Second time

Thorny Encounter

2:10 PM

It was nerve wrecking.

"Breathe in, and breathe out", the attempts to calm your rapidly thumping heart was futile. You peek down to your wrist watch while still trying to use the exhale method. You continously glanced around your surroundings to see any men who could be your potential blind date partner. But there were only elders and families who came to this area for the playground behind you. 

You spent another 5 minutes staring at yourself in your phone camera, just to see if there was anything stuck in your teeth or hairs that were sticking up. Time had flowed by very nicely, and by 2:15 you had perfected your appearance in every single way possible. 

Just then a tall, young man, around 180cm, and a little fidgety to be casual, walked into the designated cafe. Your suspicion began to strike as your eyes glided along, watching him like a hawk to see if he was it. He wore ripped jeans, with the combination of a white shirt and red flannel around his waist. His face was strangely very pretty as well, and awfully familiar. You gently nodded aproval to his fashion sense and started to think to yourself that if such a good looking guy like him was the blind date partner, you would bricks. But the thought of knowing him from somewhere wouldn't vanish from your mind, you were sure that you've seen that face before and probably extremelly recently. 

At that moment, you began to squint your eyes awkwardly at him, and observe his actions through the black tinted windows from the outside of the cafe. His actions seemed a little strange, within 5 steps in, he looked around for quite a bit and then sat at a 2 seater. He repeatendly kept glancing down at his phone while having a bit of a grim facial expresion.

You sighed and leaned back, "He's probably already got a girlfriend and this is the place they're meeting up. She's so lucky.."

Suddenly your eyes caught a glimpse of the time at a nearby train station. You immediately reached down to your phone to see if the time was correct..2:30. 'Crap', you thought as you casually bolted into the cafe, realising you were late and not even fashionably late. The same guy you were observing before then gaped up from the seat next to you and asked, "Are you y/n?"

You turned your head towards him and couldn't help but grin a little like an idiot. "Yes, I am. You're Wonwoo, I'm assuming?"

He just nodded and gestured you to sit down to the seat in front of him. The moment you did sit down, he began to stare at you suspiciously before questioning, "Haven't I seen you before?"

You looked up at the ceiling and began to think hard, "I was thinking the same, but thought I was just mistaking you for someone else."

Wonwoo continued to stare deeply at your face, with no facial emotion whatsoever. Tapping the ground with his foot, he exclaimed, "Ah! You're that girl at the music store!" He silently applauded to himself, and smiled goofily. 

You looked back down to his face and rowdily agreed with him. "Wow, I can't believe we would meet again, and like this too.."

Wonwoo realised the situation and began to laugh awkwardly, "If you don't feel comfortable, you can leave anytime." 

But as he said that, you could feel a strong gaze piercing through your eyes. It was as if he was telling you to not leave, but then again it just seemed like your wishful thinking. You smiled politely and reached for the menu that was placed on the table, "I'll stay, plus we have something in common don't we? So it'll be easier to talk to you."

Wonwoo beamed a little before returning to his stoic expression, "That's true."

You chuckled a little before asking, "So what are you going to get?" 

Wonwoo grabbed the other menu but had a bit of a stern expression, his eyes would squit from time to time and he'd wipe the menu as if there was something on it. You put down the menu slightly, and decided to ask what's wrong. He seem a little baffled at first, but then just smiled, "Well the thing is, I thought you would think I was a bit nerdy. So I tried my best from refraining to wear my glasses today." 

You blinked in surprise and just laughed, "That's ridiculous! Just put them on!"

Wonwoo revealed a giving up smile, and reached down to the pocket of his jeans, and whipped out a container. He opened it up and pulled up a rounded len pair of glasses, which were honestly cute. He proceeded to slide them onto his face and gave a little adorable grin.

"How are they?"

"Cute", you replied as you tilted your head to the side in fascination.

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