Chapter 88

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?

Narrator's POV

Min Yu entered, closing the door carefully behind her. It was noisy, for a change. She could hear people talking in the living room. There may be guests, she thought, and quickly fixed herself. It was only 7 in the evening, but she was already dying to go back to sleep.

"Omma?" she called out while taking her shoes off gently. She then walked over to the living room, where she could only see the visitors' backs. "Appa?" she said, and surprisingly, as if it was a magic word, everyone of them turned around.

"They've been waiting for you to come home," Min Jae said from a corner. "Chunji and I went around Insadong," she explained. The Super Junior members secretly elbowed each other, interested by the subject she had used.

"Chunji? What's with Chunji? So you're best friends now?" the ever gullible Eunhyuk asked. Min Yu gave him a glare, but he wasn't able to see past through it. "Yeah. We're really great friends. SO tight," she replied. "Oh," he said, which made the others roll their eyes. He believed everything too easily.

"I'll explain to you later, hyung," Sungmin patted the older's back. "What do you have there?" Heechul asked, eyeing the plastic bag she was holding. "Oh, this? Dinner. Do you want some? I've bought too many," she answered. Ryeowook proceeded to her side to take a look. "Is tha--AAAAAH~" Ryeowook ran away, terrified of what he he had seen.

"What is it?" Sungmin curiously pressed. "Why do you have that? And you call that dinner?" Ryeowook whined to the girl. "Yeah. That was Chunji's reaction too. But it's actually heavenly if you taste it," she said and proudly showed the members a bowlful of boiled silkworm.

"You're overreacting. It's just worm," Sungmin scolded his dongsaeng. "Well I don't eat those kind of stuff," he mumbled. "Where did you buy it?" Siwon asked, glaring at the food. "Insadong. If you don't want it, just say it. I'm taking it up to my room. Dinner," she said and ascended up the stairs to her bedroom. She opened the door with her foot, her hands were occupied by the street snack that she had considered a proper meal.

Min Yu's POV

Hot. That was the first thing I've felt when I entered. It was like a bonfire was lit and hidden somewhere in my room. I tiptoed to switch open the airconditioning unit to full blast. I set the bowl down and looked all over the place. Nothing was changed, and everything was where I had left it....except for my backpack with all my school stuff inside.

It was nowhere to be found. I was about to ransack my whole room looking for it, when I realized that I had left it at school. Smart me. Knowing there was nothing I could do, I plopped down on my bed and continued eating. My phone rang loudly, and I fumbled in my pocket to take it  out. Sweat and the oil from the boiled silkworm left an annoying mark on my phone's screen.

"Yoboseyo?" I answered, quite irritatedly. "Home~" the person on the other line replied. "Good," I responded, but my mood didn't lift up with the sound of Chunji's voice. I exhaled sharply, and sat up. "What's wrong?" he asked. "It's awfully hot. My school bag is nowhere to be found and I'm bored," I complained while opening all my windows.

I didn't worry about getting robbed because my windows were open. My room was on the second floor, for crying out loud. A thief must be that desperate to climb 10 feet just to get what? An iPhone and a camera. That robber could take my wallet but it has nothing inside.

"Don't fret. L.Joe's on his way to bring your bag. Plus, he needed help with something. If you're bored, you could talk to me all you want. Just don't stay up too late. But with the hot thing...I really can't do anything about that. I'd buy you an electric fan or something," he said.

"Thanks," I muttered, a smile slowly forming across my face. "Do you want me to bring you some worm tomorrow for lunch?" I offered. I felt him cringe on the other line, and his facial expression must be hilarious. "No thanks," he responded. "I'd just talk to you later, okay? Bye," I said and hung up the phone.

I heard a sharp knock. I opened the door, but no one was outside. Two knocks sounded again, and I didn't bother to get up, thinking that someone might be playing an irritating prank on me. There was a third one, but it sounded more like knuckles against glass...I turned around and saw a dark silhouette on one of my windows.

Great. I'll stop thinking about robbers because here comes one. I grabbed a pepper spray I kept on my bedside table, and peered outside. "W-what are you holding? Don't spray that thing, Min Yu!" the shadow said.

I squinted my eyes, and tried to get a clearer view. "Can I come in?" the person asked. When I hesitated, "It's L.Joe," he said. I relaxed and released the breath I didn't think I was holding. I helped him get inside my room.

"How'd you get up here?" I asked, grabbing my school bag from him. "I'm Spiderman," he replied, fixing his creased shirt and messy hair. "You could've just knocked on our front door like any normal person would do and saved us both from trouble," I said, once again sitting on my bed.

"But climbing windows are more fun," he responded as he sat beside me. "Thanks anyway. Chunji said you needed help with something. What is it?" I got straight to the point. He lifted a sling bag from his shoulder and took something out. "First day in school and my teacher gave us homework," he complained.

