How It All Starts.

In Love With My Bestfriend
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"Seulgi-ah, you know I have only you right. Please help me. I have never felt so in love with anyone like this before. Please help me..."

Kang Seulgi.

Owner of an adorable pair of cat-like eyes, is inside a coffee shop, sitting on her seat uncomfortably while trying to move away from her clingy friend who wouldn't stop requesting her to help.

Seulgi sighs after a difficult tiring day. "Bae Joohyun, it's enough."

The brown-haired stops whatever she's doing and even releases Seulgi from her grip, pouting.

Bae Joohyun.

The owner of a couple of beautiful eyes, the face like an impossible baby for people to believe that she's already 25 years old.

"You know how much I adore her right? I have had my eyes on her since the first day we met and it came out that she's in the same class as you." Joohyun says, starting her whiny attitude.
Seulgi once again sighs. "If you're not my best friend, I will probably slap your face with a chair by now."
Yet Joohyun doesn't stop pouting nor sending Seulgi her puppy eyes.
Being Kang Seulgi's one and only best friend, Joohyun knows that her being cute has always been Seulgi's weakness. So, for the sake of the girl she likes, Irene would shamelessly use her ugly (which is untrue) aegyo to make Seulgi helps her.
"Fine fine. I give up."
Joohyun breaks into an adorable smile after that as her eyes form into a crescent moon.
"Yayyyyy!!! Seulgi-ah, I can never appreciate you enough. I promise if I get Wendy as my girlfriend I’m going to treat you whatever you want, just notify me and I'd buy anything for you."

Seulgi chuckles when she gets to witness how happy her best friend is right now. Seulgi stares at Joohyun for a split of second before she adds, "Just buy me a can of Pringles and that's enough."

Joohyun starts giggling. She knew how much Seulgi loved Pringles, "You Pringles-manic."
The brown head then grabs Seulgi's forearm and rest her head on Seulgi's shoulder,

“I wonder what you would choose between me and your precious Pringles.”

Seulgi lets out a throaty giggle, “Of course, I would choose you.”

I choose you.

Even after a hundred lifetimes, I’d still choose you.

“Make sure you never change your mind, Kang.” Joohyun speaks, and she fails to notice the unfamiliar smile from Seulgi, the wistful one.

Joohyun and Seulgi have been friends since as long as they can remember.

Joohyun is older, but Seulgi acts more mature.
Joohyun is clingy, but Seulgi is one who is awkward with skin ship.
Joohyun is a social butterfly with hundred friends, but Seulgi only has a few dependable friends.
Joohyun loves spending time going out, but Seulgi is more into sketching and doing things alone.
They are completely different and no one believes they could mix up this well, but for some reasons they did.
Without them realizing, they both come to be a part of each other.

They were living their normal life, completely fine—but not until the girl whose name is Wendy came. The girl with blue ombré hair who suddenly became famous for her beautiful face, her kind attitude and her ability to sing very professionally. After seeing the said girl for the first time in cafeteria, Joohyun spent less time with Seulgi. Joohyun started stalking the girl, but she was a coward because she didn’t dare to approach Wendy. However, when she knew that Seulgi is in the same class with Wendy, Joohyun wastes no time to beg Seulgi to help her getting closer to the said girl.

The following day.

"KANG SEULGI!!!!!!!!"

Joohyun jumps on Seulgi's bed and shakes the girl uncontrollably. As a heavy sleeper she is, Seulgi doesn't even move a bit. Joohyun keeps shaking and shaking until Seulgi finally let out a soft groan.

"Hrmp... It's Sunday, Joohyun."
Seulgi mumbles as she struggles to sleep again. But it is not Joohyun if she let Seulgi going back to sleep. After a few more time of trying to shake the blond’s body, Seulgi finally gets up and sits on her bed.

"What do you want?"
Seulgi asks in annoyance, with her morning voice, shaggy hair and a bit swollen face. Joohyun finds the sight adorable.
"Don't you remember your promise with me yesterday???? You promised to help me getting closer to Wendy."
Seulgi is taken back with how determine Joohyun looks. The girl has never been so obsessed with anyone like this before and it surprises Seulgi—a lot. The younger stares at Joohyun. For a few seconds, Joohyun think she saw sadness in Seulgi's brown eyes.

