Day Eight: Pt 1 Finally Feeling Like Real Ninjas

だってばよ!; 私の忍道! (apply closed)
day 008: Pt 1 finally feeling like real ninjas.
 the day that my dream of being a ninja finally comes true!
Amelia smiled as she looked at the landscape around her. They were getting close to the village hidden in the mist. She was so excited to be able to see this place in real life, although she knew this was a fake world - what she was seeing though was certainly not fake at all. Amelia was extremely happy to be doing this project, and to be honest she threw a mini celebration in her head when they figured out that they were stuck here, yeah - she had a decent life back home but it wasn't always decent. Because of her otaku personality and hobbies, she was often bullied and considered the black sheep of her family so being around people that didn't judge her or torment her day in and out was a paradise to her. 

"Amelia, are you listening to me?" Huisu asked as he looked at her 

"Sorry, what did you say?" Amelia asked as she looked up to him

"I asked if you wanted the rest of this water?" Huisu asked as Amelia nodded 

"Thanks." She took the bottle just taking a drink then handing it back to him. "So where do we go now?" Amelia asked as she looked at Yunkyu. 

"We need to go to the mission building and report there." Yunkyu said as he looked at them. "That is where we should meet the team leader that asked us to hellp them out." He said as they walked. He walked to the mission building just turning in their scroll as he spoke with the ninja behind the desk. "Thank you." Yunkyu said as he walked back outside to the others. "Follow me, this way." Yunkyu said as he started to walk again. They walked to a part of a bridge that connected to two nations to provide another route to move supplies and goods across the nations, and also to make bonds between nations stronger. "We are suppose to find a ninja named Huaxue(OC). She is around our age." Yunkyu said 

"You said my name why?" A girl not much taller than Seolkyu with gray-blue hair asked that was tied into braided pig tails just in a gray short overall with a light ocean colored blue tee shirt with gray ninja shoes with the same ocean blue over the knee socks. Her ninja headband was tied around her neck like a necklace. She also had two twin chinese hook swords on her back just hanging off her over all straps. 

"Oh hello, we are the leaf ninjas that your village requested. I am Yunkyu. This is Woozin, Seolkyu, Sunmin, Amelia, and Huisu." Yunkyu looked at her as the other nodded. 

"Finally. Right now everything is calm, there hasn't been any attacks. Do you guys already have set partners?" Huaxue asked

"We do." Yunkyu as he pointed out their pairings that they had made when they were traveling. 

"Great, who's your medical ninja?" Huaxue asked 

"Well both of us can." Amelia said 

"Can both of you fight too? Like big impact?" Huaxue asked 

"Seolkyu's a better fighter than me, really." Amelia said wit a nod

"Great, then you and Huisu can guard and help in the medical bay. Seolkyu, you can help out on the field and under the make shift medical tents. The medical bay is right over there. I'll walk you and introduce you to Miok." Huaxue said as she walked the two over there then returned to the other four. "You guys follow me." She said as she walked them out into their spots that they were going to be patroling. 


Yunkyu looked at Sunmi from her patroling spot just sticking his hands in his hoodie pokcet as he walked over to her. He stood next to her just looking around as she was also just looking around patrolling like she should. "Uhm so, Sunmi. See anything yet?" He asked as she shook her head no. "Oh, I see." He mumbled as he really didn't know what to say or anything. 

"Huisu said that you've cosplayed as girls before." Sunmi mentioned as she turned to him. 

"Ah, just when I was younger. I can't anymore now that I am in highschool, but middle school I could. I am too tall and muscle-y now." Yunkyu answered with a nod. "Have you ever tried cosplaying?" Yunkyu asked 

"No, I have seen some of your pictures though since Jaehwan likes your naruto ones. I didn't know that was you until I thought about it." Sunmi answered as she noticed Huaxue walking up to them. 

"Hey, I need to borrow Sunmi for a little. We need some broken tree limbs moved quickly, and you'r e the one with the forceful winds, right?" Huaxue snapped as she looked at the two. 

"Yeah that is me." Sunmi answered as she looked at the other. 

"Great, come on. She'll be back in a few minutes." Huaxue said as she walked off with the girl. "I heard a lot about you from Hitomi. It isn't very much just a couple broken trees that we didn't know about." Huaxue said as she looked at the girl. 

"It is fine. I don't mind it at all." Sunmi told her as she walked beside her. "So uhm, none of these attacks have been related to Kou?" She asked as Huaxue shook her head no. 

