Come Back

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?
Donghae's POV
"We are now landing in Incheon Airport. Welcome to South Korea." I heaved a sigh of relief. I stepped off the plane after making it almost my third home. I've visited different countries, and it seems the world is already conquered by me.
I was surprised to see fans at the airport. I waved to them and flashed a bright smile. At last, I was back in Korea after 5 long years. 5 around-the-world years.
I checked my phone for messages but found none. Where was Eunhyuk? He said he'd be waiting for me. Oh well, since he's not yet here, I scrolled towards the old messages I kept rereading and rereading and rereading.
These were the messages from Min Yu which were sent years ago. I played her voice mails again and again. I never got tired of hearing her voice, although these voices were of pain and sadness. The pain and sadness I have caused.
Her last voice mail was sent 3 years ago. She told me about her getting into college and entering the university. After which, she said nothing more. She only sends me birthday greetings through text messages, which used to be four to five minute of voice mails.
The voice mails used to be regular, once every month. But after two to three years, the mails became frequent to often until it disappeared altogether.
A big smile spread across my face as soon as I saw Eunhyuk waiting for me. I ran towards him and we hugged like a couple not seeing each other after a long time. "You're as fishy as ever," he commented.
"And the monkey began speaking," I stuck my tongue out. He laughed and ruffled my hair. "You haven't grown even an inch. But I'm glad you're back," he helped me with my bags. "Did you bring your car?" I asked. "I'm too lazy to drive. Let's just hail a cab," he replied.
I sighed but follow him anyway until we were outside the airport. I chose a random day to come back so there were not much people around. We quickly hailed a taxi and rode back to the dorm.
"Anything new?" I asked, hoping to hear anything good. "What do you expect in the year 2017? That the North and South would just combine? Nothing's new. Same old same old," he answered. 
"What happened to the dorm? Did you let anyone in my room?" I asked. I forgot to add that it was me and Min Yu's room, but I didn't bother to correct myself. "It's empty now. Only the furniture were left, no more trace of Lee Donghae," he said.
"What happened to my clothes and books and other stuff?" I prodded. "I gave them away," he responded. "What right do you have to just throw away my stuff, huh?" I bantered with him until we reached the destination.
I was welcomed back into the dorm with kisses from Siwon, being the skinship devil he is. "We were supposed to throw a surprise party, but we were too busy to start planning," Sungmin explained.
"It's fine. Thanks," I said. "The sisters have left already?" Eunhyuk asked. "They left early this morning. Min Young was already homesick," Yesung answered with a pat on my shoulder. 
"How is she?" I placed my bag on the floor and made myself comfortable on the couch. "Uhh, hyung, I'd just clean your room for you," Ryeowook excused himself. "I'll go and buy some milk, I ran out," Eunhyuk also left.
"Wh-what were you saying?" Heechul asked me to repeat. "I was asking about Min Yu. How is she?" I replied, a little louder this time. 
"Min Yu...familiar name. Is she the new choreographer for F(x)? I heard she's really great," Siwon butted in. "Come on, you were just talking about her earlier. Is there something you're hiding from me?" I stood up, perplexed by their change of attitude.
"Well, since you left, things...things have been different," Sungmin slowly stuttered. 
"Like what?" I pressed for answers. 
"Well, Min Jae already gave birth to her baby. It's a girl, so her name is Min Young," he started. "I'm not asking about her sister. I'm asking about Min Yu," I was beginning to get irritated by the suspense. "Hyung," Siwon elbowed Heechul, who hesitated to speak.
"What's with all of you guys? I've been gone for 5 years and now you're like this?" I shouted. "You said it yourself. Five years. You've been gone, and you didn't even try to contact us back here in Korea. Things have been...hard," Yesung continued.
"We've missed you a lot during these years, but Min Yu? She missed you a hundred times more. She said she's been trying to call you, but you don't ever answer," Heechul explained.
"She was not herself during the first year. Tears always brimmed her eyes. Only the slightest argument would make her cry. If her mother scolded her for not cleaning her room, she would lock herself in for a day. She was so sensitive that I was too scared to talk to her," Siwon stated.
"Everything changed when her graduation day came. She was happy, it was obvious. She even included you in her speech. And what did she get? A lousy letter and a silver bracelet. I'm pretty glad she had a boyfriend that time. Chunji had been so patient and caring to her. After a few months or so, when her sister was already starting to talk and walk, Min Yu came back," Heechul narrated. 
