1.0 Sleeping is Good for the Soul

Mistaken Identity

Warning: there is a lot of cursing and mature use of words. besides that please  continue reading :)

No one’s POV-

It was a Saturday afternoon when Jeonghan was softly snoring on his baby blue sheets that were stripped with cute little white lace. The blonde was taking a big rest after playing in a League of Legends competition, that lasted for 12 hours straight and boy was he tired. Luckily, his friends and himself won in 2nd place during regionals, so you could consider it a victory nap. Even though they almost lost the game due to a certain someone falling asleep 5 minutes away from their victory. All problems aside, Jeonghan had thought that he would get a good 10 hours of sleep and he thought he had clearly told his brother Ren to not bother him after he was done playing, so he could get a good sleep, before he had to tread over the 2 essays, 3 lab-writeups, and 1 hungry Husky to take care of before school started again on Monday (obviously the husky will be taken care of sooner). But no, all of a sudden a pesky kid started screaming and rampaging through the door.

“JEONGHAN GUESS WHAT!” said Ren with a pumping attitude that could get basically anyone to get up except Jeonghan.

Jeonghan didn’t respond at all and was still snoring as good as a baby.

“JEONGHAN GET YOUR UP. LOOK WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL!” hollered Ren, but still there was no response from the blonde boy.

Ren decided that he had no choice but to do one thing…



He jumped on Jeonghan’s bed and quickly tore off his blanket, at the same time he shook Jeonghan and yelled with all his might.


Jeonghan opened his eyes slightly noticing the smaller human trying to rampage him. He slowly opened up his eyes fully till he saw his brother’s squishy looking face in front of him. After 2 minutes of screaming and shouting Jeonghan was fully awake, and realized what Ren did.

Interrupt his beauty sleep.

That’s when the eagle eyes came out and that's when Jeonghan tackled Ren back.

“IM GOING TO GET YOU, YOU LITTLE PUNK!” shouted Jeonghan, and that’s when Ren realized he ed up... he’s screwed.

That’s when the tables turned and Jeonghan started to put Ren in a headlock and Ren started screaming in fear and pain, instead of his original intention.



“JEONGHAN YOU SHOULDN’T KILL ME BECAUSE I HAVE THIS.” as Ren showed him a letter, Jeonghan slowly lessened the grip and realized what that was.

“Oh, I’m sorry Ren,” as he got Ren out of the headlock and stole the letter from him, “you could have told me earlier. That would have ended much easier than it needed it to be.” Jeonghan said in a monotone manner.

“I DID. WHAT THE . I DID SOMETHING YOU TOLD ME TO DO AND THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN. WHAT KIND OF BROTHER YOU ARE. PSHH.” Ren said in a diva-like tone and sashayed away from Jeonghan’s room.

“I’ll make it up to you with ice-cream!” Jeonghan grinned deviously. Ren slowly came back in Jeonghan’s room and extended out his hand.


“Deal” and quickly afterwards Jeonghan hugged his brother and patted his head.

“Thanks again, little dude.”

“No problem, but just a fyi, I’m never doing that again.” and the Ren escaped out of Jeonghan’s room and went to go watch America’s Next Top Model.
Jeonghan stared at the letter intensely seeming like if he didn’t concentrate hard enough, then it’ll disappear, but it won’t. Slowly Jeonghan opened up the letter and out with it comes 5 sheets of paper. The first paper had Seoul Arts Academy plastered in gold font, nice and bold, and below it had the world’s best sentence.

YOON JEONGHAN, congratulations on joining us for the 2016-2017 school year, as we look forward to prepare a bright and beautiful future for you involving in the arts program. You were one of the few selected this year, so we have high expectations for you. Please meet with the principal the day before school starts, which is september 18th, 2016. Until then, please be prepared and we’ll see you at Saa!

Jeonghan is in full crying mode. Not because he’s sad, but extremely happy, because he just got in the school that he wanted to enter in ever since he was in second grade. In second grade, Jeonghan knew he was meant for entertaining people with his singing dancing, and comedic skills, not for doing taxes or taking care of people's dogs(even though he loves the people that do take care of his dog and the people that does his taxes).

After like 10 minutes Jeonghan stopped crying and that’s when he looked at his enrollment papers. He was so proud that his name was on the paper. Yoon Jeonghan.

Proud that it’s his age. 16.

Proud that it’s his grade enrolling. 10th.

Proud of his parent’s names. Yoon Jihyo and Yoon Gary

Proud of his gender. Female.







Did his paper say female.




As in girl.


As in a person with s and a .

Not a person with balls and a like himself.

