
SVT Pepero Kiss Game Drabbles



You slowly looked up and found your crush standing before you.


"Oh... h-hey Jun." You gave him a small smile albeit being somewhat startled at his sudden appearance.


"What are you drawing?" He asked, casually plopping himself right next to you.


You inhaled sharply and quickly hide your sketchbook in your embrace, not intending to let him see it, obviously. The guy let out a low whistle at your reaction as your eyes roamed around the room, trying to keep your gaze anywhere but him.




"Hm.. why are you here? Aren't you supposed to go practice?" You asked, trying to avert the topic.


You heard him mutter, "Ah, right..-"


"-actually, I came to get some fresh air so why not take a walk to the park and buy some pepero" he grinned, which you didn't see, unfortunately, as you were too busy keeping your gaze away from him.



"And then I found you" you heard him say, just when you let your gaze fixed on him. And there it was, that attractive smile. The smile that never even once failed to make you feel those stupid freaking butterflies in your stomach.


Ugh.. He'll really be the death of me.. Dang it!


You cursed inwardly. You were still busy with your inner thoughts when he asked,


"Wanna play pepero game?"


The sudden question stunned you. You couldn't believe that your crush just asked you that question, but you were sure you didn't hear him wrong. You looked around just to make sure it's safe and empty before answering hesitantly.




The smile was carved on his face once again as he opened the pepero box and take out a pepero. He put it in his mouth and slowly putting in inside yours, and by the looks in his eyes, you could tell that he was actually excited. Your grip on the sketchbook tightened.

As soon as he started biting the pepero, you noticed him staring at you and you couldn't help but stare back. It was just that his gaze was really enticing. He came closer to you and placed his palm on your cheek.

He started caressing your cheek with his thumb, in a a circular manner, to make you feel warm.

As the pepero got shorter, your lips finally brushed with his.

You could feel the heat crawling onto your face. Just as you were about to pull away, he pulled your face closer and captured your soft lips with his.


Your sketchbook fell from your lap as you sneaked your arms around his neck. The pepero game ended up with a nice, long kiss.

And right when both of you finally pulled away, Jun set his gaze on your drawing, it didn't go unnoticed especially with the caption:

Me & Jun's pepero kiss.

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