"Oh right!!"
Seulgi exclaimed, sounds as cheerful as ever, and Joohyun thinks she was extremely silly to identify that kind of thing in Seulgi. Because the Seulgi she knows doesn't get sad easily, she doesn't cry, she is not the kind of person to get too emotional over anything and sometimes joohyun thinks, after an unusually long time of being best friends, Seulgi still seems so mysterious, so hard to read.

"I will just take a quick bath. W-wait for me."

Seulgi directly gets off her bed and grabs her towel as she walks inside her bathroom. Never forget giving Joohyun her smile before she completely enters.

Joohyun is inside Seulgi's room, alone. She starts looking at the similar view. She has been here like thousand times already. Seulgi is living alone in this apartment as her parents are in their hometown. Off and on Joohyun would seek a permission from her parents to sleep at Seulgi's apartment because Seulgi's place is somehow more pleasant than her own.

The younger girl doesn't take too much time bathing. She comes back with towel surrounding her body. The blond just comfortably walks around her room to her closet and picks random clothes which are appeared to be grey long sleeve shirt and black jeans. Seulgi doesn't bother to look at Joohyun, who lays on her bed and read a book, since it's normal for them to walk around like this with each other.
After Seulgi finished dressing, she walks to Joohyun. "So, what now?" Seulgi asks then Joohyun forms a generous smile.

"I heard that Wendy is going to watch a football match today with her friends. I'm sure she invited you too since most of her friends were invited, and one certain thing that I'm very sure of is you rejected her offer because the football match is going to start at 9 am and it was your sleeping time."

Seulgi widens her eyes a bit. Everything Joohyun said was true, Wendy did invite her. But Seulgi is never a fan of football that's why she rejected the offer, but the thing that surprises her the most is 'How did Joohyun know?'

"Come on, let's go. We can't miss the match. I mean the chance, maybe we can urge her to come and have lunch with us after the match finished, so that I could get to know her more, omg can you feel me? I'm going to meet Son Wendy soon, man this is so ing- ouch."

"Do not swear."
Seulgi cut her off by pinching her lips. Coldly, Seulgi said. "I get what you mean. Hence, we are going to start our mission."

Joohyun stares at Seulgi innocently as she doesn't get what Seulgi said.
"What mission?"
Seulgi levels her eyes at her best friend’s slowness. However, she decides to flash Joohyun her cheerful smile. "Our mission to get Son Wendy's heart for Bae Joohyun."

Seulgi finds it wrong to say thing like this out loud—so wrong, but she avoids all the aching feelings inside her heart as she keeps her smile bright, and it successes to makes Joohyun breaks into a beaming grin. "You're so adorable, Seulgi-ah, I love you so much."

Seulgi wishes Joohyun to passionately love her that much.

"So, what is our principal mission?"
Joohyun asks again. Seulgi taps her chin twice as she looks at the brown head, "Our first mission is to make Wendy knows you're exist."
They both walk out of Seulgi's apartment, heading to the car park.
"Omg, I'm nervous already. But- but how do we know where is Wendy?"
Joohyun asks again. Seulgi gives her a reassurance smile that is able to calm Joohyun down. Taking out her phone, the younger dials to someone then put it on speaker. At that time, she shows her phone to Joohyun to allow her to know who she is calling to.


"Hey, Seulgi-ah."

Joohyun covers just immediately when she heard a voice from the other line.

"Hey, Wendy."
Joohyun's face is flushed when she heard her crush's name.
"What makes you call?"
A gentle silky voice comes out from the phone, Joohyun cannot stop her heart from beating fast as she cannot believe she is actually listening to Wendy’s voice right now. Seulgi smiles at Joohyun when she realizes the older looks so happy. "I was wondering if it's suitable if I want to join the football match that you invited me yesterday."

"Ah, it's definitely impressive. Where are you now?"

"I'm about to leave. I also bring one of my friends with me, is that okay with you?”

"It's excellent. I'm already over here. Call me when you're in front of the area, I'll go out to pick you."

"Alright. Thanks, Wendy."

Seulgi smiles, raising her brows to Joohyun who keeps covering .
"It's fine, Seul. We are friends, right?”