"She graduated college being a consistent dean's lister. We were all proud of her. That was the time I was really convinced that she was fine. She didn't escape during the celebration just to send you another voice mail. She was there the whole time and I'm glad she got over it. 'She got over you' is the better term. She and her sister are Teukie hyung's angels. He's always so proud of the two. Min Young, in turn, takes so much after Min Yu," Ryeowook butted in from the kitchen.
"I can't believe how much impact you can do to a fifteen-year-old girl after just a few months of being together in the same room," Kyuhyun shook his head in disbelief. "I should probably look for them," I thought out loud and left the dorm without another word.
I got inside my car and started the engine. It was an hour before lunch, so I guess the two are just strolling somewhere.
"Hey," I replayed Min Yu's last voice mail. It was sent 3 years ago. "Many things have already happened. It's been 14 months since you left. What do you expect in that long span of time? I'm already done with the three promises. And the only one left, the waiting part, I'm afraid I can't keep that."
I remembered the nights I spent thinking of what really transpires through her mind when she was saying those 6 words.
I'm afraid I can't keep that...
"I told you I hate waiting. It's been more than a year. Honestly, what do you want me to say? I don't have forever to wait for you. I have a life too. I don't even know for sure if you receive these voice mails I've been sending for the last year. I'm tired of waiting. While I'm saying this, there are already many things I could have done. I could have been with Chunji, I could have studied, I could have went out with my friends instead of doing this."
"I love you. Is that what you want to hear? That I love you, more than just a friend, a brother, a father. I love you." she sighed. "I know this is stupid, but you're probably already dating someone and I'm just making things complicated. See? Even a lousy confession won't make you come back here. It''s just not worth it." And the call ended.
Narrator's POV
"No, they're not here. I thought they were at the dorm?" Leeteuk replied after Donghae called and asked him about Min Yu's whereabouts. She wasn't home. Then where could she be? There was no need to worry, actually.
Min Yu could take care of herself since she was 14, what more now that she's older? But she's with her sister. And her sister's only 5. The thought worried Donghae more. Even though it was still daylight, bad things could happen to two girls. And these two girls make up what he calls his 'universe'. 
Giving up, he parked nearby a mall, the mall where she and Min Yu used to go. She probably doesn't go here anymore, he thought. Chunji might have brought her to more exciting places. He went inside and entered Starbucks.
To be honest, he was surprised it was still there. Most of the stores and shops inside have closed because of the high taxes imposed upon them. But the old coffee shop was still there, and he was glad it was.
The chimes by the door frame made sound as he pushed the door open. The smell of brewed coffee, sound of people talking in hushed voices, sight of the wooden chairs and tables...everything made him remember Min Yu.
More so, he missed her more. He has said his order to the lady behind the counter and walked around the restaurant to look for an empty table. Finally finding one, he settled comfortably and waited. Beside him, there was a little girl drawing on a piece of paper.
He found her cute. She had those almond eyes that turn into half-moon when she smiles contentedly at the shapes she had drawn. Her limbs were slender and long and it made her look older than her age.
Her hair was kept neat by a ribbon. How he wished that at the age of 32, he was already married and probably playing with kids of his own. The little girl's crayon rolled on the wooden table and fell to the floor, and landed just beside Donghae's foot.
He picked it up and handed it to her. "Xie xie," (Thank you.) she replied. He was surprised to know she was Chinese, but since he used to learn the language, he could speak it himself. "Ni huà zhème hao," (You draw so well.) he complimented her.
Her pink lips curved into a smile, but she was still intent on her work. "Ni jiào shénme míngzì?" (What's your name?) he asked. She seemed hesitant to answer, and searched Donghae's face, as if trying to find out if he's a bad person or not.
"Jiejie jiào wo dé huà xiàn. Tā cóng tā dú yī běn shu," (Unnie calls me Dehua. She got it from a book she read.) she answered.
"Wo Dong hai," (I'm Donghae.) he smiled back at her. She was so cute and pretty that he wanted to pinch her cheeks and play with her more, but maybe she was with her parents. "Wo shuō shénme lái tánlùn mòshēng rén?" (What did I say about talking to strangers?) I heard someone say.
It sounded angry, and directed towards the little girl and Donghae. He looked up and saw Min Yu. "Jiejie, tā kàn qilái xiàng shì," (Unnie, she looks kind.) Dehua defended. "Why do you talk to her in Chinese?" he turned to Min Yu. "So people wouldn't know if they were being talked about," she explained and sat beside her sister.
"Ni zhidao Dong Hai?" (You know Donghae?) Min Young asked the older. "Yes, and he's my friend. He's appa and omma's friend. He's in Super Junior, remember what Siwon oppa told you?" Min Yu answered in Korean.
