
Love partner(s)

That was a weird first day, Hyuk swooped you off your feet and brought you to a room for a 'prank', is what he says anyway. After that, the members had found you both and apparently that was Hyuk's favorite room to concentrate and just chill after a stressful day. Hyuk laughed it all off and the members just continued to tour you the whole area, from their personal rooms to the toilets. 

It was now a fresh day, you were called beforehand around 7AM to come into the company and you would make some arrangements with Vixx.

The director greeted you with a cheerful chuckle before pushing a seat towards you, "Sit down, sit down!"

He walked around and behind to his desk and sat down, placing his elbows onto the table with his hands entwined. "I called you today, so you could get some practise to your new career as a 'stylist."

You nodded, showing your understanding.

"Today, we have sceduled a dance practise recording for their new song, 'Dynamite.' If you weren't aware, we record them dancing their choreography and upload it onto Youtube for the starlights. And in order for us to be able to do that, we need to prep them up, by makeup and clothing. Since you are a new member of the team, we thought we'd give you this chance to show your skills. Is that fine?"

You expressed your excitement by clapping to yourself, smiling from ear to ear. "It'd be an honor!"

The director nodded and showed you out.


You walked down the corridor, to your left was their personal room that they had showed you last time. You specifically remembered that so if you had a question, you could come here anytime, right? Anyway, you knocked onto the door, peeping through the square window. You could see Hongbin relaxing on a the couch until he heard the knocking, he seemed so alarmed his whole body reacted which was cute. Hongbin looked towards you and flashed an embarrassed grin, assuming that you just saw him flomp. He hurried towards the door, opened and greeted you with a bow.

"I heard the news, you're our new stylist for the day. Feeling any pressure?", Hongbin says while he gestures you inside.

You slowly walk inside, caution about their privacy, "Well I didn't, until you mentioned it. But overall, I can say I'm fine for now."

Hongbin laughed, "Don't worry, we'll try to listen and do as according to what you say."

"That'd be really helpful."

Hongbin trudges towards the couch and belly flops onto it. He groans from the pain and rolls over to his stomach, "That was really stupid.."

You laugh and take a seat on a chair by the door. 


"Hey, can I ask you a weird question? It's usually asked in QnA's and I love them", you ask as your eyes explore the room.

[The room was neat, neater than you thought. As a room that belonged to 5 boys, it was a little surpiring. Minus the containers and empty drink bottles, it seemed like a comfortable place. It was spacious and had a nice fragance of lavender.]

Hongbin lifts his head from the couch with curious eyes, "Personal QnA? Sure, what is it?"

You glance over to Hongbin and his large, round eyes looking up to you killed your heart slowly. "Um, would you date a fan?"

Hongbin quietly chuckles and plops his head back down, "I would. Are you a fan?"

You fall backwards a little from the sudden question back, you couldn't see his face which made the question hard to understand and interpret, "I am.."

"That's nice to know", he mumbles that was only slightly audible.

You were going to question him more about the topic until you heard the door creak open. It was Leo, he opens the door until a third way open and immediately bows the moment his eyes landed on you. He then looked at Hongbin and back onto you, "Am I interupting anything?"

"No, we were just waiting for the other members", you reply, trying to hide the little mouse in your throat.

Leo takes a moment to think before closing the door before him and taking the seat next to Hongbin. "So what were you guys talking about?", he asked as he hit Hongbin on the leg so he'd sit back up.

"Nothing really, I asked about the previous stylists", you said, knowing it was a huge lie, but it flowed.

Leo suddenly smirked, he seemed to have remember something, which caused his to crack up by himself. Hongbin knudges before whispering into his ear, they exchange a few whispers before Hongbin exclaims, "Ah! I remember now!"

You being the confused one ask, "Remember what?"

Leo and Hongbin gaze at you at the same time with concerned faces, "Well, a certain member has a history for hitting on our stylists. He should be in jail for it to be honest", Hongbin laughs.

Leo nodded in agreement, "He's too much of a loose canon. Has he attacked you yet, Y/N?"

You were flustered from the question and began to think hard, "Wait, attack? He hasn't, but should I be w-worried?" You began to stutter showing your utter fear from the future and Ravi.

Leo slumped backwards, "Well, you could describe him as a wolf in disguise and a gentlemen as the outer skin."

"I'm sure he'll leave me alone", you reassure yourself.

"Nah, you're too pretty for him to miss", Hongbin mumbles again.

Your ears redden from the compliment, "T-Thank you?"

Hongbin lifts his head rapidly, "You heard me??"

You nod.

He drops his head once again, and you could see his ears blushing a dark tone of red.



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