Like a Dream

The Day I Met You

It was like like a dream the accident. I sat in my seat in the tour bus with Tao next to me. the driver hit a curve amd that's when I felt the bus tip to its side. I grabbed my seat to position myself before I fell. I lost my grip as Tao lost his and fell on me. When I hit solid ground Iblack out  but I started to wake back up up not soon after. That is when I saw him.

Luhan, was just in front or me. I was in a beautiful place, it like a medow. The wind is steady and my clothing was nothing of what i would wear in real life. It was a silky dress a white one no less. To calm my nurves I started to sing "deep in the medow under the willow." I instantly saw things behind him change to a shade of gray. I felt warmth travel up my body and I look down to see my dress changing to a red. Again, I started to sing "are you are you comingnto the tree." "Get away from me." he yelled. I saw a dark shadow behind him "Run!" There was a flash and he was gone.  "Luhan!" I frantically yelled as I was trying my hardest to find him.

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