You want to meet again?

Lure Module

The next day Jinyoung was sitting on the bench in front of the fountain, but there wasn't anyone.

Maybe the guy just wanted to make fun of him because he thought that playing to Pokémon GO was stupid?

Jinyoung was thinking about lots of complicated theories of why the guy hadn't come, but probably it was just because he arrived more than 20 minutes earlier than the previous day.

He didn't even know why he was there. For the lure module? If he use it together with a lucky egg he would had plenty of XP and he would levelled up in a short time... But he wasn't 100% sure. I mean, yes, a lure module would be fine, but also seeing again those eyes wouldn't be bad...

Jinyoung shook his head. What the hell was he thinking?!

"You actually came..."

As soon as Jinyoung heard that voice, he raised his head.

It was the guy from the other day. He wasn't wearing any cap that day, allowing the light breeze to play with his blonde hair. They seemed so soft that Jinyoung found himself thinking about how would they feel between his fingers, and he had to refrain himself from putting his hands on the guy's head.

"Uh, yes. I mean, who would miss a free lure module?" Jinyoung laughed awkwardly. "Come on, sit down." He added as he bit his lower lip and tapped the empty space near him.

The guy gladly accepted his invitation. "Thanks. Well, I'll drop the lure module." He took out his phone from the pocket of his jeans and started to click on the screen.

In that moment Jinyoung realized that he still didn't know the guy's name. He wanted to ask him, but the boy seemed very focused on his phone and if he asked, he probably wouldn't even hear him.

He couldn't call him white cap to catch his attention because he wasn't wearing it. And Jinyoung didn't want to call him perfect eyes, no way. So he simply patted the other's shoulder and when the guy looked at him, he asked: "Uhm... What's your n-name?"

"I'm Mark, how silly of me, I should've asked first. What's yours?"

"I'm Jinyoung."

Mark smiled at him. "Cute."

Jinyoung widened his eyes at that word, but Mark didn't catch his reaction because his attention was already back on the screen of his phone.

"You know... You're the first person that didn't ask me if I'm a foreigner after introducing myself." Mark slightly smiled, but Jinyoung didn't see that because his face was still turned towards his phone. "Done."

Jinyoung looked at his mobile and he saw that the pokéstop was showered with rose petals. He clicked on the pokéstop because he was curious about Mark's nickname (*when you drop a lure module, your nickname is written on the pokéstop), but as soon as he saw it, he froze.


He slowly shifted his head towards Mark, the guy looked at him with a confused expression.

"Are you, by any chance, from the Red team?"

Mark nodded excitedly. "Are you from that team, too?"

Jinyoung made an offended face, how could someone just think that he was from the Red team?! He was Blue forever!

"No way! I'm from the Blue one!" He tilted his chin up, to make sure that Mark understood that he was proud of being part of this team.

"Oh, I won against a Blue gym just yesterday." Mark casually said.

"Yes, I know! It was mine!" Jinyoung crossed his arms in front of his chest as he pouted.

"Oh..." Mark seemed taken aback a little. "So you're pepi94? I guess you're an year younger than me and... is your surname 'Pepi'?"

"No, it's just a nickname... My surname's Park, Mr. Tuan." He said the last part in a teasing tone.

Mark laughed as he hit Jinyoung's chest lightly. Jinoung couldn't refrain himself and he laughed, too. Mark's laugh was just too addicting and contagious. But then he remembered something and stopped.

"Yah! Don't try to change the topic! You have to give me back my gym!"

"Hey... It's not my fault if you can't even protect your gym!"

"I'm gone." Jinyoung said as he stood up from the bench.

"Noo where are you going??" Mark tried to grab his wrist, but failed. Anyway he didn't give up, he stood up and put his arms around Jinyoung's waist and his chin on Jinyoung's shoulder before he could go any farther.

Mark's body was skinnier than Jinyoung's, but in that hug Jinyoung felt so small. "W-what are you doing?"

"Don't go away..." Mark's breath tickled Jinyoung's neck.

Jinyoung put his hands on Mark's arms, trying to remove them from his waist. "O-okay, but get off of me."

Mark immediately backed away, and Jinyoung almost whined at the lost of his warmth.

Why am I disappointed? I was the one to ask him to let me go.

"Hey, there's a Bulbasaur here!" Mark shouted, bringing Jinyoung back to reality.

"Where?? I already have Charmander and Squirtle, I just need Bulbasaur to have all the starters!!" Jinyoung looked at the screen of his phone and almost squealed when he saw a little Bulbasaur.

Mark couldn't help but think how cute Jinyoung looked as he swiped his finger on the screen, unconsciously widening his eyes a little. Not mentioning the tender wrinkles under his eyes when he smiled after he catched the pokémon...

"Look Mark!! I have all of them now!" He excitedly said as he showed his phone to Mark.

"Yeah, yeah good job. Even though it's also thanks to me because I warned you."

"You're right, thank you." Jinyoung smiled to him.

"You should give me your number to thank me properly."

"Huh?" Jinyoung was taken aback.

"I-I mean, in that way I'll be able to say to you if for a day I can't come here and vice versa."

Jinyoung decided to overfly the fact that Mark would come here just for him. "So you want to meet again?"

Mark realized that maybe he let it slip too easily. "Well... Only if you want, but I have plenty of lure modules you know..." He chuckled as he awkwardly rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Uh... Yea, why not." Jinyoung smiled sheepishly as Mark handed him his phone. He created a contact for himself and then they just stared at each other, light pink blush resting on their cheeks.

The awkward moment was cut off by an Oddish, and Jinyoung thought that he would never thank this pokémon enough.


They ended up using two more lure modules, for a total of one hour and a half of catching pokémon and talking of random things. Jinyoung wouldn't have complained if Mark used a fourth lure module, he really enjoyed the other's company, but Mark said that he had to go.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow again, Jinyoung thought with a smile on his face as he headed towards home.





A/N: I just wanted to thank you for your nice comments! Now I feel a little more confident about that pokémon go au, I hope I won't disappoint you...

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Chapter 5: Such a sweet story. I'm glad that everything worked out fine for them. Good thing that JaeBum decided to give Mark a second chance #BestCupidEver ^____^

Thank you for writing and uploading~~~~♡
Chapter 5: This is so sweet. It brightened up my day! Thank you. :)
esthieIgot7 #3
Chapter 5: really cute story! thank you! :)
Chapter 5: i can't stop smiling . . . huwaaa this is too adorable. Thank you so much author-nim . . .
2482 streak #5
Chapter 5: This was such a cute story! x] Loved the ending and go JB for being the catalyst that brought the two boys together. ^^ And that last bit made me giggle, haha. :)
seoul061896 #6
Chapter 5: Thank you authornim this is so cute and fluffy i really enjoyed reading it
JinyoungsMark #7
Chapter 5: Superrrr sweet kisses ending!! Love it soo much <3
Chapter 5: Ok altho i dont play this Pokémon Go thing but i really like this ... ^^ and i learn new things i guess (?). ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Hiiiii~ how are you?is everything allright?
I know i never talk to you before but i really like this story so much..and i just want to make sure that you wont abandoned this story,,will you?i really hope that you will finish this story..i dont care about the time..just take the time as much as you need because i will you soon~ ^^,
Chapter 4: What's going on with Mark????
Was he that upset that he didn't receive a greeting kiss from JinYoung? Or was he jealouse because JaeBum and JinYoung are this close? Honestly, his reaction seems off. He better explain himself in the next chapter. He is a good guy. We all know that!

Thank you for writing and uploading~♡