Chapter 95

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?

Narrator's POV

"Here," Min Yu hung Donghae's neat, pressed clothes. He was impressed. The food she made was good, the whole dorm was clean, and his clothes were looking fresh. He eyed her from head to toe.

"You're not tired yet, are you?" he asked. She shook her head. "Good. You still have 3 more things to do. Wait for me while I take a bath," he said and left her. She sat on his bed and rummaged through his things. She pretended to be sitting, not doing anything when someone knocked on the door.

It was Kyuhyun. "Hey, are you doing something?" he asked. "No, why? Do you need anything, do you want me to do something, what?" she replied, ready to carry out more orders.

"No. I just brought you food. Ryeowook made this especially for you. We thought you haven't eaten anything yet," he entered and put the tray of food down the bed.

"You must be exhausted," he commented.

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Very," she said. "Why don't you tell Donghae?" he pointed to the bathroom. "You still have school tomorrow." She just shook her head. "I did him wrong, and I just want us to be okay again," she explained.

"Why didn't you do something for me when you were still at the hospital?" he asked. Her eyes widened in recognition. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so, very, numerously sorry," she said.

He smiled and ruffled her hair. "You don't have to do that. Besides, I understand now what you meant back then. By the way, how come you say sorry easily now? I thought you were the almighty Min Yu, who wouldn't say sorry even if it was her fault?" he pondered.

"Heechul would probably get mad at me if I say this but I don't see anything with saying sorry once in a while. Sometimes it just means that I value the people I love more than myself. If apologizing can be the only means for me to keep these people, then so be it," she said.

"You've grown so much," he slung his arm over her shoulder. "I'm proud to have you as my best friend. Just don't ever use honorifics to me again or I swear I'll go back to China. And you'd miss me," he threatened.

He waited for her to finish eating and when she did, he got the tray and left the room. As soon as the door shut close, Donghae just exited the bathroom.

Min Yu instinctively covered her eyes at the sight of Donghae wearing only a towel to cover the lower half of his body, plus with water still dripping from his hair. "C-can you at least get dressed inside the bathroom?" she grew tense.

"You're overreacting. It's not like you haven't accompanied me inside a dressing room before," he smiled at how uncomfortable he could make her. "Quit talking and just get dressed," she ordered.

"Oh, so now you're the one being bossy, huh? I told you you shouldn't complain," he shouted. "Fine," she grumbled, still clamping her hands over her eyes.

"Is there anything you want me to do? Cook dinner, drive you to places...'cause I'm pretty sure I'm a way better driver than you are," she ranted. "Entertain me while buttoning my shirt," he ordered. "Seriously? You're such a lazy person," she commented but went ahead and did what she was told.

"How could I entertain you while buttoning your stupid shirt...I don't have that much talents but I could count from 1-10 in 4 different languages, is that fine?" she suggested. "I know that already. Something different," Donghae shifted his weight on his other foot impatiently.

"Hm...I could tell you all the names of the bones of the body," she said proudly. He was astounded, but didn't want to show it. "Fine, go ahead," he snorted coldly.

"In the skull, you have the cranium and the mandible. Hyoid bone, clavicle, scapula, sternum, ribs, spine, divided into 4 parts: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum. In your arm, you have the humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges..." as she talked and buttoned his shirt at the same time, he stared at her.

He noticed how her lashes brush against her soft cheeks whenever she blinks, her brown, almond eyes that reveal everything she was feeling inside. He noticed her long, delicate fingers that weave its way along his shirt...

"On your hips is the pelvic girdle composed of the ilium, ischium, and the pubis. Down the legs are the femur, patella, tibia and fibula. On the foot, you have the two largest ankle bones: the talus and calcaneus. Same with the hand, you have the tarsals, metatarsals, and the phalanges. Tada! It's done," she stepped away and fixed Donghae's collar. She waited for his response, but all she got in return was his staring eyes.

"What?" she asked. "N-nothing," he stuttered and snapped back to the present. "I only got two more tasks left, right?" she asked, following him as he darted out the door and into the hallway. He didn't look back, and instead kept walking, not hearing anything.

"So what, you're leaving me here?" she shouted when he didn't answer and just descended down the stairs. He seemed to be lost, out of his mind.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I was going to take you somewhere. Come," he gestured for her to follow him.

