Blind date

Thorny Encounter

Your phone vibrates on top of the kitchen bench.

The moment you swiped Answer, a familiar voice bursts your eardrums, "Y/n...! If you want a boyfriend, you can't just stay inside."

You suddenly remembered that one time you ranted a little to Jimin about being single for a year now and hopeless love at first sights. You groan as you stretched your arm out, knowing he'd just give you some advice that your mom would give.

"I have no other way, it's not as if I'm going to find someone who would agree to dating me.."

Jimin sighs and begins to yell in that gentle tone of his, "Stop complaining and move your lazy or something."

You chuckle at Jimin's hopeless bickering, and start to play with your hair to distract yourself while he continued to nag. "But how Jimin? Who can I go out with? There's seriously no one." You could hear Jimin's patience begin to reach it's limit as his breathing became harder and lower.


Jimin has been your childhood friend since grade one. He moved into your school and was such a cry baby during our first meeting, he was really paranoid and scared and you were always the one to be by his side and somehow managed to take constant care of him. But as you guys grew up together, he went through puberty. Jimin grew taller, had his voice crack and somehow converted from the crybaby to a manly, dependable best friend of yours. Somehow he ended up looking after you instead.

Suddenly the conversation turns for the better and your ears perk up, Jimin reduced the ethusiasm in his voice and began to bleat, "Ugh~ How about I set you up on a blind date, you never know, love might blossom. It'll also help me a ton, I'll get to have a rest from your daily complaining about being single." You were speechless, the kid you used to babysit is offering you a blind date to help you.

"Yes please Jimin! Make sure he's actually worth it though, I don't want to spend my life with some drunkard that you setted me up with."

Jimin snickers at your comment and lets out a glad sigh, "As long as you're happy. Plus I've been planning this since you brought it up. A friend of mine has a mate named Wonwoo and found out he's just as lonely as you are."

You were ecstatic.You were so thankful to Jimin, it was so great to receive his support. Jimin then began to assume you were smiling like an idiot over the phone call due to the silence, he quietly chuckled to himself.

"Tomorrow your date is scheduled for 2:30pm at cafe ____, alright?"

You were nodding your head crazily fast without realising it yourself, you quickly thanked him and before going to your room and begin to plan your outfit for tomorrow's date. 

The temptation to wear something cute that'd woo any guy's heart guided you to your vintage styled closet, you began to rummage through every single piece of clothing but couldn't find anything cute and suitable for tomorrow. Looking down at your watch, it was only 1pm which was great news since you could stop by the shops that were only a couple streets away.

At the shops you remembered there was a cute dress that fitted perfectly to your slim petite figure. Miraculously it was 50% off, so of course you rushed on over there and bought it. Since you had found the perfect outfit and some minor accessories, you thought you might as well visit your favourite music store which was across the store. As you entered, you were greeted by a recognisable bell and fellow workers who welcomed you back. You bowed politely and made your way to the 'Slow melody' section. Nobody was in the section of your favourite genre which was delightful as you could take your sweet time.

Your favourite artist had just recently released their new limited edition album and you were literally eyeing the last sacred album on the shelf. Naturally your hand reached up to the cd album,but then another hand reaches upon yours. A large hand compared with yours had slightly gripped over yours, until he scattered backwards. You look up to a tall male with a tough stare, your face was staring directly at his lean but sturdy chest due to the height difference. 

You look away from his chest and onto his intense structured face. At the same time you both began to open your mouths in attempt to say something, but instead you guys cut eachother off. You caught yourself staring at him not knowing what to say.

The tall man starts the conversations asking, "Oh do you like ___ too?"

Your eyes sparkle up as it was so rare to find someone that also had the same interest for ___ too. You replied a bit shakily but in an excited tone, "Yes, I really liked them since the song ____ was realeased!".

The tall guy's complexion turned brighter, he continued to say in a suprised tone, "Oh wow, that's one of my most favourite songs from them too!"

Jimin who was the one who suggested this store to you, was coincidently visiting the store. As he walked around, he remembered your favorite artist had released a new album and thought of buying it for you as a gift. He looked through every single aisle until his eyes shook of shock, his jaw dropped a little before hiding himself. He leaned his head back onto the shelf while sighing under his breath, "Why is she with another guy?" Jimin took a moment to breathe and hurrily left before you saw him.

After 5 minutes of chatting, you guys finally finished. He offers the album to you in a hoarse voice, "Would you like the album? You can have it."

He notices the shimmer in your eyes, and a small smile sneaks up onto his face. You grab his large, tough hands from being too eager and excited. His eyes widen and his face is flushed bright pink. "Thank you so much!" You let go and you both parted your seperate ways. You skipped a little to the register and thanked them for their hard work.

You then stepped out of the store gleefully, and thought about the kind, tall man and realised you never got his name...  


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