Donghae cringed at how Min Yu emphasized the word 'friend'. "You taught her well. Why haven't you told me about it in your voice mails?" Donghae commented.
Min Yu tensed. He received her voice mails. All this time, he heard everything. "You never answered."
It sent arrows to his heart. He never answered. She was right. She always was. "But I'm here now," he defended. He joined them in their table and sat across her.
"You weren't here before," she replied coldly. The waiter arrived, bringing their orders and setting them on the table. "You still eat the same thing," he muttered, to which she smiled. 
Min Yu's POV
He must be thinking I'm angry. I stood up and sat beside him. I did what I've been longing to do for the past 5 years. 
I embraced him and buried my face on his shoulder. People would stare, but it didn't matter. In fact, nothing mattered. I was in the perfect moment. I had my treasured sister, I had Donghae, and I have coffee. I wish time had stopped, actually.
The tension lifted up, and I could feel him my hair gently. "You have to pay for all of this," I said in a muffled voice. He laughed. "I could pay for all the customers' food right now," he chuckled.
I sat up and punched him. "That was for leaving." I gave him another punch. "For not answering my calls." Another hit. "For bragging about how rich you are." Another one. "For ertly talking to my sister." 
And finally, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
"What was that for?" he asked. 
"For coming back," I smiled. 
We ate slowly, savoring every moment. "Are you going to school already?" Donghae asked Min Young. She nodded. "Min Yu unnie used to throw a tantrum whenever I would wake her up early in the morning," he said. "I didn't," I declined firmly.
"She still does," she chided. "You two will be the death of me," I groaned. The two gave each other a high-five. I was glad they get along together. I just smiled and shook my head. Suddenly, I felt Donghae hold my hand. "Glad you didn't lose it," he commented. "It was a graduation gift from you. And it's become my lucky charm," I responded.
"Do you know that I have kept all your messages, your voice mails, and your pictures in my phone?" he proudly showed me. "You have to delete those," I tried to snatch the gadget away from him.
"I don't think so," he held it away from me. "And I have the last one," he teased. "No you don't," I glared at him in disbelief. It was the last one. It was the voice mail of my confession to him. It was embarrassing.
"Min Young, do you want to hear the voice mails unnie sent me?" he teased. "Fine," I moved away from him. He proceeded to show Min Young, while he watched my expression. I remained emotionless and instead of bickering with him, I focused on my food.
"Min Yu-ah," he called out. I didn't respond and sipped silently from my coffee.
"Ya," he nudged my arm.
It was what he hated most: to be ignored and given the silent treatment. It was what I hated too. "Sorry," he mumbled and pouted. He's been gone for many years, and yet he still has a natural aegyo. 
I snickered and poked his cheek. "You think it's cute but it's not," I whispered to his ear. "I love you," he whispered back. I was about to give him a confused look, but my phone rang, destroying the moment. "Yoboseyo?" I answered. "Have you eaten already?" he asked.
Chunji's voice brightened my day as always for the last years we've been together. "I'm eating with Min Young. Where are you?" I replied. "Done with the rehearsals. Do you want anything? I'll come visit you later," he said. "Nothing. Thanks," I responded. 
"Can I talk to Min Young?" there was a hint of smile in his voice. I pressed the phone against my sister's ear. "Chunji oppa wants to talk to you," I explained. "Oppa, annyeong," she greeted. "She understands that you and Chunji are a couple, right?" Donghae asked.
"She thinks Chunji's our brother," I answered. "Why? Can't you explain it to her? I'm sure she understands already at her age," Donghae prodded. "Appa wants to be careful," I said. "Leeteuk is still overprotective," he mumbled to himself. 
"Unnie~" Min Young pushed the phone away. "Ne?" I answered. "Are you sure you don't want anything? Do you want me to pick you two up and drive you home?" he offered. 
"We can do it on our own. No worries," I assured him. I noticed Donghae looking at me, so I stared back at him. "I love you," Chunji said. Donghae held my hand tighter. 
"Yeah, I love you too."
Donghae's POV
"Where's Min Young?" I asked. "She's already asleep. She got tired after playing with Chunji the whole day," she closed the door behind her and lied down on her bed. She had grown taller, but not taller than me. Her brown, soft hair reached up past her shoulders. She still wore those glasses that fall down along her cute nose. She had grown older, yet more beautiful.
"What are you holding?" she demanded. "The book I gave you," I said, reading the material at the foot of her bed. I flipped some pages and noticed that the picture, our picture, that I gave her was still there. I showed it to her with a how-dare-you-make-this-into-a-bookmark look. She smiled and opened her arms out wide. I settled and laid down beside her, missing the moments we shared together.
