Sky Is The Limit




When I reached the second floor, I found my bag at the corner so I hurried to its place. I found a big paper with 'fooled ya ha-ha ^^ if you want the box, you should search deeply for it. I threw it somewhere far~'

Screw you Taehyung bastard!!!!! God! Don't get mad at me if I ended up with dirtying my hands with his blood if he did something to my necklace.


I start searching around the place like a maniac, my palms start getting scratches all over it since I was moving and searching between rocks and sharp items to not miss any spot. This is going to be a long night but, I sincerely hope that I would be able to find the box in the end.



-Next Day 03:30 PM, back to the dorm.


Jungkook's Pov.

I woke up and found Tae hyung lying on the couch downstairs so I asked him “what happened hyung? Did Haneul find what he was looking for?”

He answered me with a smirk after taking a strange necklace with two rings hanging inside of it out of his fist “of course he won't because it's here with me”

My eyes widened, he hadn't done what I think he did, right? “Are you telling me that you tricked him and let him search like crazy inside of that rickety building all night? No, right!”

Taehyung shrugged “I don't know what he did and I don't actually care, he can rotten there and see if I will give a damn! He shouldn't have come here in the first place”

I couldn't stay still and watch MY hyung acts that way! I know better than anyone about the scars hidden deep inside of his heart, those scars that give him every right to stop accepting others and even worse, trusting them! But, I can't just stand still and watch him from afar acting that way! I pushed him after talking with a really pissed off tone “hyung!! You've really gone overboard this time!”


I hurried to the building that Haneul was stuck in for more than 12 hours, leaving the shocked Taehyung behind me. I know he doesn't take it well when I talk to him in that tone but, Damn it that boy was stuck in that rickety building for more than 12 hours!! What in hell could be inside of that bag to make him so eager to find it to the much that he stayed all that time inside the building without company even? Like really, doesn't he have the sense of time or even danger, even if he adored that thing he should've known that THAT place isn't a place you should even go near.


As soon as I arrived I found Haneul already on the third floor, his hands were covered with scratches and it was shaking due to exhaust when he lifted some heavy stones from the floor, did he lost his mind! I ran fast toward him and pulled him “yaa, stop!”

He looked like a sleepwalker who has been awakened from his slumber “Oh! The sun is already up there, I wonder what time is it now?”

Was he focused on searching to the much that he lost his sense of time! I just told him that it was already afternoon so he ignored me and stretched his knees after standing up, he was going to start searching again but he lost his balance as soon as he moved. I caught him at the right time “ya, ya be careful!”


His stomach growled really loud, I couldn't stop my laugh especially when he had this stupid expression on his face as if he was scolding his stomach for doing this to him “let's go back, I think you've already searched for a long time”

He shook his head and stared at me “I can't! Not before I found my box. If you feel tired, you can rest your in your home and stop pretending that you care. Mind your own business, kid”

His tone was really harsh and he kind of looked, different? It's not his usual cheerful or pissed off self, no this one was on a different level.

I think he realized that he acted out of character now since he was trying to talk with a softer tone “I don't know why you came here but, I shouldn't let out my anger on you when the person who deserves it the most is probably sleeping like a pig on his bed. Don't feel offended, ok?”

He got back to his friendly self right now, like that friend who treats you like you knew him for ages when it's been only a few days actually.

I told him “I know where hyung hid your box”

His eyes sparkled and he got really close to my face which made me take a step back unconsciously “really? Like REALLY!!!”

I nodded and his smile got even brighter and a lot wider, he followed me silently. I'm going to take him to my hyung secret hideout, he usually hide his stuff in there but, I told Haneul to wait outside in a far hallway since I'm not going to reveal this place to anyone.


As expected, I found it in the usual place so I took it out to where I left Haneul; as soon as he saw it, he bounced in joy and ruffled my hair while laughing “thank you Jungkook, really, you don't know what you did for me”

He was so happy that it made me smile with him too. But, his face darkened suddenly that I start thinking seriously that he have some mental problems. He turned around after throwing the box which had a small paper with a 'fooled ya!' written on it. I don't know what is happening but I can surely say that what will happen next is going to be anything but good.


I barely managed to keep the pace of the already running Haneul, I arrived when he was shouting “give me my necklace RIGHT NOW you bastard!”

