Audition time

Love partner(s)

The spot light was mildly bright, but it's rays were still piercing as it was directly above you. You glanced to your sides, the other auditionees had grim expressions. Bullets of sweat, the biting of the lips, and the prayers that they would land a spot in.

While there was you at the end of the line, waiting patiently without a worry in the world. The reason you were standing in that position was because a friend had recognised your talent of styling hair or merging outfits together, which was something a stylist did. She suggested you try out for an upcoming audition, and you considered it, it seemed fun to do at the time. But now that you were in the actual spot, the regret started to dig in and reality flickered before your eyes.

The judges had finished discussing, the director of Jellyfish Ent stood up with a smile. The microphone caught a bit of his hard breathing before he annouced the results, "We have finished talking about who we find suitable for our companies. I'd like to firstly thank all of you for making it all this way to audition for our companies, it's truly an honor. Alright, so we have concluded that only one of you will be able to fulfil your dream as a stylist."

'Not really', you thought to yourself.

"This lucky someone will be working under a very popular kpop group, who are still rising!"

'This just got better..'

"Charismatic boys who aren't afraid to be chained up, or blow their heart like a dynamite for love..Vixx!"

The auditionees clapped loudly, cheering at the top of their lungs from the news. You were all excited, even yourself who didn't take this very seriously.

"Now, that one special person. She had hands like an eagle, swift and fast. The potential in her was amazing, and that's why Jellyfish Ent will be accepting her into our system and give her our full support of becoming a wonderful stylist."

At that moment, all the judges were nodding in approval, you looked from left to right until your eyes fell onto the director.

Eye contact, he was grinning directly at you. You just smiled back, confused and hoping this wasn't some push of false hope. The director raised the microphone again up to his mouth, while his eyes still locked onto you, "Y/N, I'd gladly congratulate you, and happy to take you in as Vixx's new stylist."

Your eyes widened in suprise, and your jaw dropped a little from the shock. The other auditionees applauded to your victory and showed their full support, hugs and patting your back while they word praises. 

Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle on HTC Sense 7

It had been a week since that audition, the shock was still apparent in your system. You were currently waiting for your ride to arrive, since today was just an introduction/tour day for you at the company site. The wait was short, a black van drives into the carpark zone and a familiar figure steps out.

"Y/N, are you ready?", the director asks as he gestures inside the van.

You nod and enter. The car's engine pumped up, and drove out onto the main road. The director who was sitting at the front seat decided to start conversation to keep you distracted, "So, are you a big fan of Vixx?"

You hesitate, "Well, I've been a pretty big fan since their SuperHero track.They seemed cute at that moment, before I knew it, I was hooked."

The director chuckled at your response, "They're very alluring on the screen, but in real life, they're total idiots. I could explain every single members personality, and it'd all be stupid." He laughs loudly to himself.

"Please do, I'd like to hear what they're like in real life, since I'm about to meet them anyway."

The director his chin, thinking hard about them, "Well, there's Leo, a hard shell to crack, but when you do, you'll probably regret it since you'll be seeing his inner side."

'Huh?', you thought.

"Hongbin, his smile could blind anyone, and his jokes aren't funny so you have to force laugh at them so you don't upset him."

"N, he'll neck chop you if you offend him in any way. Very sensitive kid, but also too sassy for me to handle."

"Ken, the aegyo machine! Whenever he does, I just nod and try to refrain him from doing it too much. Gotta save some of it for the fans."

"Ravi, on the outside he may look tough, but he's honestly very, how do you say it...Like an idiot, but he's still tough."

"And then Hyuk, he's the tree of the group, and the maeknae but so troublesome. He won't stay in one spot even if you chained him up."

The director giggles at his own pun, which makes you laugh a bit yourself. "They all sound like fun people", you say as the car drives into the carpark of the company site. 

You are then guided towards a practise room, the director knocks on the door. The door slides open, to reveal a familiar face. Ken, drenched with sweat and a towel around his neck. His eyes glance at the director and he immediately bows, then his eyes trail onto you which he looks confused. 

The director notices and grins, "This is Y/N, she will be Vixx's stylist from now on. I'm just introducing her to everyone and showing her around for now."

Just then N stands up, also drenched with sweat but still somehow maintains his good looking appearance. "We could show her around if you want, since you're a bit busy with the new girl group, right?"

You glance over to the director, he wad nodding while thinking to himself, "That's very true. Okay, Y/N I'll be leaving you in these boy's care." He then looked at N, "Make sure to return her to my office after you're done showing her around." N bows before he leaves and shows you a kind smile, "Do you know about Vixx?"

Before you know it, every member had grouped up in front of you, looking down at you with curiosity. The height difference was ridiculous, and even more, they had just finished dance practise so they were sweating but it somehow made them look more appealing.

"I do.."

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