"No one in the dorm could help you?" I prodded while rummaging through my bag. "Let's see. Ricky and Changjo couldn't help me. I don't want Niel to help me. CAP was busy with his own assignments, and Chunji referred you to me," he explained.

"Well, you actually have no choice," I commented. "So could you help me?" he asked, handing me his notebook. "I'll try my best. Worm?" I said as I offered him my bowl. "No thanks," he pushed my hand away.

For almost an hour, I did my best to teach him what I understand, and he did his best to understand despite my lack of tutoring skills. "Are you sure you don't want anything? Food, worm, water, anything?" I insisted. "Do you have tea? Tea always helps me concentrate," he answered without facing me.

I went down and prepared some tea. The Super Junior members have already left, and omma was already in her room, sleeping while waiting for Leeteuk. "Here," I said after running back from the kitchen to my room.

"Thanks," he took the cup from me. I asked him a few questions afterwards, just to check if he really did understand everything. He summarized the lesson, and I was glad he picked up something from me. "You should ace that subject. I'm your tutor," I bragged as he busily slid his books in his bag one by one.

"But teaching isn't one of your forte," he commented. "Maybe you better get home before I punch you," I teased. I still feel awkward around him, knowing the wrongs I've done. I'm sure a part of him still despises me after I chose Chunji, but I knew we would still be the best of friends no matter what.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said, standing beside the window. I nodded, thinking he wants to ask about my relationship with Chunji, and braced myself for what his outburst would be. "Is that thing edible?" he pointed to the bowlful of worms. I laughed, and he smiled, easing the tension.

"It's pretty delicious. Try some. Chunji spat it out after tasting, Super Junior thought it was from outer space or something," I stated. He was reluctant at first, but took some and popped it in his mouth. I watched his reaction carefully. "It''s kinda good," he commented. "Finally! Someone who has the same taste buds as mine," I exclaimed. He sat back down beside me and ate. "Aren't you going to ask me something else? I know you do," I pressed.

He remained expressionless. "Nothing," he munched on. "I thought you were going to ask something like 'Is Chunji good to you?' or 'Are you sure you made the right choice?'" I searched his eyes for any clue, any clue that might reveal what he was feeling.

"First, I don't want to ask something I already know the answer to. Second, I don't doubt you. Instead of passing on to me the wheel, maybe it's you who's really avoiding to ask a question. Come on, let me hear it," he replied. I  gulped down. Maybe he was right. I was the one who needed answers.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. "I'm a man, not a boy, Min Yu. If I was mad, I could've told you directly and not kept it bottled up inside until you asked for it. But to answer, no, I'm not," he said. I released a sigh of relief. "You made me nervous," I punched him jokingly.

"I'm sport. If I win, then great. If I lose, it , but it's better than not trying at all. As for what happened, I know it was difficult for you. And I'm sorry for having to put you in a situation like that. But I wanted to at least try. It won't be wrong to try, right? But it seems that I lost. And it's a big deal, especially since Chunji's like my brother already.

I'm not being bitter about it or anything, but as much as I want to rip Chunji's face off and run away with you right now, I still wish the best for you both. It's what makes you happy, and what makes him happy too. Who am I to just deprive you of that just because I didn't get what I want? Maybe it really wasn't meant to be.

I know Chunji's better at it than me, so I kinda anticipated that I would have been a bad boyfriend. Overall, I'm glad for the two of you. And I just want to tell you that if he ever does something to you to hurt or offend you, Spiderman could turn to Wolverine and rip Chunji's face to shreds. Just saying," he said as he punched his fist in the air.

He was still busily eating boiled silkworm as I stared at him. If I hadn't known him that well, I would have thought he was a player. He would always get what he wanted. He probably changes girlfriends like he changes clothes. But as I know him, L.Joe was completely opposite.

"You're a smart person, you know that?" I commented. "Are you saying that because you don't want to tutor me anymore?" he chuckled. "Okay I take it back," I said. "I'll eat all your worms," he took what's left, and put it all in his mouth.

He stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder. "I better get going," he said. "Yeah, before I push you out that window for eating everything," I whined. "Thanks," he ruffled my hair. I stood up and hugged him, for the first time.

"Next time you need help, knock on the front door. My parents might think I was hiding someone in here," I said. "Better sleep early," he reminded. I nodded obediently. "Do you want me to bring you some more worms tomorrow?" I offered. "Sure. I'd love that," he said and jumped out of the window. "Take care," I waved and shut the window close.

I crossed out my school bag and boredom out of my mental checklist. Now, I only had to battle with the temperature. I rushed to the bathroom, and had a quick, cold shower. Water trickled down my chest, and soothed the pain I was feeling. The stitches were still there, but it would heal anytime soon. All it needed was time. I went out and got dressed. The warm temperature had also been removed from my checklist.

Now, I could sleep peacefully.

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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!