"No, more of an organization really. We aren't exactly sure who they are though. No one can acturately tell us what they look like other than they look shadow like." Huaxue answered as she nodded to her. "I was hoping that sharigan boy would be able to spot them but he hasn't seen anything unsual so that means they know we brought you all." Huaxue pointed to the broken trees. Huaxue watched as Sunmi easily blew them off the path way just back up into the forest. "Great, thanks. Now little creatures can use those tree limbs and broken tree as a home. Here, I'll walk you back to your spot." Huaxue said as they started to reture to her patrol spot. 

"No problem." Sunmi put away her fan as she started once again to walk beside Huaxue. 

"Can I ask you something?" Sunmi asked 

"Sure, go ahead." Huaxue said

"Uhm you don't happen to know a boy named Renyue? His fighting style seems awfully similar to yours just based on your weapon." Sunmi asked as she looked at the other girl. 

"Yes, his clan is my clan's cousin clan. It just means that wer are similar." Huaxue answered "Though my clan holds a different kekkei genkai than his that is why we are cousin clans." Huaxue explained as they walked back to where Yunkyu was watching the area. "Any other questions?" She asked as the other girl shook her head

"Well if you think of anything just ask me. I don't mind the questions." She told her as she looked around. "This area is usually pretty quiet as no one uses this path anymore due to the bridge, but it is a good path that they could use thinking that they won't be spotted so keep your eyes on it." Huaxue said as she left just waving to them. 

"What did you ask her?" Yunkyu asked 

"If she knew Renyue, they are from cousin clans so she knows him. That is all." Sunmi said as she looked at him. "I know asked because of her weapon and she seems similar to his fighting styles." Sunmi explained as she sat down on a tree stump.


Seolkyu sighed as she looked at the area ahead of her just stretching out her shoulder. It didn't bother her much but would get tense and was still a little sore. She looked over to Woozin who had his eyes turned just looking around. "Do you see anything?" She asked as he shook his head. 

"Nothing enemy like yet. They probably haven't come out yet. It is still pretty early in the morning." He answered as he looked at her. "Your shoulder bothering you?" He asked as she shook her head no.

"I am just lossening it up like you would in physical therapy if a patient had been shot by a gun. It helps the muscles." Seolkyu said with a nod. "I don't want to tear any muscles when I am fighting." She said as she leaned back against a tree. 

"I see. You know you shouldn't hide your scars so much, everyone in this world won't ask you about them but be think they are really cool and are battles wounds. Plus they make you special in a way, unique." Woozin told her as she only didn't answer him. He sighed as he thought he had seen her smile before a smoky haze begain to rise around them. "Seolkyu, watch out." Woozin side stepped spun to his left just pulling out his blade to avoid as charka charged kunai flew at them. Woozin clinked another off his blade as he watching Seolkyu easily kick one away by simplying kicking a round house kick over his head. He looked around as found the area that the kunais were coming from. "Follow me." He said as he put his blade in front of him in a defensive position as they walked. Woozin stopped as they got closer as there were two cloaked ninjas sitting up in trees. "Are you two the ones attacking this village?" He asked 

They didn't answer as they looked at the two. One of them simply looked at the other as one disappeared as the other dropped to the ground. The person only a head taller than Woozin and was certainly a male due to the physique of the person's body. He pulled out a blade as it sparked black sparks as he let his hood down just looking at the two. "You're the boy boss mentioned." He said as his eyes were a dark navy blue with ashy-sliver hair as large gust of wind had blown down his hood. 

"Who's your boss?" Seolkyu asked 

"No one you should know. I think it be best if you stay out of this." The man said as he looked at Woozin. "How well have you learned your eyes?" He asked as he looked at him. 

Woozin looked at Seolkyu. "You okay to fight?" He asked as she nodded. "Then looks like she won't sit this out." Woozin said as the other shrugged

"Alright if that is how you want this to go." He said as he stretched his arms simply getting ready. He flashed just striking at Woozin as Woozin easily counterd the strike. The man caught Seolkyu's as she used the leverage to spin out of his grip just landing a blow into his shoulder. "You two are getting pretty good." He noted, 'but not as good as me." He said as the person in front of them went poof just as Woozin quickly turned around just blocking his blade as he couldn't block the bolt of lightning that was sent towards Seolkyu.

Seolkyu jumpped on the tree branch just dodging the bolt. "I guess I'll stay out of the way for now." She said as she stood there on the branch, "as seeing you don't want me around." 

"Good, you're a good listener. Better than last time I heard." He said as he turned back to dodge Woozin's strike just hitting Woozin in the chest with a kick of sparking black lightning. He sent a few bolts at Woozin.

Woozin countered them off his own blade just sending a bolt at the right time at him just hitting his shoulder as he used the chance to slip behind him just getting his sword as the clone sparked away. 

