Toys for 14-year-olds

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?

 Donghae's POV

"OW!" I shouted. "Why did you do that?" I asked. She smiled. "That's for asking me if I have any crush in school," she said smugly. Was there something wrong in what I had asked? "What's wrong with that?" I asked again. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared on the road ahead. "I have no interest in boys," she answered seriously. My eyes widened.
"Don't tell me... don't tell me you're--" I stuttered. "No! Of course I'm not lesbian," she answered before I could finish. "Then what's with you? I thought girls your age focus on boys and makeups and dating and malls... shopping," I said. She hit my head again. "Stop that! First, I'm driving. Second, I'm your OPPA! Do you know what oppa means? That means I'm older than you," I explained.
"That was for calling me a girl. First, I'm 14. I'm called a teenager. Second, I'm not that kind of teenager. I'm offended that you thought of me as someone like that," she responded. Wow. She's really deep. She never fails to amaze me.
We arrived at the mall. We entered immediately, not waiting to be noticed. We went inside the theater and sat down. The movie we watched was an action movie. It was about a soldier being hunted by mysterious creatures on a deserted island.
During the bloody parts, I cringed and looked away. I saw Min Yu smiling weirdly while watching. She enjoyed the violence. "Oppa is scared. Oppa is scared," she teased. I stopped her by covering . She bit my hand. I bit my lip to prevent myself from shouting. "That was painful!" I hissed at her.
"Don't be scared now. The good part is about to happen," she said. 
After the movie, it was already dark. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. She nodded. "Let's go eat," I said and pulled her to the nearest fast food chain I could see. 
When we approached the counter, the cashier recognized me. "Please, don't scream," I pleaded her. She just nodded. "Won't you ask for his signature or his number?" Min Yu butted in. I laughed and shushed her. "What do you want to eat?" I asked her. "Hmm, that one," she pointed. "Okay, we'll have one of that--" I turned to the cashier.
"NO! Not that one. I've changed my mind. I want that one now," she pointed again. "Aish. Okay that one now--" I said again. "No, not the one with vegetables. I hate vegetables. That one!" she argued. "Can you just tell the cashier yourself and--" I whispered. "Ah! Okay. Okay. I've changed my mind again. I want the one with the toy," she said.
"You're 14 and you want a toy?" I exclaimed. I laughed and she saw my expression. She pouted and pulled at my arm. "Please appa? Please please?" she asked, using her aegyo. "APPA?!" the cashier almost shouted. "No! She's just... I'm just... Ugh. It's no use. She's not my daughter, okay?" I explained. Min Yu smirked evilly. 
"And what's your order?" the cashier asked me. "Hmm. I guess," I pondered for a while. "Haha! Donghae wants the one with the toy too," Min Yu teased. "Stop that. I'm thinking," I replied while biting my lip, trying not to laugh.
I said my order and waited for the receipt. I heard a click sound from Min Yu. I saw her take a picture of me using her phone. "What was that for?" I asked. "I'll post this on my twitter account," she answered. "What?!? Delete that," I argued, trying to get her phone and delete my photo. She played hard to get.
I was about to chase her off when the cashier gave the receipt. "Sir, that girl is driving you crazy huh?" she joked. I smiled back. "More than you'll ever know," I answered. I got our food and sat on the vacant table. Of course we didn't eat in silence. Min Yu played with her toy while eating.
"I thought 14 year-olds don't play with toys anymore," I teased. "Don't ruin my good mood. By the way, thanks for taking me out to the movies and buying me food and a toy," she said.
I pinched her cheeks. "You have to buy me medicine in return," I replied. "Why? Are you sick?" she said, feeling my forehead. "No. My head aches so much after you argued with me at the counter," I responded. 
It was already 8pm when we arrived at the dorm. I forgot that she still had to go to school tomorrow morning. Min Yu asked me to carry her on my back while in the elevator. When we exited, she was already asleep. I brought her to our room, removed her shoes, and laid her gently on her bed. She hugged me before drifting off to sleep.
"Thanks, oppa," she whispered, and closed her eyes. 
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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!