Chapter One

Fair Play

Hello loves! Thank you for the comments and the subscriptions. It’s really a great Christmas gift for me. So, as a thank you gift, I give you the first chapter of Fair Play. I don’t really publish a chapter without having a head start with the next one but I’ll make this an exception because you guys are awesome! This story won’t be long, maybe over 15 chapters max? And hopefully, I won’t be MIA again and that I won’t get busy with college. Happy holidays, everyone!


“You know, I can afford a room downstairs. Horvejkul Hotel has plenty of them.” Victoria said exasperatedly, arms folding below her .

“It’s been a week already. Aren’t you tired of complaining? I offered my place and I’ve got spare rooms anyways.” Nichkhun replied while dipping his finger inside the bowl filled with whip cream which earned a glare from the brunette. “And who’s gonna do all the cooking for me?”

“I’m your best friend, not your cook.”

“Which totally is my point. What’s more amazing than having your best friend cook for you?” Nichkhun grinned as Victoria rolled her eyes and grabbed a chair for her to reach up for the vanilla in the cupboards. As she stretched out for the flavoring, Nichkhun took notice of what she wore. He doesn’t see Victoria in any light other than a best friend but for all the years he’s been with her, he was never blind to her good features or the bad. Seeing her on really short shorts made his eyes travel down her endless legs. When she was on her tippy toes, he tried averting his gaze away from her pair of unflawed lower limbs.

“You’re still ordering take-outs, aren’t you? Even with the cooks just a couple of floors down?” Victoria asked.

“I can’t cook and I like pizza.”

“You are really good for nothing.”

“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong, darling. You’re just used to being around me and that’s why you never see all my attractive qualities.” Nichkhun said to which Victoria replied with a snort and a good view of her back.

Nichkhun took the opportunity to observe her. A few days ago, he thought it was still the same and that Victoria was still the outspoken sparring partner he always had but now, thinking about it something wasn’t fitting right. Surely, half a decade can change someone.

As her back was turned to him, she sensed his eyes boring a hole behind her back. “You’re gawking again, Horvejkul.”

“No, I’m not. Don’t flatter yourself. And what do you mean again?”

“Yes, again. Stop acting so defensive as if I don’t know you. So, what is it?”

Nichkhun chose not to answer her question but seeing her eager eyes waiting for his respond, he let out a big sigh. “Well, it’s just that there’s something different about you and I can’t point my finger what it is.”

“Different? I’m still the same as I was before.”

“No, something is definitely amiss.” He shook his head and squint his eyes, as if examining her further. When Victoria felt conscious, she shook her arms in front of his face to ward off his gaze.

“I’m still me, Horvejkul.” She paused and dipped her three middle fingers inside the bowl she was working on and smeared it along the bridge of Nichkhun’s nose. “You’re just over thinking this.”

Nichkhun faked a fuming face to which the brunette responded with a vigorous laugh. After she started bursting out in fits of laughter, he joined her. “Well, I guess I am over thinking this. You’re still a seven year old trapped inside a twenty-eight year old body.”

Victoria hmph-ed at his comment. “Whatever, Horvejkul. Don’t you have a meeting to go to?”

At the mention of meeting, Nichkhun jolted from his seat near the counter and let out a loud curse. “I totally forgot! I have to go. Leave me a piece of the cake, okay? ” He dashed out of the kitchen and went inside again. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, there’s a party tonight and it’s a formal one. So, wear something nice, Song!”

“Damn it, Horvejkul! Couldn’t you have told me that a few days ago?”

Nichkhun was always a society boy. Being the only heir to the Horvejkul Hotels, he was trained to run the company, expand the Horvejkul empire, throw grandeur parties and entertain guests. And all those years of practice, it became second nature for him to do all those.

The night was still young but the social gathering was already on full swing. As Victoria sipped the martini in her hands, she searched for familiar faces. Spotting her petite pregnant friend sitting alone, she speed-walked towards her in hope for a company.

“I see that Nichkhun surprised you with the sudden party plans?” Jessica asked, chuckling. Victoria groaned at the memory of panic-shopping for a dress she had to wear tonight.

“He planned it all along!”

“Darling, it’s not like you didn’t see it coming. I swear, you and he are like oil and water. I’ll never get it why you two claim that you’re best friends.” Jessica stated as she slightly wrinkled her nose and placed her hands on her swollen belly.

Victoria took notice of the action. “Are you okay?” she asked, face worried.

“This guy’s kicking. He’s like his father although Taec insists it’s going to be a girl.”

 “You haven’t asked for the gender yet?”

“We’re betting on it.” Jessica joked and Victoria responded with a laugh. “Speaking of bets, have you and Nichkhun made one yet? It’s not natural for the two of you to have no bets going on.”

“Nope, none yet. I’m hoping there won’t be any though.”

Jessica’s left brow inched upwards with the statement. It wasn’t something common for Victoria to say. When she was introduced to Victoria when they were in college by Nichkhun, she remembered that there was a monthly bet between the best friends. It would go on and no one was willing to give in. Now, hearing Victoria evading a bet, she felt a little distant from her friend. She quickly shrugged off the feeling and decided that maybe she was just adjusting to having her around again after a long time. “Well, that’s a first. Anyways, have you seen Nichkhun? I haven’t seen him all night.”

