crying because her hair was in a tangled mess. Her mother had to call a hair dresser and her father told her that he just had to meet the amusing Horvejkul boy. Even added that she invite the lad for a play date at their house.

 “Ah, still the heartless Mrs. Song”

“Hey, careful, that’s my mom you’re talking about.” Victoria warned, pointing a pale index finger at him.

They stared for a couple of minutes and eventually cackled with amusement. After a minute or so, silence fell upon them. Another odd thing that Nichkhun noticed between the two of them is that they were recently having these moments of silence. It never happened before, well, not that he can remember. Words always come out spontaneously like fire being fuelled. At times, they were even fighting to lead the conversation.

As if also noticing the awkward silence, Victoria started with her lecture.  “You were rude, by the way.”

“He was asking for it.” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“The man was actually a nice person to talk to.”

“You are not actually considering the guy, are you?” Nichkhun stated, turning his full attention on her and giving her a look of disbelief and bewilderment. He paused as he waited for Victoria’s reply. When, he noticed that she wasn’t going to comment he lifted his gaze up and had his mouth wide open. “You’re kidding, right?”

“As a matter of fact, I’m not.” Victoria replied as she lifted her glass to and ignored the look he was giving her.

Nichkhun was quiet for a couple of seconds. He tried to grasp the information he just received. As much as he would love to understand all of it, he just couldn’t. Was his friend turning desperate or something? He reminds himself that Victoria was never in a serious relationship unless if you count that one time. But that was a good ol’ couple of years back. Is she in a state of panic that she can just choose anyone that passes her way just like that letdown of a businessman?

“Are you for real? The man was a douche!” He tried stopping the words from coming out but it was already too late.

Victoria snapped her head up to him and scowled immensely at him. She wanted to jab her finger on his rather toned chest and yell at him for acting like a jackass.  “Yes, yes, I am. Unlike you, I’m actually dedicated to live a happy life with a person I will get to know and grow to love and not lie around and have some random girl jump in my bed and leave her once the morning comes.”

“Come on! I don’t-“ Before he could even finish what he was going to say, Victoria give out an unlady-like snort.

“Please, Horvejkul, it’s no point in denying it. If my mom’s heartless, so are you. You can’t be on a serious relationship. Never was and never will.” Victoria stated. Their conversation was totally blown out of proportion. They always argue but this was different. And although they always fight and be friends again like they usually do, she has a feeling that this was leading somewhere else. This time, they weren’t going to bicker and make up right afterwards. This time, they’re fighting over something personal.

The statement ignited a flame inside of Nichkhun. It hit a spot somehow. He was going to stay calm but Victoria was already walking on thin ice. A little slip and he’ll do or say something foolish. He suddenly wants to rewind what happened and take back what he said but knew it was already too late. He breathed heavily, thinking of any ways that he can evade a dispute between the two of them.

“Wanna bet?” Nichkhun asked, eyes determined.

“Oh no! I’m not playing that game anymore!” Victoria exclaimed.

“Oh you will, and I’m gonna win. I can prove that I can be in a serious relationship.”

“Yeah, right. And who’s going to believe that? Don’t you know the reason why Yuri is still after you after how many girls you’ve been with?” Victoria asked, her brow inching upwards and arms crossed over her .

“You see, that’s the catch. I won’t prove it to you. I’ll prove it to everyone.” Nichkhun replied, smiling immediately when he noticed Victoria slightly leaning forward as if she was getting interested.

“How, exactly?”

“We pretend we’re together and if Yuri backs off, we’ll know who wins.” he proposed.

Victoria stood appalled, dumbfounded even struck. This proposal has got to be the most ridiculous one she has ever heard from him and to think they had even far more preposterous bets before. “Are you out of your mind? Did you drink too much? Are you ill?” she questioned.

“No, I’m serious!”

“It doesn’t make sense, Nichkhun! You’re not proving anything! Where does this lead to?”

“Simple, you get to see that Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul can be in a relationship and does not jump from bed to bed and at the same time you’ll also get to know the men who are serious with you. If you’re with someone else, they won’t be chasing you just for the fun of it.” He reasoned out.

“And what do I get if I win?” Victoria inquired.

“Satisfaction and whatever you want from me.” Nichkhun replied, grinning as he bobbed his head.

Victoria tried her best to weigh things out. If she was going to agree to the proposition, she was going to be certain that she was going to win. And if she was going to decline, she would miss the chance of seeing Nichkhun fall and be humiliated. But what if the odds are against her? There were so many what ifs floating around her head that she didn’t notice Nichkhun was bending his head towards her. She saw the glimmer in his eyes and she knew right away that she wasn’t backing down.

“How long is the duration?”

Nichkhun smirked at her question. “You decide since I’m pretty confident that I’ll win no matter how short the duration is.”

“Two months. Take it or leave it.” She said, her head moving dangerously towards his.

“I’m taking it.” Nichkhun declared to which Victoria responded with a nod. “So, how bout we seal the deal with a kiss?”

“Wha-“ She didn’t get to finish because once she opened , his lips came crashing towards hers. She couldn’t take in what really transpired but all she knows is that Nichkhun was kissing her, an earsplitting squeal echoed inside her ear, cameras were flashing towards them and as strange as it was, she was slowly fluttering her eyes close.   

If there is something you’re confused of, feel free to ask me and I’ll be glad to answer you. Somehow, I feel like there’s something I didn’t write or something that wasn’t clear here. So, please tell me. It’ll totally help me grow as a writer. Comments are always appreciated! Leave one if you have time!

I may, take note, MAY update soon. I already written fragments for the third chapter and all I need is to let my fingers do all the typing. So, maybe I’ll see you guys soon!

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Kpopcornluvr #1
Please update soon!
fitfita #2
Chapter 3: Wooow! Its a great story line.
Update please, its really good...
MycahMicx #3
Update please. i'm excited for the next chap haha
Wow! The kiss was immediate. They say they're friends but they don't know they're falling for each other!
Update soon! <33
aleixa #5
I see some of the changes you made. :) can't wait for the complications to arise AND i'm glad the kiss came in immediately. :P
eebiie #6
why do i feel like nichkhun loves victoria but doesn't have the guts to ask her out so he's using this bet as an excuse to get close to her... and of course kiss her keke
oh seems like that guy's playboy life will over soon :D
jerbam #8
update soon please ..
loved it .. =]