Fall For You


-from chapter 001-



Suddenly Wonwoo's phone is ringing.

"Hello."He starts.

"Manager Won, where are you?"Manager Wong asks, he's worried because Wonwoo still not arrived at the office.


"I'm on my way now, Manager Wong."


After ending the call, Wonwoo hurried out of his room and headed to the lobby and suddenly someone had hugged him from behind.

"Wonu-ah"A familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"M-Mingu? Gyu?"Wonwoo surprised by the presence Mingyu.

"Who else? Wonu-ah, I miss you."






"Welcome back, my son."Master Kim greets his son when Mingyu and Wonwoo entered the building.



"Hey dad."Mingyu hugs his father.


"Why are you late, son? And how did both of you are together?"


"Oh, we've meet outside just now."Mingyu reply and walked to the elevator.


When Mingyu enters the office, all the staff get up and greet him.


"Good morning, Master Gyu."


"Welcome back, Master Gyu."


Mingyu then replied to their greeting with a charming smile. After that, he went straight to his room while Wonwoo entered his room to complete the work that Manager Wong gave a moment ago.




8.00 p.m.


When Wonwoo idly staring at his computer screen, his phone vibrate means that he received a message. When he read the message, he smiled to himself without knowing there is a pair of eyes that watching his actions. 



From : Beauty Jisoo


Wonu-ah, are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together.




When he was about to reply that message, Mingyu suddenly appears and Wonwoo quickly hide his phone.


"Not finished yet? Wonu-ah, I'm hungry, let's eat now."Mingyu complain then sat on the edge of Wonwoo's table.


"N-No."Wonwoo feel uncomfortable when Mingyu is watching him.


"W-Why don't you go first, M-Master?"


"No, I would not go until you finished your work."Mingyu reply.


"B-But yo-"


 "Stand up. Let me finish this."


Without saying anything, Wonwoo get up and stand beside Mingyu while Mingyu finished Wonwoo's work. Without realizing it, Wonwoo suddenly smiled when he looked Mingyu.






When they get to the Mingyu's  favorite restaurant , suddenly there came a woman who is beautiful and y then hugged and kissed Mingyu.


"Hey baby. I miss you."Mingyu then hugged the woman.



"Oh baby, this is Wonwoo and Wonwoo this is Nana. She-"


"Mingyu's girlfriend. I heard alot about you from Mingyu."Nana said as she looked and smirk to Wonwoo.



With a forced smile, "M-Master,  I think, I have to go now. Enjoy your meal and call me when you've finished."


When Wonwoo want to move, Mingyu suddenly pulled his arm and "No, you have to eat with us. Let's go now."Without waiting for an answer from Wonwoo, Mingyu pulled Wonwoo and get into the restaurant.




When all the food arrived, Nana suddenly murmured "Dear, I don't eat spicy foods."


"But Wonwoo loves spicy foods."Mingyu response while looking Wonwoo and smile. Wonwoo then smiled bitterly and looked down. 


Nana looked strange to Wonwoo, then she said "Who is your lover right now? Me or this nerd?

"Nana, please stop."
Mingyu said in a quiet tone. Wonwoo who is sitting next Mingyu start to feel uncomfortable and worried.


"No, do you like him right?"


"NANA !! Enough !!"This time  Mingyu's voice changed, he extremely angry with nana.


""What's wrong with you? I will not doing those stupid things."When Wonwoo heard Mingyu words, he suddenly feel hurts but he needs to hold back his tears. 'Not now, Wonwoo.'



"If you do this again, I will not hesitate to break up with you. I'm leaving now."Mingyu then kept out of the restaurant, leaving Nana and Wonwoo.


"Mingyu! I'm just joking with you."Nana yelled while calling Mingyu.



"I-I will talk to him."Wonwoo then leave Nana alone in the restaurant.






Second chapter :)
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Oh, thank you for subscribing to this story, I love you guys <3




1. English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for grammar mistakes.
2. Will check and edit again for some misspelling.


 I hope you understand :)
You guys are amazing <3


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saymansae #1
Chapter 3: aish... I don't like her ...update soon :D
Chapter 3: Why did you delete Jisoo's text?! I still don't like Nana.. She's a pain.. Grrrrr..
Chapter 3: Still dont like her
Chapter 2: Ahhh.. Jisoo!!! Am guessing at something here but won't spill.. Will wait for future updates if my guess is correct.. This Nana is unbearable.. How dare she embarass my Wonwoo like that and why the heck do you have to drag him with you Gyu if you will have dinner with your GF.. Ever heard of 3rd wheel? You should've said no when you had a chance Won..
saymansae #5
Chapter 2: interesting !! ... update soon :3
Chapter 2: Beatch please i already don't like her
Chapter 1: Pleeeeeease update soooon!
saymansae #8
Chapter 1: omg !!!....update soon TTuTT