“Yeah, me too. Well, he’s a big guy with a big business so he’s probably mingling with business partners.”

“Or mingling with a bed partner. Our big guy is at 3 o’clock.” With that statement, Victoria’s head instantly snapped to her right and saw Nichkhun at the bar with a familiar girl wearing a mini red dress. The girl whispers something to him while her hands teasingly play the white coat Nichkhun was wearing.

“Isn’t that Yuri?” Victoria asked as recognition hit her. She was sure she wasn’t mistaken. The long black hair and the tanned skin, undoubtedly, it sure is her. Victoria shook her head as she recalled a moment with her. Yuri was always after Nichkhun ever since their college years. It’s a funny thing that until now she’s still after the young bachelor.

“Oh that’s her alright. Whenever it’s Yuri, we know how clingy she gets. Especially with a young, rich and don’t forget to mention single CEO.” Jessica affirmed and then pausing for a second. “Hey, why don’t we say hi?”

Jessica encircled her palm on Victoria’s wrist and dragged her towards the direction of the bar. Victoria tried escaping from her grasp but it was futile. The pregnant woman was stronger when she was being stubborn. Victoria sighed and thought how Taecyeon can put up with his wife.

As they were nearing their destination, Victoria felt her heart pumping faster. She has been on the country for only a week and it was nerve wrecking for her to meet other acquaintances on such a short notice. Her anxiety was loosen up when Nichkhun turned his attention to her and quickly tucked her underneath his arms.

“There’s my favorite girl.” Nichkhun said as he shook her shoulders. The action eased Victoria’s worry and she quickly let out a grin to the hotelier.

“My goodness, Victoria! I didn’t know you were in town. Are you back for good?” Yuri asked, clearly faking her enthusiasm to which goes unnoticed to Jessica who quickly resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

“I’ve been here for a week and I guess I’m back for good.” Victoria replied, trying her best not to suffocate from nervousness.

“Oh, and I was already used to not having you around.” Yuri remarked. Jessica creased her eyebrows and tried to retort back to her snide comment but was stopped by Victoria who put up a hand towards her.

Before further damage could be done, Nichkhun tightened his hold on Victoria’s shoulder and grabbed Jessica’s elbows. “Well, it was nice catching up with you, Yuri. I need to tend to these girls and look for Taecyeon.”

“It’s always a pleasure, love. I’ll see you around!” Yuri said, winking at Nichkhun. As she turned her backs towards them, Nichkhun quickly let out a muffled, “I hope not.” The two girls beside him immediately laughed at his statement.

“She sure has you on such a short leash, Horvejkul.” Victoria said, nudging her friend on his sides. Nichkhun groaned and Jessica chuckled.

“Don’t remind me, she’s everywhere!” Nichkhun whined, exasperated.

“Well, girl can’t take a clue.” Jessica uttered and cocked her head to the sides when she caught sight of her husband getting bored at talking to some business moguls that were invited. She swiftly passed through crowds and grabbed hold of Taecyeon’s arms.

Victoria and Nichkhun observed the scene before them and grew impressed at how amazing Jessica can be. For as long as they’ve known Jessica, she was always persistent. And right now, having her husband by her side was what she wants and she was going to get it.

Seeing the two of them, Victoria felt a tinge of jealousy. It’s been a long time since she ever had someone beside her. Knowing Taecyeon and Jessica’s history, it wasn’t a smooth ride. She remembered having late night calls from the once-blonde friend about getting hurt from Taecyeon. But against all odds, the two of them are married and after three years in their marriage are finally expecting a baby. 

Taking her eyes away from the pair, Victoria averted her attention to the man beside her. “Have you ever thought about it?” she asked.

“Thought about what?”

“Falling in love? Settling down?”

Nichkhun faced Victoria and stared at her eyes. She was serious, she was asking sincerely. He was taken aback by her question. His face went blank, stoic even. In all their years as best friends, they never talked about this, well, except for the time Victoria was in a serious relationship. But with that aside, there was never a time to talk about settling down. It was either they were too young or it never became a topic since she was away. Now, thinking about it, he really doesn’t know how to answer her question. Has he even considered it?

He shook his head and gave a smirk. “I’m Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, I don’t fall in love.” He let out a pompous a laugh. Victoria frowned and gave him a scowl before she stormed away from him. Nichkhun’s gaze followed her and eventually, his laughter died down.

Is he even ready to fall in love? Or better yet, was he ever in love?

What do you think? Some thoughts guys? The plot hasn’t even started yet but this is just something I want to give out before the story really starts. We’ll know what the plot is about next chapter! So for now, leave some comments! It really is a big motivation! Merry Christmas everyone!

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Kpopcornluvr #1
Please update soon!
fitfita #2
Chapter 3: Wooow! Its a great story line.
Update please, its really good...
MycahMicx #3
Update please. i'm excited for the next chap haha
Wow! The kiss was immediate. They say they're friends but they don't know they're falling for each other!
Update soon! <33
aleixa #5
I see some of the changes you made. :) can't wait for the complications to arise AND i'm glad the kiss came in immediately. :P
eebiie #6
why do i feel like nichkhun loves victoria but doesn't have the guts to ask her out so he's using this bet as an excuse to get close to her... and of course kiss her keke
oh seems like that guy's playboy life will over soon :D
jerbam #8
update soon please ..
loved it .. =]