He really did

Lure Module

The next day, more or less an hour before his meeting with Mark, Jinyoung received a message.



> Hey Jinyoungie, it's Mark. Are you coming today, right?

yes <

> Perfect, see you there 😘


> Actually I wanted to use this one ☺️, but it's also kind of weird... isn't it?


Jinyoung decided to overfly the embarrassing messages that Mark was sending, he didn't want the other to feel uncomfortable.


uh, do you mind if we go around for a while in search of pokestops? <

yesterday I used a lot of pokeballs catching those pokemons, so I need to get some <

> Of course, I need some pokeballs too



Jinyoung smiled as he locked the screen of his phone. Keeping his smile, he raised his head after he heard the door of the cafeteria open.

"Hey, JB." He greeted his friend, Jaebum, while he put his phone in his pocket.

They were friends since a long time, almost brothers.

"Hey Junior, did you manage to regain the gym yesterday?" He asked as he leaned on the counter.

"Do I make the usual coffee?" After that Jaebum gave him a nod, he turned around and started to prepare it. "Uhm, no. But I find the person who has beaten me."

"Oh really? You must kick his or her off!! But if it's a she and she's hot enough... Maybe you can-"

"Heyyy stop that! It's a he." Jinyoung shushed his friend before he could say something too gross. Jaebum was shy when he was around girls, he acted in that shameless way only when he was with Jinyoung.

"Kick his  off, then."

"I won't."

Jaebum widened his eyes, surprised. "Why??" Jinyoung always got really mad if someone dared to steal his gyms, then why now it seemed like he didn't care?

"He's already making up with me... Yesterday he let me use three of his lure modules, and today we're meeting again." Jinyoung unconsciously smiled.

But Jaebum didn't miss it and he opened his mouth wide before he managed to say- shout: "Oh god... Is that a date?? Do you like him?!"

His voice was so loud that the customers gave them weird looks, but Jinyoung was too taken aback from the questions to notice.

"What?! No!! Can't I have fun with someone else besides you?"

"It's not that... One time, after I've won against your gym, you didn't talk to me for an entire week! And now are you saying that you become a friend to someone who has stolen your gym?"

"I didn't-"

"And besides... Did you reply 'no' because it's not a date or because you don't like him?" Jaebum interrupted him as he looked at him suspiciously.


"Why did you hesitate? Hm??"

"I-I didn't!! Here's your coffee, now leave." Jinyoung couldn't take his friend's teasing anymore, he just wanted him to leave.

"Okay, I'll leave." Jaebum nonchalantly took the cup of coffee and went outside the café, leaving a confused Jinyoung behind.

Jinyoung was confused by Jaebum's behavior because he has never dropped like this the conversations, not until he got what he wanted.

But then he realized something. "Hey you didn't pay-" but Jaebum was already gone.

"Aishh" He took some money from his wallet, before realizing something else. "And you stole the cup... What am I going to say to my boss now?" He mumbled under his breath.




This time it was Jinyoung who found Mark sitting on the bench. He was a bit late because his boss scolded him, all Jaebum's fault who stole the cup.

"You've waited long?" Actually he asked this more to catch Mark's attention.

Mark raised his head and, when he saw that it was Jinyoung, he stood up. "Uhm no, I mean yes but it's not a problem."

Jinyoung chuckled lightly, how could someone be so awkwardly cute??

"Yah, are you laughing of me??"

"I'm not." Jinyoung said between soft giggles. "Let's go."


They walked for more than an hour and eventually ended up in front of the park, where Jinyoung saw Mark for the first time and where there was his almost-for-10-minutes gym.

Jinyoung touched his mobile's screen with his finger, in order to open the gym. Mark's Dragonite was still there and no one has defeated it.

"Let's go at the bench near the fountain, I'll drop a lure mod..." Mark noticed that Jinyoung wasn't looking at him and probably he wasn't even listening to him.

"Do you want to try to win against me?" He asked as he saw what the younger was watching.

"Uh? No... Your pokémon is too strong for me." Jinyoung said, pouting.

"If you let me, I can try."

Jinyoung widened  his eyes in surprise, Mark wanted to win against himself with Jinyoung's account? "What do you mean?"

"Just give me your phone and look." Mark extended his arm.

Jinyoung reluctantly put his phone in the other's hand, it was impossible to win with his account. Why would he even do that? And if he just wanted to send KO all of Jinyoung's pokémons?

But Mark won. He really did.