Donghae's POV

While in the car, her phone began ringing loudly. She just stared at the screen, but didn't answer. "Should I?" she asked, as if able to read my thoughts. I nodded and kept silent. She also pondered about it for a moment, but pressed reject.

"Why did you ask me when you didn't even follow?" I asked. She just shrugged and looked out the window. She was still heart broken about Chunji cheating on her, and I wonder why she can't confront him about it so as to ease her suffering.

We entered the mall, and I quickly got unwanted attention. I held Min Yu close, just in case fans surrounded me and she would be pushed away. "Where do you want to go?" she asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but my phone rang and interrupted me. "Wait," I said and pressed the gadget close to my ear.

"Yoboseyo?" I answered. "Donghae? Yes, you remember about the TV series offered to you in Thailand?" the booming, authorative voice was none other than the manager's. "Yes. Why? It's been almost a year since they offered that to me," I answered.

"Good news. You got accepted," he announced. He gave me the information I needed and I thanked him for everything, then hung up. "Come on, let's just go inside the bookstore," she pulled me. Inside, we browsed through different types of written literature possible.

"Could you search for a Thai-Korean dictionary for me?" I asked the saleslady and she walked over the reference section. "What do you need it for?" Min Yu asked. "I just want to know their language a bit more, since we have a concert coming soon in Thailand," I said.

She just nodded and walked away. I didn't want to tell her I was leaving. I don't want her to know. Not yet. "Here," the lady handed to me. I headed towards Min Yu, who was examining a thick book. "Do you want it?" I asked. She put the book down.

"No. Are you going to buy that already?" she asked, changing the topic. I nodded. "Pay for it," she said and went to the cashier to wait in the line. I stared at the book she was holding earlier, and memorized the title and the author. I would buy it for her tomorrow, the last gift I'd give her before I leave for Thailand.

Afterwards, I brought her to Starbucks, knowing she hasn't eaten anything yet. "Okay. For your 9th task, I want you to order food quickly," I said. We went over the counter and her order had been made in less than a minute of deciding.

We sat on an empty table and waited. I watched the customers as they came and go. A lady passed by. She had just entered and sat on a table across us. She looked like she was waiting for someone. I didn't know her, but an idea popped inside my head.

I started to act weirdly, stirring on my seat. "What's wrong?" Min Yu asked. "You see that girl right there?" I pointed to the lady. "What's with her?" she followed my gaze.

"She used to be my stalker," I lied. Min Yu just snickered and nodded. "She used to follow Super Junior around, everywhere we go. I don't know how she could find me again. I told her I already have a girlfriend, so she stopped stalking," I was amazed by how quickly these words came rushing out of my mouth.

When the mysterious girl looked our way, "Quick! Pretend to be my girlfriend!" I exclaimed to Min Yu. She panicked, and didn't know what to do. "I don't want," she pouted. "Why?" I asked.

"What if Chunji suddenly came here and thought I was cheating on him? No. I don't want," she answered defiantly. "Okay, here. If you pretend to be my girlfriend, just until that girl leaves, it would be your last task and I'd forgive you," I persuaded even though deep inside, I've already forgiven her.

She thought about it thoroughly, and sighed. "Fine," she gave up. My heart almost leaped in joy. The waiter came and presented our food. "What is it that girlfriends do?" she asked.

"Why don't you know? You're Chunji's girlfriend," I said. "You should know. You forced me into this," she whined. "I don't know. I've never been a girlfriend all my life. And I never will be," I defended. "Fine, I'll feed you," she sighed and began giving me food.

"If you look grumpy and sulky, the stalker won't believe it," I said. She smiled and acted as if though she really enjoyed eating with me.

How I wish this moment was true, and that mysterious girl, whoever she is, would stay here forever so Min Yu would be my girlfriend even though we're only pretending. But as quickly as she came, the girl also left after about half an hour. "Great job," I said and gave Min Yu a high five.

"Honestly, did you ever get tired from what I asked you to do a while ago?" I asked. "Why don't you just bring me home? I'm dead tired and all I want is too sleep," she requested.

I felt guilty about having her go through all those tasks I gave, so I drank my coffee in one go and left with her. On the way, she fell asleep inside my car. I had to carry her to her room and on her bed. I took her shoes off and tucked her in bed, kissed her goodnight, and left.

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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!