Taehyung was having his blank expressions when the other screamed like crazy. Well, he kept it until Haneul stole the necklace from hyung's hand and flipped him with a fast motion; Tae's back is on the floor now. 

He stared at Taehyung and I couldn't help but freeze on my spot, his eyes turning into monster-like ones. It was so scary! as if he has no living soul inside of him “listen to me Kim freaking Taehyung! I'm breathing every day because of two things, basketball and this necklace! If I lost one of them I won't have a reason to keep going, which means staying the rest of my life inside of a cell would be so welcoming since I will spend it with laughter every time I remember the view of your dead body and your blood that was dripping everywhere”

Did he just say that he will kill Taehyung if he messed with those two things right now!!! He hissed in an even much scarier tone, reminding me of those gang men “Stay away from those two things or believe me, you'll release the beast I'm barely holding inside!”

He got off Taehyung and lift the room, the smiling Haneul is nowhere to be found at this moment. This Haneul is really scary, I don't like it!


I hurried to hyung's side, he was having his blank expressions and I know he is planning on having a second round with Haneul right now but, he brushed it off fast as soon as he saw me.

I'm sure he knew that I was scared since he ruffled my hair and talked in a really soft tone “don't worry Kookie-ah, no one can harm your hyung” I interrupted him fast “I know hyung b-but, you saw his eyes!!!! Please just stay away from his necklace, oh?”

He didn't say anything! This hyung can be really stubborn sometimes; I know he will try to play some reckless prank again because he won't accept defeat “hyung!!!!! I won't move an inch until you promise me you won't have anything to do with his necklace”

He kept his mouth shut, I lowered my head really angry at the hopeless me. I can't even convince or force him to do anything if he doesn't want to, that fact always makes me so angry at my hopeless self.


He sighed and talked in defeat “ok, ok I promise you I won't go near his necklace again. Satisfied now? Get rid of this sad puppy look off your face”

I hugged him, I was really happy because I know now he won't do it. Taehyung is a man who values his word more than anything.


Haneul's Pov.

I won't think about anything, for now, I will just eat. I won't think either about what would've happened if I lost this necklace nor what would've come out of that jerk if he really did something to it. I won't think about those scared eyes of Jungkook, no, no just eat and get your energy back again because you were on the verge of fainting in front of Jungkook! Ugh.

I took my food out of the plastic bag and start eating like a beast, I know I planned to keep this for the whole week but I'm so mad right now to stop. My palms were full of scratches so I went to wash them after eating my anger out, I won't treat it any further since I will go to play now.


I headed to my favorite court in Seoul and it's been a while since I started playing here; I was wearing my black mask this time but I pulled the hood on my head because the nights of Seoul are getting colder every day. I was dribbling the ball between my legs before I hear footsteps behind me. I turned around and threw the ball on that person before I talk in a husky voice due to the lack of sleep “want to play?”

He smiled and threw it back at me “of course, you're taking my favorite spot and I don't plan to give it to you”

Wait, this voice isn't strange on my ears? He came closer and told me with a smile “streetball?”

God, it is Kim Taehyung!!!!! What should I do? Well, damn it! I came here to play basketball and I will do that, now it's not Choi Haneul and Kim Taehyung who can't stand breathing the same air, it's the boy with the mask and the gray hoodie boy. Just that simple.

I threw the ball back at him as a mark of accepting his challenge.


I start dribbling the ball between my legs while teasing him a little bit, taking a step to his left but going back, doing the same to the other side but, this time, I threw the ball to the air before I turn on my left heel and jump to catch it. I like this basketball more, no rules and no time limit. Just us and the ball and our own roles.

Taehyung was really fast! His real skills are showing now that he doesn't underestimate me anymore. He followed me and now we're facing each other “you like to tease 'a lot' don't you?”

I smiled under my mask; he doesn't know how much I enjoy this. I took a step back and scored three points, Taehyung whined… totally different from the one at school! “Oi! That was totally unfair!”

I only shrugged; I will try my best not to reveal my true identity because I want this to last for a bit longer. I want to play with this skillful Taehyung more, without going back to the usual us.

He jumped twice as a warm up before he gets really serious “you won't score next time. Just wait”

I smiled before waiting for his attack.


I'm sure it's been already more than two hours since we start playing! We lost count of our scores and just played like there's no tomorrow. Now both of us are lying on the floor, Taehyung laughed “waah, it's been a while since I've played like this without feeling the time! You're so great… Wait; I don't know your name?”

