Day Fourteen: PT 4 The Power of the Sharigan

だってばよ!; 私の忍道! (apply closed)
day 014: PT4 the power of the sharigan.
 the eyes are the window to the soul - do you like what you see?
Today was the day that they were going to be traveling back home. Woozin was totally healed up and got a clean check up by Miok. He sighed as he left the building just walking back to the inn to tell the others as he could see Seolkyu carrying a couple of parcels in her hands probably things she had picked up shopping with a black cat resting around her shoudlers. "Hi." He looked at her when he had gotten close enough to her. 

"Oh hey. how did your appoinment go?" She asked as she looked at him. 

"Good. I am totally good now. We can leave at the planned time today." He said as she nodded. 

"That is good. I kind of ready to sleep in my own bed again." Seolkyu laughed a bit as she walked. She studied his face as he didn't seem that excited to be traveling home or that they were traveling at all. "Is something wrong?" He asked 

"No, nothing is wrong." Woozin was thinking about Kou and Siwoo. They could summon him at any moment and he hadn't come up with a way to explain him running off or having to leave them. He sighed as he walked just faking a yawn. "Just a little sleepy. I woke myself up last night and had trouble going back to sleep." He added as he looked at her. "I am going to go take a nap before we head out." Woozin told her as he walked off to his room just entering his room until she entered her own. He sighed as he laid down just closing his eyes. 


Huisu had been pacing around his room all morning. He was nervous about what he was going to tell Amelia. He had been thinking about this a lot lately and hopefully she wouldn't be opposed this idea. He sighed as he rubbed his face just exiting his room as he walked down the hall to Amelia's room. He knocked on the door as he waited for the door to open. He stood there like an idot for five minutes until he knocked again as the door finally opened. 

"Oh gosh! I over slept. I am so sorry, oh great. Everyone is going to be super mad at me." Amelia panicked as Huisu grabbed a hold of her shoudlers before this could get any worse. 

"You didn't over sleep. I came to talk to you if you are up to it." Huisu said as she nodded. 

"Of course, what is up?" She asked as she looked at him. She let him in her room as she closed the door behind them. She bounded over to her bed as she sat down on it as she watched Huisu sit down in an arm chair in the room just pulling it up closer to the bed. 

"So I have been thinking that when we get back to the village then we go on a date like just the two of us." He asid as looked at her  He studied her face as she blinked at him. 

"Are you asking me out or asking me about the idea?" Amelia asked 

"No, no. I am asking you out." Huisu said as he looked at her. "Like on a date-date. Just us two. I will plan and pay for everything. All you have to do is come." Huisu smiled at her 

"Okay. I was waiting for you to ask me." Amelia said as she smiled at him. I am really happy that you asked me. I have a tiny crush on you from your first fan signing, but it has just grown from getting to know you." Amelia said with a nod. "Do you have anything in mind for our date?" She asked him

Huisu only smiled at he looked at her. "I am not going to tell you. It is going to be surprise." Huisu looked at her pout. "Oh don't pout, that won't help you." He said as he leaned on his elbow. "Do you have any plans for this morning? Maybe we can go look around and shop a little together?" He asked her  

"Okay, let just get ready. That means you have to leave." She said as she watched him get up. 

"I'll go wait out in the hall." He said as he walked out. 

Amelia smiled to herself as she sliently cheered to herself. She got ready just packing up all her stuff so that she would just have to grab it and go when they were ready to leave. She walked out of her room just seeing Huisu leaning on a wall and looking at his feet. "Lets go." She said as he nodded. 


Sunmi was eatting some dumplings just relaxing before they were suppose to leave. She finished her last one as she stood up just throwing away her trash as she noticed Yunkyu walking with Huaxue just talking about something as they had a couple of mission scrolls with them. She figured it was more conversations about things between the two nations. She just walked back to the more shopping area just looking around as she saw Amelia and Huisu but they looked like that they were on a date or something since they were holding hands. She tried to wake up Seolkyu to eat with her but she figured that she didn't want to get up. She understood that. She picked up a few trinkets to decorate her room back at the leaf village with just thanking the shop assisstant for helping her out. She walked out of the shop as she almost ran into Yunkyu. "Oh sorry." She said as she got out of his way. 

"No, I was looking for you. Have you eatten?" He asked 

"Yeah, I ate some dumplings." Sunmi said as she held her trinket bag infront of her as she stepped off to the side not to block the enterance of the shop. 

"Oh okay then. Well then I guess I'll see you later then. I am going to eat with Huaxue and I saw you so I thought you would like to join us." Yunkyu said as Sunmi shook her head no. 

"Sorry." Sunmi said 

"No,no. It is okay." Yunkyu said as he his heel and hurried after Huaxue just catching up with her. 

Sunmi sighed herself as she figured that she should just go back to the inn and wait there. She got back to the inn just going into her room just putting away the items she bought in her bag as she laid down on the bed just reading a book that she had picked up. She could have just lied and ate again, but she didn't want to waste anyone's money. She closed her book just rolling on her side and closed her eyes. 


Woozin was woke up in the middle of his nap and he was looking at Siwook. He rolled over just almost falling off his bed as he glared at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he picked himself up just stretching his limbs.