They both said goodbyes. Seulgi place her phone back to her pocket, turning to Joohyun. The older stares at Seulgi, eyes lighting up.


Joohyun squeals like an adolescent girl who knows her crush likes her back. Concurrently, Seulgi is having a hard time trying to prevent the older girl from squealing too loud, "Man, calm down, Joohyun. We exchanged numbers before because we had to do a group project. Now, can we go?"
Seulgi asks while Joohyun is more than glad to lead Seulgi to her car as she directly drives to where the football match takes place.

As soon as they arrive, Seulgi calls to Wendy again. Joohyun feels like she's going to melt as she is going to see Wendy face to face, talking to her, hearing the blue ombré's voice, and most of all makes her knows she's existed. Joohyun couldn't stop her nervousness. Her hands are shaking as she's thinking of what to say or what to do.

"Don't be too obvious and nervous. I'm here."

Joohyun suddenly feels warmth spread inside her body as Seulgi grabs her hand, thumb caressing her fingers in a comforting way, and it works like magic how Joohyun doesn't trembling anymore.

Joohyun and Seulgi turn to see who called them. Joohyun gasps but quickly change to her normal expression.
"Hey, Wendy."
Seulgi is the one who greets back while Joohyun just looks at Wendy shyly.

Seulgi informed her to act natural, be like her usual self and don’t try to be awkward around Wendy because Wendy likes to make everyone feels comfortable around her.

"Have you been waiting long?"
Wendy asks, Seulgi bobs her head. At that point she pokes Joohyun softly who is next to her as she mouthed behave.

"Oh anyways, Wendy. This is my best friend Joohyun. She was in her senior year now.”
As soon as she heard her name mentioned, Joohyun directly looks at Wendy with her famous eye-smile that Seulgi always claims it was her favorite.

"Greetings, Joohyun unnie. Everyone keeps talking about you. I am Wendy."

Not just saying but Wendy even offers her a handshake with an adorable smile and Joohyun has to bite her bottom lips hard to stop herself from grinning.

Okay, Joohyun. Act natural, breath, don’t be extremely obvious. Be comfortable.

"Oh. I hope that you heard the good ones." Joohyun laughs and Wendy follows.
"They said you were beautiful and when I saw you in real, I have to admit that it is true."

Joohyun fakes an awkward laugh when she is jumping inside. How much she wishes she was alone so she could do a victory dance right now.

"Umm guys..."

Seulgi clears as she looks at both Wendy and Joohyun.
"I think we need to go inside now. I don’t want to miss the match."

She adds and the duo nod. They are walking inside the field with Joohyun in the middle. The oldest couldn’t help but to smile brightly. She realizes that her plan is working better than she expected—a whole lot better.

When they are inside, Joohyun is sitting between Wendy and Seulgi. She listens to whatever Wendy is talking, looking keenly interested. She wants Wendy to know that she is a good listener. She is good enough, she is a worth-dating type. They both keep talking without notice Seulgi who has been completely silent. Seulgi only answered when Wendy asked her why she had been so silent suddenly.
And she would only reply with "I was just sleepy."

The two of them continue chatting and watching the match for a while. Joohyun becomes extremely comfortable with Wendy. She even lays her head on Wendy’s shoulder when the said girl speaks something not-so-funny but sounds really funny to Joohyun’s ears. Hence, she is sure that she is really falling head over heels in love with Wendy now.

The duo was having so much fun without realizing the girl who sits next to them is also looking at them with a smile that hides so many emotions.

"Hey, I think I need to go. My head just thr

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Chapter 4: God, my heart 😭
66 streak #2
Chapter 4: Damn, still hurts....
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 2: hope u doing great author nim 🤍🤍🤍
66 streak #4
Chapter 4: What a roller coaster damn
66 streak #5
Chapter 3: I hate it. I really hate it, but I can't blame them. Brb gonna cry
66 streak #6
Chapter 2: Idk what to say anymore.
Crying myself to sleep :(
66 streak #7
Chapter 1: I am devastated
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 4: I'm back over and over again
Chapter 4: I need a second part with a happy ending for wendyyy
seulbunny_ #10
Chapter 4: wendy :(