Thank god he can't see my expressions due to darkness and my mask or else, he would've been able to see how I became extremely nervous… pfft, he wouldn't have even asked me this if he saw me, how stupid of me. He hummed waiting “hmm?”

I changed my tone as much as I can without sounding strange “basketball friends? Let's stay like that without anything deeper”

He looked at me like I'm some weirdo, he is totally judging me now “what with this –acting all mysterious- aura? It doesn't make you look cool by the way”

Endure it Haneul, endure it “I don't try to act cool, it's just comfortable this way. Grey hoodie boy”

He laughed “we are playing nicknames game now? Ok, masked boy. Let's play again one day, I have to go now” he showed me his phone, there was an incoming call. He jumped and took his skateboard with him before he disappears into the lights area.


I'm not afraid of getting discovered by him, he won't be able to even suspect it since I was talking with Seoul's accent, yeah I know how to talk it perfectly since my mother was born and raised here, she forced me to master it... but, I don't like to talk with it! I'm hardcore Busan kid who only talks with satori. Well, except few cases like now; if I talked with my usual accent he would've known me immediately.


I headed to the coffee shop I told you about; I ordered an ice chocolate and gripped a book to read. Actually, I shouldn't waste my money around since I won't be able to play much during the weekdays, those two show-offs hadn't given me the whole 300,000 won since it was really too much and only gave me 170,000 won. Ugh, but I didn't fight them to pay it whole since the game wasn't even worth it.


The girl from that time came again to give me my order, I smiled widely at her and she smiled back but, her eyes looked really dizzy. I think she might end up fainted on the floor if she didn't eat something, ok let's do something good since it's been a while since I've done it.

I poured some of my drink on her apron to jump fast from my seat; I apologized fast and took money out of my pocket without making a scene “I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Let me pay for the cleaning”

She returned the money but I was stronger than her so I pushed it back “no, please take it or else I would feel so guilty about what I did”

She bowed and stated “but, I can't accept it! It's against our policy”

I smiled “then let me treat you to something, please I can't really let it go as if I did nothing”

She was troubled but she accepted it in the end. I ordered some delicious cake and coffee for her to eat inside, and I feel so happy now. I knew she wouldn't accept it and I actually planning to do this from the start, I was once in her place so I can understand the whole thing but, I'm really grateful that she didn't suspect anything.


After few hours of reading this and that it was, unfortunately, the closing time. I gripped my phone and played a calmer song before I take my mask out from my pocket and wear it on my way to a near convenience store, the money has really decreased by now but, it stills more than enough for few Ramyun cups and rice; with the other stuff inside of my room I can have a good lunch for few days when I go to the school.


I returned to find no one inside the dorm, god! I'm really grateful to you for these precious moments. I will take a fast shower and have some peaceful time for myself.


I threw the clothes I was wearing inside of the washing machine as soon as I finished showering, I will come back for it after an hour since this machine is one of those which dries and washes the clothes at the same time. By the way, I had to stand confused for a good ten minutes before I know how this weird machine even works hehe.


I seated in front of the television and there was this movie that looks so entertaining, the main hero is an ahjussi from Busan. Yahoo.


I felt that my heart will stop any moment now, I gulped so harsh that my chest hurts hell off a lot. It took me few minutes to realize what was going on; I dried my face with my wet hoodie's sleeves. I fell asleep somewhere during the movie because my body was exhausted due to all those training and lack of sleep, those bastards teammates who were laughing their hearts contents splashed cold water on top of me and I'm wide awake now… wait!! I need to cover my chest; I know it's almost so flat but stills.

I just stared at them and turned around to head to my room, I know ignorance will ruin all the fun they were planning to have since they were expecting me to go so wild and make a scene. They just gave me a fresh shower again hehe.

I passed by the washing machine and took my clothes before I enter the bathroom and had a cold shower.

Monday's morning… Ugh, I hate it so much but, let's get up and make a breakfast before going early to the school. I took out my bento to place the food I will make in it before I wear my earphones and play the music loud. I found no one downstairs but, who blames them? It stills five in the morning and the school doesn't even start before eight.

I finished cooking rice and some side dishes, did some light karate exercises before I go upstairs and change into my uniform. It's almost six half but I will have some peaceful time by myself at school so I should go now. I'm still playing the music loud and the songs keep getting upbeat more and more, the best way to start your morning.