"I need you to help me with something. I need help breaking into Huaxue's files. I need to get something." He said as he grabbed Woozin's shoulder just using a summoning scroll to appear in her office. 

"What the hell? We can't just, what do you need? Like this could get me in total trouble." Woozin said as he looked around. He sighed as Siwook had already opened the door to the closet. 

"Just keep on look out." He said as he entered the room. "I am looking for files about their labs." He said as he grabbed the certain files. "Oh also you have training." He added as he walked out of the closet as he drew another summoning symbol on Woozin's shoulder as they disappeared just appeaing in a training area of a what was their hide out. "Let me go take these to Kou and I'll be right back." Siwook walked off 

"Hey, we are leaving -" Woozin said as he sighed. This was crazy. They were leaving soon. How would he explain it this time? He really couldn't use the excuse that he slept past his alarm as they could get into his room and wake him up. He didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't even know how to get back without Siwook so he had to do this and then get himt to take him home. He just waited around as Siwook finally came back. "I am suppose to be with the others in an hour." He crossed his arms. 

"I know. An hour is an hour. It is better than nothing. Lets get started." Siwook said as he looked at Woozin. He watched the other sigh. Siwook tossed him a sword as he swung his own as he got ready. 


Huisu looked at Amelia as she was looking at crystals and other little trinkets. He had picked out some for himself as well. He just carried the items that they wanted to the counter and paid for them. "We should start heading back to the inn. We leave soon." He said as he looked at her 

"Yeah." She answered as she walked next to him just holding his hand that was carrying the bag of their things. She separated from him once they made to the inn as they went into their separate rooms to get theri things. Mintues later, they were the frist to be at their meeting place just right outside of the village gates. "I wonder what is taking the others?" Amelia looked at him as he had drawn ink blocks for them to sit on and wait.  

Seolkyu waved as she walked up just carrying her things and having the little black cat jump on Huisu's shoulder then to Seolkyu's just laying it's head on her right shoulder. "Were knocking on my door?" She asked as Amelia shook her head no. 

"That was me, I was trying to get you to come out and eat with me." Sunmi walked up as she waved. 

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were house keeping or something. You didn't say anything so next time yell what you want." Seolkyu said "Plus I was tired." She said 

"Yeah I figured." Sunmi said as Yunkyu walked up just saying goodbye to Huaxue and givng her a hug. Sunmi rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. 

"We are not all here." Yunkyu said as he looked at the group. 

"Yeah, I had someone open Woozin's door. He was not there and his stuff was gone. I figured that he had already came here. He said that he was only going to take a nap." Seolkyu said as she looked at him. 

Woozin walked up a few minutes later out of the woods. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep so I took a walk." He said as he stood by Seolkyu. "Should we get going?" He asked as he started to walk. 

"Yeah, I guess." Yunkyu said as he started to follow Woozin said as he looked at him. He sighed as he walked next to Sunmi as they made their way back to the village. Once it got to dark to travel anymore, they made camp just setting up their tents and what not. "Who is going to go get supper?" He asked as he looked at the group. 

"Huisu and I can. We haven't done it yet."Amelia said as she grabbed a couple of fishing poles. She walked off with Huisu as they walked to a stream to fish. They came back to the group when they had enough fish to feed all of them. Amelia watched Huisu get them prepared as she set them in the fire that Woozin was handling. "Food is ready." Amelia told the others as she passed out the fish as Huisu had almost made some rice mixed with seaweed. 

"I can not wait until we back home and we can stop eating fish." Woozin said as he looked at them. "Plus I hope that we don't have to these long missions again." He said as he didn't want to have missions and then have to deal with Siwook and Kou. 

"Yeah, you and Seolkyu don't have any more missions for awhile. Sunmi and I though only have a few days of rest before we have to set out for the sand village." Yunkyu said as he looked at them. He saw Sunmi's sigh as he looked at her. "Sorry." He said as he looked at her. 

"It is okay. It my job, I guess." Sunmi said as she ate. She finished as she stood up. 'I am going to go get some sleep." She said as she walked to her tent. She got ready for bed just laying down and trying to get some sleep. 

Yunkyu sighed as he got up. "Don't stay up too late." He told them as he walked into his own tent just laying down himself. 

Once everyone was done, Woozin put out the fire as he walked to his own tent. He sighed as he walked Seolkyu's tent just grabbing his cloak as he laid it over her. He knew that he had to meet up again with Siwook again. He grabbed his sword and walked off into the woods just going to the meeting place that he was meeting Siwook at. 
hey guys, here is a new chapter. i hope that you guys like it.  this is more of an transition chapter. 
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[Mar 8]だってばよ!; Please read new game update. Thanks!


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To quote everybody in Star Wars ever, "I have a bad feeling about this"
Chapter 26: Everything is coming together ! :D
I'm excited for Woozin and Seolkyu! ;-;
And i've probably said this before but I'm always looking forward to your updates because aldkjfaldfj they make my day~
especially now when i'm so deep into naruto and boruto xD <3
You never fail to impress me *insert heart eye emoji here*
Chapter 23: I'm glad that everyone's together for these chapters~
I'm really anticipating the outcome and where you take the story author-nim ~
Chapter 19: I had totally gone mad mia and now that I'm back I'm so happy to read the update you've written! I can't wait to see where the group heads to next! So much is going on and I couldn't be happier!!!