Two Worlds

Wings of a Dragon

The effectiveness of a gang depends on their ability to control territory using violence mostly as a means of fear, instead of blindly charging in to destroy all nay-sayers. They are capable of protecting the products, boundaries and people without putting flags all over the place. Saying their name incites fear into most gangs and causes the rest to tense up. Simply stepping in their territory will alert them of your arrival, while you are left completely in the dark. A gang of people that retain humanity, yet are able to stand strong against an opposing force, using brain and brawn to win their fights. One such gang is that of The Dragon.

Cheesy name, I know. No one dare say that aloud, though, lest they be targeted the next day.

I'm just pulling your leg. People don't get targeted.  

They simply vanish. Any traces of this person is destroyed. Family? What family? Who are you talking about? That house has been empty for years. I don't recognize her, sorry. 

Have I scared you yet? 



"Don't scare me like that, arg! For the love of- can you please stop laughing?!"

"But RJ, your face!" Noel, that girl, laughed hard, clutching her stomach. "It was all bleh and you were all 'EEEEEP'".

"Do me a favour and die in a hole," grumbled RJ, taking her change from the cashier, who was also laughing. "I would like to have my roll, please."

"Coming right up," smiled the cashier.

RJ turned back to her friend Noel and smiled, watching her companion attempt to stifle her giggles. Cicadas buzzed in the heat of the sun and RJ wondered if her money would have been better spent on a cold glass of lemonade. Seriously, who eats a cinnamon roll on a hot day.

"I do, got a problem?" Said RJ, pushing her glasses back on her face.

"Who are you talking to?" Asked Noel, looking around for other people.

"No one."said RJ. "Thank you," she smiled, taking her roll and walking back to her bike. She put her roll in her bag and picked up her dried-mud covered bike. 

"Should really clean it up," commented her friend. "And don't forget about the move tomorrow."

"I will and I didn't forget."

Yes you did.

"Where is the building you were talking about?" Said RJ, swatting away an invisible fly.

"On Old Colony road, right before you hit highway 43." Noel gave RJ a good once over, taking in the baggy capris, the Slipknot t-shirt and the red baseball cap. "Please tell me you are going to change your clothes. Oh mah gosh, Riley Jean Mays, if your are late, or show up in those clothes, it will be on me!" Noel grabbed onto her friend, panic in her eyes as she imagined the embarrassment that was bound to ensue as a result of RJ's presence.

RJ shook off her friend, tsked and felt slightly offended. "You know how I feel about punctuality. I also know that your so call 'company reputation' is at stake. Have some faith in me, will you?" RJ stuck out her palm at her friend. "I have nice clothes, you know."

Noel rolled her eyes and placed whatever was in her pocket in the palm of RJ's hand. "Just don't mess this up."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you, too." RJ started to pedal and smiled back at her friend."

"Don't get hit by a car, and keep your eyes on the road!" Noel yelled after her. RJ waved her hand in response and turned a corner.

Our lovely main character biked, choosing to take the significantly longer way home. She needed a distraction from everything and every one. She unwrapped the 'gift' from Noel and popped the most addictive substance in the world second only to Welsh's fruit gummies. A fresh, newly bought chocolate Tootsie lollipop. If anyone had a sweet tooth, it was this girl.

"Hello, Mr. Gage!" RJ shouted as she was approaching a familiar old man on the street. Gage always stood out on his lawn with a pair of sunglasses on his face and a bottle of Sprite in his hand, rain or shine. He never said much, but he always greeted the girl who enthusiastically told him hello. He put out his hand and RJ high fived it as she usually did.

Her friend Noel promised her a coding job if she moved one town over, but RJ had to meet with some people before and after she got the job. A man named Kang Daesung had a Skype conversation with her about the job offer. He claimed to be the 'recruiter' and voice of the company, and thanks to the trusted word of Noel, told RJ about the Horizon Corp. and their territory. RJ was so perplexed by this and, already being slightly intimidated by the scary dudes standing behind Daesung, was hesitant to take the offer. The fact that he basically yelled her name upon hearing her voice struck her as weird as well. The man could see her slight unease and wanted only to relieve the tension. He told her about the little children that each of the men had and how they were so childish and playful around their little munchkins. Daesung was so far off an a tangent that he started talking about this one time, the man named Jinshi was so nervous for his first child that he spilled a large vase of water on his wife, only to be scolded seconds later. The scariest guy approached the camera, opened his wallet and showed RJ a picture of his little girl. RJ couldn't believe what was going on, but the casual turn of the whole 'interview' made her more relaxed and less apprehensive on moving. She agreed to stay in a hotel and get a feel of the area before making her final decision. Daesung was more than happy with her response and promised to set her up with a fine hotel. He signed off before she could refuse him. 

And his lovely face.

"I never thought that." Mumbled RJ.

Oh yes you did. Don't you lie to me! You thought Kang Daesung was quite attractive in the suit, and maybe he thought you looked mighty fine that day. Perhaps you thought that even if you had no chance, you'd still be going 'tralalala' all the way to the bank.

".... Not how I would have put-"

Yeah, yeah.  

After packing some necessities, it was off to the fancy hotel her possible-future-boss had chosen for her. She figured the special treatment was due to her close ties with Noel, who was very highly regarded when Daesung spoke about her. Who knew befriending the pretty lady at the hospital would come with its benefits.


"How many more stacks of paper do I need to deal with?" Asked Jiyong, sighing as he held his head in his hands.

"Only four more, sir," said his secretary, putting the last bit on his desk.

"But these are four big packages!" Jiyong pleaded as his secretary walked towards the door. 

"You did ask how many stacks," she replied with a smirk.

Jiyong was ready to throw the stacks away and take a much needed nap. He leaned over his desk, stretched his fingers and got back to work. Not long after, his private phone rang.

"If this is not absolutely important, so help me I will come DOWN ON YOU LIKE A HAMMER!" Yelled Jiyong

*Hey, get your head out of your stacks of paper and come see this. Remember that small gang that called themselves Glock C, or something?*


*Well, in big letters, they wrote on the outside of a bank how they are planning to take us down. They even wrote down the names of three members. Jiyong, their families are in serious trouble if morons with weapons know the names of their family members.*

 Screw the files and stacks of papers. The five heads were about to move, and some serious was about to hit the fan. If anyone, seriously or not, threatened anyone within the company, Jiyong was going to kill them. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 4: I’m curious about that connection between them.
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 4: I’m curious about that connection between them.
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 4: This is interesting, but I still don't get it. Will wait for the update
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 4: update soon...........good story...........
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 3: very interesting .....update soon........