Mysterious Number Seven

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?


Min Yu's POV
There was a knock on my door. "Min Yu-ssi?" someone asked. "Ne, come in," I said. It was Yesung.
I was alone in me and Donghae's room because he had a schedule, or he just left to go somewhere. "Waeyo?" I asked, and turned to the book I'm reading. He sat beside me. "Do you have any homeworks to do?" he asked. "I think. Wait, I'll check," I answered and rummaged in my bag. I brought out my notebook and book.
"Yes, I have. Why?" I turned to him. "Nothing. I just wondered if you have. Do you need any help?" he asked. Such a thoughtful oppa. "Hmm. Sure. Help me," I said and showed him my assignment.
"Oh. The answer to that one is chlorophyll. This one is... hmm. Oh! It's pseudopodia. This is... chloro... chlorophyta. Yes, chlorophyta," he said the answers. He's really smart. I jotted the answers and waited for the next. "Oppa, what about this?" I asked and pointed. "Hmm. I forgot about that topic. RYEOWOOK-AH!" he shouted.
"Wae?" Ryeowook's head appeared on the door. "Can you help us with Min Yu's assignment in Biology?" he asked. Ryeowook oppa approached us and stole the book away from me. "Oh! This is easy. I remember my high school days like it was just yesterday..." he thought out loud.
"Number five is rhodophyta. Six is amoeba. And ten is trypanosoma. But number seven... hmmm," he said. "I know right? I can't answer number seven too," Yesung chided. "SUNGMIN-AH!" Ryeowook shouted.
"Ryeowook? Why were you calling me?" Sungmin said a few minutes later. He sat beside me and ruffled my hair. "Hyung, look at this. Do you know the answer?" Ryeowook asked. "We can't answer this question," Yesung added.
"Who answered number one?" Sungmin asked. "Me. Why?" Yesung answered. "It's not pseudopodia. It's cilia. Aish, you want Min Yu to learn the wrong things?" Sungmin argued. "Oh right. Sorry. I get confused with those two," Yesung replied. He turned to number seven and pondered deeply. "I can't understand the question. HEECHUL-AH!" he shouted. 
"Mwo?" Heechul responded. There were now 4 guys in my room, fighting over what's wrong or right. "Who answered number one?" Heechul asked angrily. Ryeowook and Yesung pointed to Sungmin. "It's not cilia. It's flagella, you idiot!" he shouted.
"Aish. Sorry," Sungmin responded. "Hyung, do you know number seven?" Ryeowook asked. "Hmm. I know the answer. I just don't remember what it is," Heechul said. "Why don't we just move on to my next homework?" I butted in. "Right," they agreed.
"I hate Math," Yesung said. "That's okay, oppa. You've helped me enough," I replied. He kissed my forehead, bid me good night, and left the room. "Maybe I should call Kyuhyun for help. He loves to do these kinds of problems," Sungmin suggested and left also, leaving Ryeowook, Heechul, and me. A few minutes later, Kyuhyun came.
"You need help?" he asked. "Oh good, you're here. Help Min Yu, okay?" Ryeowook said, and went to his room to sleep. "What is it?" Kyuhyun turned to me. "They insisted on helping me do my homeworks. But helping isn't the right word. It's ACTUALLY DOING my homework."
"Yesung came in and asked me if I have homeworks. I said yes. He got my book and started answering. He asked help from Ryeowook. Ryeowook asked help from Sungmin. Sungmin asked help from Heechul. And now you're here too," I narrated. "But do you really need help?" Kyuhyun asked.
"Hmm. Let me see," I said and started solving the Math problems. Kyuhyun and Heechul watched me in amazement until I finished the whole thing. "Done! So far, I didn't need help," I said.
"Aish. Sungmin wasted my time. Good night Min Yu," Heechul said, and left. "Good night," Kyuhyun repeated, pinched my cheek, and went to his room. I flipped through my Biology book, and wrote the answer to number seven.
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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!