"You're pretty good. Won't get any better learning around these folks though. I could show you a few things but maybe you wouldn't be into it." He shrugged as he made a large black lightning shaped dragon above him as it cracked down just making a large birght light as the light fizzled out the man was gone just leaving a large dark black scorch mark. 

"Hey I heard the loud crack of thunder, you guys okay?" Huaxue said as she looked around. "Where's Kyu?" She asked 

Woozin looked around as he had be blown back a good length just getting up. "The guys uhm had chased her back itnto those trees over there. He had a partner but I don't know where the person is. He used the dragon to get away." He walked over to the pile of trees as both him and Huaxue jumpped back as a tree was kicked up. 

"You could have warned me!" Seolkyu snapped as she pushed herself up just having a small cut on her forehead. "What did that guy mean when he said he would be back later when boss said itw as the right time?" She asked 

"I didn't hear him saying that. I was busy dodging a huge dragon. You okay?" He asked as he reached out to her wipe her forehead. 

"Do not touch me. From now on, I am not your partner. I am always end up collertal damage." Seolkyu smacked his arm away. "I am sending Amelia over here." Seolkyu stompped off just pulling out a gauze type cloth from her pocket just pressing it to her head "If you had better trained eyes maybe we wouldn't end up like this." She grumbled 

"Well I am new to this and still working these out. You are stuck with me, Yunkyu said so!" Woozin snapped back as he looked at Huaxue. "We are still working on the team part of teammate." Woozin sighed 

"I can tell." Huaxue laughed "Be to be honest, I don't blame her." Huaxue said as she turned to him. She looked him over as she sighed. "You should go and get yourself checked out. I can handle it here." She said as she watched him walk off. She sighed as she looked around at the mess that was created. "Well this certainly isn't the group we're looking for as their lightning user was a girl and we have in custody. Those two bring trouble with them - well at least the boy." Huaxue sighed as she made a water clone just going back to her oringal spot to talk to her other members. 


Amelia finished healing a group of kids as they had gotten in the mix of a blast of trees breaking. She sighed as she could see Seolkyu walking with Woozin not far behind her. "Oh boy." She said as she looked at Huisu who was helping drawing maps and sketches of the people that had attacked or anyone that they had seen. "Take a seat and wait your turn. Miok, can you do Seolkyu while I check on Woozin?" She asked to a peite plum haired girl with bright green eyes. 

"Sure thing!" She said with a bright smile. She was wearing a white mini aline skirt with black leggings. She had a light teal kimono styled top with white ribbons to tie it closed with a white tank top underneath. The sleeves did cover her hands with over sized sleeve openings. Her head band was tied on her head just like a regular one and her hair in a  high pony tail. She had white ninja shoes. "Hi, I am Miok." She told Seolkyu as the other girl removed the bandage. 

"I just have a minor head wound. Some charka stitches a guaze bandage patch should be fine. Other than that I am okay." Seolkyu explained to the girl

"You really know your stuff." Miok said as she sitched Seolkyu up then placed a bandage over it. 

"I should. I am a medical ninja. I am the head medical ninja in the leaf's children ward." Seolkyu said 

"Oh, you must be the Seolkyu that Amelia was telling me about!" She exclaimed as she smiled to them. 

Seolkyu laughed a bit as she got up. "Well I am going to head back out there. Thanks again." She said as she started to walk out as Woozin spun Amelia around to a new patient just going after her. 

Miok watched them as she placed her hands on her hips. "Are those two-" She started as she heard both Huisu and Amelia say no at the same time. "Oh, okay. Sorry." She mumbled as she went back to work. 


Yunkyu sat by Sunmi as their area was pretty quiet. They did have to tell some kids to go back home and play near there. He looked over to Sunmi who was looking around just seeing something move in the distance. She stood up as she blinked. "Did you see that?" She asked as Yunkyu stood up. "This way." She said as she started to move. She jumpped down from a tree as she saw another shadow. 

"What are you doing?" Yunkyu asked as he  pulled her back just looking at her. "We don't know what we are going after and you want to just run into it?" He asked as she nodded 

"Yeah, of course! We can help these people." Sunmi said as she looked at him. She kept going as she looked at the body waiting for them stuck to a tree with a blood spear in the left shoulder and then another in the right leg. "He looks like the drawing Huisu flew to us." Sunmi said as she pulled the small scroll from the body. 'Your reward for listening and getting me left alone. K.' Sunmi read as she looked at Yunkyu "I told Kou isn't as bad as other makes him out to be." Sunmi said 

"Yeah, he rewards us with a dead body of a guy Huaxue wanted to get alive to question them." Yunkyu crossed his arms as Sunmi made a wind message to Huaxue. Yunkyu shook his head as the other ninja walked up just looked at the work as Sunmi and pulled out the spears just hiding them before Huaxue arrived. 

