The Airport

What Did We Get Ourselves Into?

The two boys had been running around in circles for around ten minutes when they somehow become cornered near the airport entrance.

"Ricky, I think we should split up so they don't catch us," Changjo breathed heavily, while laughing at the other members running behind him and Ricky.

"Sounds good. You go left, I'll head over this way." The two boys high fived before running in opposite directions.

"Damn!" Ricky cursed to himself after he turned left and ran straight into a wall.

"Yahh! Ricky don't bother running anymore." Chunji had just about managed to catch up to the younger one. He put his hand on Ricky's arm while bending over trying to get his breath back. "Why'd you run so fast?" He whined, breathing heavily.

"Why catch me first? That’s so unfair!" Ricky stamped his foot, pouting.

"If you don't want to get caught you shouldn't have ran." Chunji finally caught his breath and hit Ricky over the head. "Don’t do that again." Though he couldn't help smiling at the trick his donsaengs had organised.

"It wasn't even my idea! Changjo made me do it!" Ricky instantly tried to escape the blame, still stomping his feet and pulling a mini-tantrum. At this Chunji let out a laugh.

"You can't just blame the youngest," He laughed some more. "Don't worry I'll make sure C.A.P hyung isn't too hard on you both. It was a fun idea."

Ricky smiled a little knowing that at least Chunji was impressed by his and Chango's trick.


Changjo was still running in the opposite direction squeezing through the crowd. When he looked back over his shoulder he could see Ricky had been caught. He chuckled to himself before carrying on running. I'll just run in a big circle until I get back to Ricky hyung to keep the chase going for a while, he thought, swerving round so that he was heading back to the luggage.

By the time he had ran around the entire airport he was completely out of breath. When he reached Ricky he collapsed onto the floor, trying to get his breath back.

"Next time Ricky we should do something less tiring!" Changjo was lying on the floor with his eyes closed. "That was worse then practices."

"Yahh! What did you run for? C.A.P hyung is going to kill both of you!" Niel yelled running up to them before sitting down on Changjo's chest and poking the younger's cheek. "Changjo, get up."

Changjo finally opened his eyes when he felt Niel's weight lift of his chest.  He was instantly greeted with an angry looking, red faced C.A.P looking down at him. Changjo quickly got to his feet and mumbled, "Sorry, hyung."

"Changjo, Ricky. You are both in very big trouble," C.A.P growled. "I'll punish you when we get to the house. You do know that manager hyung will be coming to visit us every month, and if he finds out what you've just done he will be very disappointed."

The two young boys stood looking at the floor, ashamed. They didn't think that C.A.P was going to be this angry.

"You've got to admit it was fun though," L.Joe smirke. A smile crept onto the leaders lips.

"This doesn't mean you've been let off," C.A.P said sternly as he saw the two maknaes look up from the ground smiling. "Now come on, the van should be here by now to take us to the new house."

The six teenagers walked towards the airport exit to look for the van that was to take them to their house.


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I'm currently writing the next chapter ^^ should be finished & up in the next week :D


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lilcandycane #1
plz update asap!!!
i want 2 no wat happens 2 them so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope that this will happen in real life...
Oooooh me wanna read! haha...btw...if you need a Poster, Background, etc., feel free to check my GRS...<;br />
please contact me by the link, or by pm-ing me. thank you.