"I'm bored," she whined. "Let's go star-gazing," I suggested. "Make me coffee," she ordered and I immediately got on my feet and ran downstairs to their kitchen to make coffee. After doing so, I ran back up the stairs and saw her sitting on the floor and staring at the heavens.
"What keeps you busy these days?" I asked. "Well, I'm balancing myself between writing for an international newspaper and studying law," she said. She really was busy. And she was doing what she has always wanted to. 
"Were you ever mad at me?" my voice was in a soft volume, making it seem like a whisper. I expected to be slapped, punched, kicked, and tortured all the way for leaving her. I prepared for the blow, but it didn't come. "You made me wait. And I hated every minute of it. I had no one to talk to. You told me I couldn't follow to where you are, so I didn't," she replied.
"You don't know how much I nearly went out of my mind just deciding if I should answer you or not. But I missed you terribly," I hugged her from behind. 
"Do you want to?" she sniffled, and I knew she was crying, but what was she talking about? "Want to what?" I asked. "Do you remember the promise I made you long ago, when I was still in the hospital? I promised you that if you're still single after a very long time, just tell me, and I would break up with Chunji to be with you," she explained. 
"I thought the promise expired," I said. "Do you want to?" she pressed, ignoring my question. "Even if I said yes, you wouldn't want to do it," I rested my chin on her shoulder. 
"I follow my side of the deal," she defended. "Would you?" I demanded. "I'd call Chunji right now," she tried to stand up and get her phone but I held her waist and prevented her from doing so.
"You don't want to," I commented. "If it's what you want, I'd do it," she argued. "No," I firmly declined. "You'd wait for Chunji and me to break up so you won't have to feel guilty," she assumed. "Yes and no."
"Yes, I used to wait for you and Chunji to break up. But you lasted, right? You two lasted for 5 long years. It means that you could last for 5 more years, 10 more, 15 more. No, because if you're happy with what you want, I won't ever feel guilty. I would even feel happy for you, even if I really really wanted to be in his position." I stated, tears also falling from my eyes.
"Just tell me. Tell me you want to be with me. Tell me you love me the way I love you. Tell me that age doesn't matter. Tell me what you want, and I'd give it to you," her hot tears reached my arms that were encircled around her. She was admiring the moon, but her eyes were fixed on nothing.
"I would stay as long as you want. I would be here always, and I won't go away like I did. If I go, I'd bring you with me. You don't have to leave me voice mails anymore. Every Christmas, I would hand you my gift personally. I would tell you what I want to say in person, not written in a letter."
"I would watch you and your sister grow older. I want you to be happy. I know you're happy with Chunji. And as much as I want to, I can't catch up to the relationship and bond you two have had together for the last 5 years. The biggest mistake of my life was leaving."
"I want you to be with someone, to be with the person you love. Right now, you've already made me happy. I always thought that if you grow older, you would forget about me. But you didn't. It meant everything to me. You've already achieved your dreams without me." "Everything was different when you were gone," she said.
"Tell me you'd get married someday to someone you really really love. Tell me you'd have children of your own and you'd also teach them all you know. Tell me you'd want me to be there behind you, to guide you, to be a friend and a brother to you. Tell me you still want me in your life, and I'll stay. Tell me you love me, and it would be enough for me, even though we won't end up with each other in the end."
"I'll be married someday to someone I really really love, and it would be you. I would only want children of my own if you will be their father. I don't want you to be a guide. I want you to be the solution. I still want you in my life, ever since I was 15. I won't tell you that I love you, because you already know it," she said.
I sighed. She was making it more hard for me. "I'm contented with the fact that you love me so much and you're willing to give up Chunji to be with me. I'm happy with you even if we're only like this, even if the most we could do is give each other kisses on the cheek or on the forehead, hold each other's hands, and embrace each other so tight that no one is willing to let go." 
I was about to say more, but she silenced me with a kiss on my lips.
It was New Year's eve in my head and all I could see were bursts and splashes of light and color from the fireworks. It was Valentine's Day for my arms because I was holding her tightly. It was a riot in my chest because my heart was doing cartwheels. It was death in my bloodstream because of the jolts of electricity I feel coursing through me. 
She made me feel ecstatic emotions and see dynamic dimensions. It was unreal, but at the same time, it was true.