The fight started with Jinyoung's Raticate. It seemed that Mark randomly tapped the screen, but it was surely not like this. Mark knew what was he doing. After a while he activated the special attack, which was "hyper fang", taking away almost half of his Dragonite's life points.

Mark also dodged a couple of attacks from his Dragonite. It was quite difficult, because you must guess when your opponent is going to attack.

Unfortunately this wasn't enough and Jinyoung's Raticate was defeated, but Mark managed to win against Dragonite with "steel wing" by Pidgeot.

"Here, now it's yours again." He tapped on the screen in order to leave one of Jinyoung's pokémon in the gym before handing back his phone.

Jinyoung looked at his mobile, incredulous. The gym was blue, the gym was his again.

"Why did you do that?"

Mark scratched his neck shyly. "I... felt guilty for taking away this gym from you, I guess."

"Well... thank you." He didn't know what else to say or to do, or maybe he knew and he was afraid to.

"Thank you? Is that all? It wasn't as easy as it seemed, especially since I treasure my Dragonite a lot. And also, you can't say that it was a weak pokémo-" Mark stopped his gripes as soon as Jinyoung hugged him.

Mark hugged him back, hiding his face in Jinyoung's shoulder and lightly rubbing the tip of his nose against it.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving my scent on you."

Jinyoung chuckled. "And why?"

Mark was surprised by himself because the first thing that came up in his mind was 'so people will know that you're mine'. He was already aware of his feelings towards Jinyoung, love at first sight, but Jinyoung wasn't his yet. So he quickly thought to another excuse.

"So you'll think about me when you'll get home." Maybe this was even worse.

"You could send me a message or call me, like normal people do. Why do you have to act like a dog?" Jinyoung giggled, then he pulled back a bit, just enough to take a glance of Mark's face.

He looked so cute that Jinyoung couldn't help but to lean closer again and steal a kiss on his cheek.

But then he realized what he has just done.

He has just kissed a person he knew for barely three days. They weren't that close yet, maybe he scared Mark...

Jinyoung broke the hug and lowered his head, missing Mark's blushing face.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He muttered.

"N-no! You don't have to apologise, I-I liked it."

When Jinyoung raised his head to look at him, Mark realized what he has just said.

"No, I didn't mean that! I wanted to say, I don't mind if you kiss me."

Jinyoung just kept staring at Mark's troubled expression with a light grin on his face. It was awesome how in less than 3 seconds he wasn't embarrassed anymore about what he did, but instead he was glad. And also, it was somehow funny how those words were said by Mark's deep voice.

"No wait, it's not like I want you to kiss me again... B-but I wouldn't mind if you do-"

"Okay, fine. I'll give you another kiss if you drop a lure module." Jinyoung said as he grabbed Mark's hand and started to lead him towards the bench in front of the fountain.

Mark didn't say anything, he just wrapped his fingers around the younger's hand. And Jinyoung thought that their hands felt so good, intertwined like this.


Maybe Jaebum was right. For both the things.

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Chapter 5: Such a sweet story. I'm glad that everything worked out fine for them. Good thing that JaeBum decided to give Mark a second chance #BestCupidEver ^____^

Thank you for writing and uploading~~~~♡
Chapter 5: This is so sweet. It brightened up my day! Thank you. :)
esthieIgot7 #3
Chapter 5: really cute story! thank you! :)
Chapter 5: i can't stop smiling . . . huwaaa this is too adorable. Thank you so much author-nim . . .
2482 streak #5
Chapter 5: This was such a cute story! x] Loved the ending and go JB for being the catalyst that brought the two boys together. ^^ And that last bit made me giggle, haha. :)
seoul061896 #6
Chapter 5: Thank you authornim this is so cute and fluffy i really enjoyed reading it
JinyoungsMark #7
Chapter 5: Superrrr sweet kisses ending!! Love it soo much <3
Chapter 5: Ok altho i dont play this Pokémon Go thing but i really like this ... ^^ and i learn new things i guess (?). ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Hiiiii~ how are you?is everything allright?
I know i never talk to you before but i really like this story so much..and i just want to make sure that you wont abandoned this story,,will you?i really hope that you will finish this story..i dont care about the time..just take the time as much as you need because i will wait..so...see you soon~ ^^,
Chapter 4: What's going on with Mark????
Was he that upset that he didn't receive a greeting kiss from JinYoung? Or was he jealouse because JaeBum and JinYoung are this close? Honestly, his reaction seems off. He better explain himself in the next chapter. He is a good guy. We all know that!

Thank you for writing and uploading~♡