Jeonghan was going to freak out, but he figured it can be some mistake, so he called the number in the registration form, that said please contact if any information was false. The information was false, so why not call.

“Hello, this is Park Hyeyoung on the line, supervision of the enrollment process, how may I help you?” squeaked her tiny voice.

“Hello. This is Yoon Jeonghan, I’m calling regarding about my registration papers.”

“Yoon Jeonghan. Oh yes, I was the person that picked you out from the rest of the applicants! Your resume was pretty candid young lady, with straight A’s, tons of community volunteer hours, and your audition tape was wonderful! You have a voice of an angel sweetie! Anyways, I should stop my bantering, what did you need to fix on your registration form?” said the lady sweetly

“Oh, thank you, for the compliments. I have you to thank for getting me to my dream school, and so I’ll work very hard. But the thing is on my registration form it says I’m female, just so why is that?”Jeonghan asked

“Well of course it says female on it sweetie, you’re the prettiest girl we’ve ever seen. If you were a male, we couldn’t have enrolled you as we have no more spaces available. Wait you are female right? “ asked the lady nervously

Jeonghan was shocked, that if he did say he was a male, he wouldn’t get to attend Seoul Arts Academy, so he did what he had to do.

“Of course I’m a female,” he chuckled nervously, ”it’s just that many people mistaken that I’m a guy, so I was just shocked about how you figured out my gender so easily. Especially the fact that I forgot to circle which gender I was during the registration process, so I wanted to make sure you guys knew you were enrolling a female AND totally NOT a male.” he chuckled very lightly.

“Oh good, but yes we are glad to know you’re a female and not a male. Is that all I could help you with today?”

“Yes. Thank you very much for your time. Maybe I’ll drop by to say hi once school has started.”

“No problem dear, and please do drop by anytime!”

“Okay, goodbye and thank you again.”

Jeonghan has never felt this kind of emotion before. He felt like he wanted to burst in tears of getting in his dream school, but he has to lie an entire year about who he is. Is it worth it?




In the end, Jeonghan decided to go with it for it is his destiny to attend SAA, and it will probably one of the most riskiest thing he has ever done. But in the end he knows that it will all be worth it when he can go and fulfill his dream as this will be a life changing sacrifice. Now he has to tell his whole family about this. Oh boy.


YAYAY I DID IT GUYS. i finally wrote a chapter. im crying. so yesss. i made this in august and SOMEHOW I HAVE 21 SUBBIES OMG I LOVE YALL SO MUCH. NO REGRETS. i did this out of pure bordem, and i forgot what kind of plot i was trying to process, so i kinda had to restart, but that's okay. AND i know my writing so please don't say mean words to me. Im just trying to get out my jihan feels hehe. and yeah honestly idk when the next update should be, so yall should comment down below and tell me. Besides that thank you so much for all the support so far and i hope all of you have a WONDERFUL day :)

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Aha, so that’s why I decided to stop. I’ve also started reading more on ao3, because I felt like I read every single meanie ff on this platform. So yeah! I actually went to their concert on Sunday, and my love for them grew heh


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Yoonjeongmi #1
Chapter 3: Im so happy u updated like i been waiting!!!!!!
Chapter 3: lol. Glad you updated! I want a ing!jeonghan for the rest of my life!
YJHannie #3
Chapter 3: Waaaa this is goood boooiii a perfect doze for my longing (thirsty) heart lol
Chapter 3: THANK GOD U UPDATED i had to reread everything lol but its still as great as ever, keep going and ill be here waiting... no rush tho lol
Chapter 3: Woah,thanks for the update. It had been long since I read this, so I need to re-read the previous chapter to remember back lol.
Chapter 3: I hope you're doing better <3 I'm glad you updated I almost forgot about this story lol
And I know the struggle honestly who doesn't think that school is draining lmao
I'll wait for the next update even if it takes like a month or 3 years :^))))
Chapter 2: Where are youuuu?! I need your story right noooowww!!!
Boku21 #8
Chapter 3: Don't worry ^^ hope you are having a great day to :)
Chapter 3: It's okay authornim, take your time.
slothhoney1004 #10
Chapter 3: OMG!! TAKE YOUR TIME!! OMO BE BEST FRIENDS WITH THE CUTE GUY!! When i saw the title of the chapter i was so scared you were gonna say that you weren't gonna continue the story cuz thats what most author's who write IM SO SORRY as the title usually do. BUT THANK GOD YOU AREN'T DOING THAT!! The plot is amazing. The way you write is amazing. THE IDEA IS SERIOUSLY DAEBAK!! I can't wait for your next update// >_< //