She pulled away first and glanced at her phone. She dialed a number. She pressed it close to her ear and waited. "Chunji-ah. Yes, I'm still awake. Why?" she asked when the call was answered. The two chatted for a while, and all the time, I was there.

Min Yu talked to Chunji and she was staring at me. Was she making me jealous? If so, then it's working. "Sure. I'll go sleep now. You're keeping me awake," she said to the person on the phone. "Good night. I love you," she said and hung up.

She rested her head on my shoulder and we continued our star-gazing silently. "Lee Min Yu. Don't you think it sounds nice?" she asked. "Min Yu..." I whined. I don't want her to get started with this again. But I admit, it sounded pretty good. Lee Min Yu and Lee Donghae. "What?! Chunji's last name is Lee. You always feel like it's you," she defended and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Did I grow taller?" I asked randomly.

"What did Eunhyuk say?" she demanded. "He said I didn't," I pouted. "Then you didn't grow taller for the last 5 years. God, you waste money on soy milk because you think it makes you taller but it doesn't," she commented. There was more silence. And as always, she was the first one to break it. "I don't want to cheat on Chunji. I don't want to date other guys behind his back," she started. "Chunji's my friend too," I agreed.

"So instead of being the 'other one', I'll be your brother, your friend, your maid, your personal assistant, your bodyguard, your pillow, your babysitter...everything. Just as long as I get paid," I ruffled her hair. "You earn more than me," she complained. "Okay. Fine. I don't get paid, but make sure you don't fall in love with me," I teased. She looked up at me. "Deal," she said with a straight face. After a few seconds, we both laughed so hard.

"Would my boss allow me to date?" I asked her. She held a finger on her chin and pretended to think hard. "I don't think so," she murmured. "It's unfair. You have a boyfriend and I couldn't date?!?" I shouted. "Because you're supposed to be stuck with me," she said. "If I dated, would you be jealous?" I was curious. "Hell, you don't know what would happen if I get jealous. I would burn all your clothes and murder your stuffed toys," she threatened. "That's evil," I commented.

I held her closer to me and savored the moment I had with her. I inhaled her scent, played with her hair, kissed her cheek randomly. It was all so wrong. She wasn't mine. She already belongs to someone else. It was all so wrong, but somehow it felt right.

"Appa, I'm sleepy. You have to tuck me into bed~" she pouted after more minutes of star-gazing. Her lower lip jutted out and she looked 15 again. I just stared at her lips, distracted for a moment, wanting to kiss her again. But I composed myself and pushed away my selfish thoughts. "Make sure that when I wake up, my lips are not stuck to yours," I teased.

I was happy. She was happy. In this kind of relationship, everyone might think of it as confusing. It really was hard. But Min Yu had taught me not to rely on what others would think.

And right now, I was the happiest person I could ever be. We might not end up together, that's for sure. The old woman had been right. Min Yu needs me like I need her. We might be forever stuck in the father-daughter relationship, but it was enough to know that she could let go of what she has just for me. Yes, it was enough.

~Annyeong! ^^ We have reached the end of Min Yu's adventures. Thank you to everyone who subscribed and commented to this story. For all those who have cried, laughed, and sympathized with Min Yu, you should make it an inspiration to write. You have to write, okay?
I'm sorry for all errors that have been made in the story. If there are feelings offended or people who got confused, I'm deeply sorry. Thank you very much to everyone, especially to my coauthor, Jominhyung, who's been with me throughout the story. Saranghaeyo ♥ -min_neulmi 
P.S. Do you guys want a sequel? If so, what do you want to the sequel to

It's really the end of the story. :( I'll miss this. I'll keep this as my memory and I'll treasure it in my heart, really. Thank you for our lovely readers and I'm really happy to hear that most of you became an Angel because of this. As for the ones who got disappointed in the results of the story, I'm really sorry and I hope you could understand. Me and min_neulmi are just normal teenagers who goes to school everyday so I hope you don't mind if they were still errors that we still didn't resolved during our past chapters. I hope all of you could still support us in the future. SARANGHAE~! ♥ -Co Author Jominhyung
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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!