"Good job, you two. This isn't the guy that attacked Woozin and Seolkyu, but I think they were a totally different group. I have some people come and pick him up. You two can head back to your regular spot to keep patroling." Huaxue told them as she looked at them. 

"No problem. Just doing our job." Sunmi said as she pulled on Yunkyu's sleeve. She pulled him along as he shook his head. 

"This is not right. We should have told her what happened." Yunkyu said as he looked at Sunmi. "What did she mean by not the man that attacked Seolkyu and Woozin? We need to go talk to them and check on them." He said as he got out of her grip as they walked. 

"Oh calm down. I am sure that they are fine. We can talk to them when our shift is done." Sunmi said as she stood back in her spot. "Besides Kou helped us, we don't need to tell her everything. The enemy is dead and that is all we should care about." Sunmi looked at him as he sighed. 

"You are really trusting a guy who's killed and torments our friends." Yunkyu said as he gave her a side eye. 

"Well I have learned that not all evil people are truly evil in some people's eyes." Sunmi said as she sat down again on the tree stump. 


Woozin sighed as he walked up to Seolkyu as she was sitting down in the area just kicking a couple of broken tree branches. He sighed as he stood beside her as he thought of what to say. "I shouldn't have to say sorry but I am." Woozin said as he looked at her 

Seolkyu sighed as she shook her head. "It is fine. You didn't do anything wrong. You actually did really well. It was just that guy was way stronger than you. He said was true though you don't really have anyone to train or learn from." Seolkyu said as he shook his head. 

"I am learning just fine." Woozin said as he looked at her. "You know I could get Huisu-" He stared 

"You already said that you're stuck with me. Plus it might be better for us to work on this team work thing." Seolkyu said as she felt him clean some dry blood off her head and hair. 

"That guy said something about you listened better this time. Does he know about Kou and how does he know?" Woozin said as he looked at her "I feel like Yunkyu is doing a solo mission on us to information on Kou for Naruto. We shouldn't mention this to him." Woozin said as she nodded 

"Yeah, it might mess up their no searching for Kou thing and get Sunmi all mad again. I don't know why she came to me. I be happy to see him locked up, honestly." She said as she looked at him.

Woozin only nodded. "Yeah, I noticed that. Yunkyu has begun to ask me more questoins about Kou." He said as he noticed Sunmi and Yunkyu walking to them. "Hey guys." He said 

"Unnie, you okay? What happened?" Sunmi asked as she saw the bandaged up head wound. 

"I am fine. Just a scrape." Seolkyu answered as she looked at them. She stood up just wondering why they had come over here. "So why are you guys over here anyway?" She asked as she brushed herself off. 

"Our shift is over and Huaxue told us a good place to eat. We just have to go get Amelia and Huisu." Sunmi said as nodded to them. "So Huaxue said that you two were attacked?" She asked as they began to walk. 

Woozin nodded. "It was just a couple of rouge ninjas, we guess that got caught up in all of this." He said as he looked at them. "They escaped when they got a chance." He added as they were walking up to the medical tent. "Hey, Amelia, Huisu. We are off shift. You two wanna come and get something to eat?" Woozin asked as he looked at the two. 

"Sure, we are coming. Bye Miok." Amelia said as the other girl waved goodbye. Amelia grabbed Huisu's arm as they walked over to the group. 

The group left the area just heading towards the town. Sunmi also told them that Huaxue had gotten them two inn rooms. One for the girls and one for the boys. They could stay there until Huaxue declared that their mission was over. The resturant that they were walking to was close by and they made it there in about ten minutes. The group sat down at a table in the resturant just ordering and then started to eat when they food was put down on the table. 


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[Mar 8]だってばよ!; Please read new game update. Thanks!


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To quote everybody in Star Wars ever, "I have a bad feeling about this"
Chapter 26: Everything is coming together ! :D
I'm excited for Woozin and Seolkyu! ;-;
And i've probably said this before but I'm always looking forward to your updates because aldkjfaldfj they make my day~
especially now when i'm so deep into naruto and boruto xD <3
You never fail to impress me *insert heart eye emoji here*
Chapter 23: I'm glad that everyone's together for these chapters~
I'm really anticipating the outcome and where you take the story author-nim ~
Chapter 19: I had totally gone mad mia and now that I'm back I'm so happy to read the update you've written! I can't wait to see where the group heads to next! So much is going on and I couldn't be happier!!!