Time To Leave

What Did We Get Ourselves Into?

"Hmphh." The visual maknae collapsed onto the couch, "Hyung I'm hungry, and I'm too tired." he called out to no one in particular.

"Yahh we all are! Now get up!" A pillow found its way to Rickys stomach, making the young boy sit up and glare at the elder who just walked towards the kitchen.

"Chunji hyung please make me some food." Ricky quickly chased after the older boy. Only to find the leader already making breakfast,

"Sit." He ordered the younger, who both sat down next to the other three members who also looked like they just woke up and wanted to sleep again. Changjo was lying his head on the counter trying to sleep, Neil began to poke the maknae to keep him away.

"Stop it." he slurred sleepily, "Let me sleep." He tried to turn around and ended up almost falling of the stool, which woke him up. "Huh, what just happened?" he asked wide eyed and confused.

"You … just … almost fell!" Niel giggled out, causing the other boys to laugh as the maknae scowled at his hyung.

"Eat up, we have to leave in an hour." C.A.P handed the members some food before sitting to eat his  own. They ate in silence since none of the boys had the energy to talk. After eating each boy went to their rooms and showered before finally getting dressed. After getting ready the boys dragged their suitcases to the living room where they made one final check to make sure that had all they needed before leaving. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, L.Joe walked sluggishly towrads the door.

"Guys it's the driver, we have to leave now or we're going to miss the flight." L.Joe called back to the others before coming back to retrieve his own suitcase. They all piled into the van with their luggage. The journey to the airport was quiet and when they arrived their family and some fans were there to see them off, knowing it would be another six months before they returned.

"Goodbye oppa!" teenage girls screamed as the boys boarded the plane after saying goodbye to their tearful mothers. Once on the plane each boy plugged in their earphones and fell to sleep during the long flight to England.




Finally the plane came to a stop and the boys stepped of the plane and took their first steps into England.

"Okay dongsaengs stay with me like manager said, we don't want to lose anyone." C.A.P herded the younger boys to pick up their luggage. Keeping an eye on the two maknaes in particular as they whispered to each other silently.

"Hyung I see mine and Ricky's bags over there." Changjo innocently told L.Joe before grabbing Ricky's wrist and taking him to the other side to get their luggage.

"Okay but once you've got them come back over here, we're going to sit on those benches till the van manager hired comes to take us to the new house." L.Joe called to the maknaes who were walking away steadily.

"Okay Changjo-ah when I say let's run." Ricky giggled, he looked back to see the others preoccupied   with their own luggage. "Let's make this trip fun, RUN!" The two youngest boys ran their fastest through the airport, laughing loudly as they heard their elders shouting their names after them, scolding them for being childish in the airport. The two boys continued to run making the other members run in circles.

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I'm currently writing the next chapter ^^ should be finished & up in the next week :D


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lilcandycane #1
plz update asap!!!
i want 2 no wat happens 2 them so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope that this will happen in real life...
Oooooh me wanna read! haha...btw...if you need a Poster, Background, etc., feel free to check my GRS... http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/115106/<;br />
please contact me by the link, or by pm-ing me. thank you.