
My Cousin Is A Devil In Disguise
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"Now kiss me before I force it upon you." 



To say that Ten was afraid was an understatement, the thai was petrified. He could no longer recognise the person standing before him, it's as if Taeyong had been possessed. Hell, even the air around him changed, it was so tense that had even made his own hair stood. The younger his chapped lips unconsciously just as he eyed the fearsome man.



Chittaphon couldn't think clearly, not when he was placed in such a precarious position.  He was never a good decision maker, let alone choosing whether to plant his lips on his childhood cousin's. He was so sure that his family would be so shocked if they were to hear their conversation in this instant.



Though with much hesitation, he decided to man up and keep his promise. It's not like he had a choice in the first place, not when the other was sending electricity down his body through his pair of glowing eyes. The thai's heart couldn't beat any faster when he started to lean in towards the menacing carnivore, he had never felt so nervous to kiss someone, not even when he had his first kiss with the girl he liked.



Just when their faces were 10 centimetres apart, Taeyong started laughing histerically with his hand clutched to his stomach, startling the edgy male.



"How cute. I'm just practicing for my new drama. Did I scared you? I am good at acting right?" The older smiled widely while trying to hide his laughter.



Ten just nodded dumbly with eyes wide open, unable to process what was happening. But soon started to feel offended as he not only had been thoroughly fooled by the devil before him but also called cute. He definitely doesn't like the idea of being called cute by his cousin, never.



"I am going to sleep right now. Remember to disinfect your cut." The taller stood up and strolled away, leaving the awestrucked boy behind with his brain fried.



The thai let out a sigh of relief, though still find the actor's actions were rather abtruse. He tried to summarise what just happened but decided that it's best to forget and quickly went back to clear up the mess and also get rid of the blood that mixed with saliva on his hands while he cursed Taeyong inwardly. Ten shivered in fear when the image of his cousin his hands appeared in his mind.



Wait. This meant that Taeyong had either forgotten about their promise or had no intention of actually kissing and making him his 'slave'. 



It was all just an act right?



"Yes!" Upon realisation, Ten let out a small cheer as he threw his fist up in the air, his smile could not be any brighter. He felt like he could even fly now. 



"Oh, and Chittaphonie?" The older turned back as he changed into a basic tank top and sweat pants.



Ten jumped at the call and quickly retracted his hand. The thai nodded warily, getting more vigilant of his cousin as he had not idea what kind of stunt the latter was going to pull on him again.



"I will be taking your bed. So you should sleep on the sofa."



"What! But–" Ten slack jawed. They obviously had an agreement that the taller would sleep on the sofa. Guess his cousin's personality was still the same, which was so contradictory to his appearance.

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Deflvly10 #1
Chapter 3: Hello writer~ This story is very good. I hope you will finish it. Wait for your update
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 3: Hmphahxhjwbsjs are they rly cousins
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 3: Haha. No way. He came to pick up Ten. ≧∇≦ My hearteu.
Chapter 1: Wow. It's so interesting even at the start.
ZacTripleZero #6
ZacTripleZero #7
Chapter 3: Updateeeee
ZacTripleZero #8
Chapter 3: Updatr huhuhu
ZacTripleZero #9
ygbbusan #10
Chapter 3: Pls update soon authornim~