How It All Started

What Did We Get Ourselves Into?

Sorry that it took so long to update, I will try to speed up with my next update.

I know this is a short chapter and it's not so good but it's just an introduction. Enjoy !


"So the reason I called this meeting boys is because, as you know, we have been thinking about debuting you in England for a while  now. And we've decided to do it, the six of you will debut, hopefully in seven months time, if we can sort your schedules."

The six surrounding boys just stared at their manager.

"We told you already that we didn't want to." Chunji complained.

"Please manager let us just stay here, in Korea, where the fans love us." Ricky pleaded.

"Sorry  you know I won't allow that." the manager shook his head "But Chunji that is exactly why I am arranging for the six of you to spend six months in England before debuting."

The six boys began to grumble.

"Your flight will be tomorrow morning. I expect you all to be up early and at the airport for six am. I will tell you what you will be doing then." The manager got up and the room, leaving the boys to sulk.

"Hyung, do we really have to go?" the youngest pleaded with the leader.

"We must Changjo, it's what the manager says." he sulked himself.

"Well we best go pack." L.Joe jumped up from his seat, he grabbed the others arms and led them back to the dorm. "We can't forget anything if we're going to spend six months there." he began looking for suitcases. He gave one to each boy and told them to pack what they wanted, "But remember we can't come back for anything."  The boys sulkily went to their rooms and began to pack.

"I'm sure we don't really need to debut in England." Niel grumbled, folding some clothes into his suitcase.

"I don't know why he insists on it. We're doing great here, in Korea." Chunji collapsed onto his bed. 

"Chunji don't be so lazy!" L.Joe walked into the room chucking clothes at the two boys.

"Oww" they hit Chunji, Niel laughed and L.Joe turned to hit Niel with some of his own clothes. "We need to be ready before we sleep." Niel and Chunji were left to pack. 

Meanwhile C.A.P was left to make sure the youngest two were packing. Changjo and Ricky were sat cross-legged on the floor talking, when the eldest entered they stopped their conversation.

"Hey hyung" Changjo called to him

"Have you packed yet?" C.A.P walked to the closed suitcases and opened them, to find nothing inside. He gave the two youngest a questioning look.

"But we don't know what to pack." Changjo explained, "Please help us" Both boys gave the oldest their aegyo. He gave into them and spent the next hour helping his two dongsaengs remember everything they needed. Finally after several hours of packing all six boys lay sleeping ready to fly to England in the morning.

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I'm currently writing the next chapter ^^ should be finished & up in the next week :D


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lilcandycane #1
plz update asap!!!
i want 2 no wat happens 2 them so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope that this will happen in real life...
Oooooh me wanna read! haha...btw...if you need a Poster, Background, etc., feel free to check my GRS...<;br />
please contact me by the link, or by pm-ing me. thank you.