When I arrived at the school, it was empty. How about doing some exploring? Ok, let's do that hehe.


Wow, this school is no joke! They have a lot of classes and great quality facilities. I feel I'm so blessed to be part of it more by the second but, let's head to the class before it gets really crowded.

The homeroom teacher came in and, the members hadn't even shown up near, yet! We have Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi in our class. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok are in the class next to us. But, none of them is here yet and the homeroom teacher doesn't seem to give a damn(?)


They finally showed up at the end of the homeroom class and they kind of looked like troublemakers with their messy hairs and careless actions, as if they owned this place and has nothing to fear. Again, they look so different from their true selves that I saw on the court before…

They took their seats and Yoongi rested his head on the table, I think he plans to continue his sleep here. The teacher marked that they're here in front of their names and took his leave as if nothing strange happened, isn't he suppose to get mad at them for being late or something? They're treating them as if they're not even necessary?!!! What the hell…


The members kept their carefree attitudes and no one seemed to care, the good side of all this is that they're keeping their manners inside classes except this Yoongi who didn't even bother to raise his head for once. I was focusing on the teacher all the time writing memos and try my best to keep up with everything without falling asleep.


Well, everything was going smoothly for them until the math teacher –that teacher who yelled at them on my first day here- called Yoongi's name to answer that long question… the boy is deep into dreams land! I shook him and called his name quietly “yaah, wake up”

He won't move an inch, and the teacher is planning to come near, this doesn't look good because his eyes tell that he plans on doing something bad! I kicked Yoongi's feet under the table until he looked at me annoyed “yaah! the teacher calls your name”

He stood from his seat to listen to the teacher says “so you were awake, good for you because I planned to give you a long and pretty detention today. Now answer this”

Yoongi ruffled his head annoyed, he doesn't want to receive the detention but, he doesn't care to answer. I want to have a practice with the whole team so I whispered “835” and I don't think he recognized the source of the voice.

Yoongi repeated what he heard so the teacher left an eyebrow before he tells him that his answer was right, he doesn't look the slightest satisfied about this since he said “looks like you escaped your detention today, unfortunately”

I don't even know why did I bothered to help him but, just found myself doing that.

I was scribbling down my notebook, writing some lyrics and other stuff to pass the time. The teacher of this class is absent and the next one is the lunch break, I feel so bored so I think I will run to the rooftop.

I took my bento and escaped between the noisy students, I passed near the teachers' room but I managed to go through that hallway without getting discovered. I managed to arrive safely to the rooftop although it's kind of pretty far from my class, I didn't lose my touch yet hehe. But, I think someone is here before me since the door was slightly opened.

I was so curious so I sneaked inside and found Jimin dancing to some beat in his headphones; I kept my low profile and start watching him moving around.


God! His dance is so beautiful, like REALLY beautiful it's so breathtaking. I couldn't help myself but feel so happy whenever he smiled so brightly, it's so obvious that he is having the fun of his life while moving his body to the music which I don't really mind that I don't hear it, he looks as if he is no longer in the same place we're in right now, his body is here but his mind is in a totally different place.


He kept dancing for a while but I couldn't take my eyes off him, not even for a mere second, I can't get any closer because I think he will stop and won't come here anymore if he saw me but, my spot is pretty good to see everything. I had to hide with my bento when the bell rang since he will definitely go to see his friends.

I've discovered a new side of the cheerful boy, a pretty interesting one.





Author's Note.

so here is the third chapter, hope you liked it. don't forget to comment because I really want to know what your thoughts about this fic.

have fun.

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Chapter 4: Hello, remember me? Haha you always come and write literally essays on my stories so I though I should do the same for you. I am in love with your original character. Seriously so badass, and kickass. Taehyung, well I still don't like him, but judging from the last chapter we're gonna get another side of him and a explanation for his behavior at school. I'm really curious as to whether her and Jimin's relationship will go. *wiggles eyebrows*.

Though seriously, how is she able to deal with all this crap. I hope she gets accepted and maybe reform the basketball members in some way. Although I'm getting serious Too Kool 4 Skoool vibe with this fanfic :D
Chapter 3: Just the beginning of this story and I'm already loving it. You write so well. And this is sort of random but do you by any chance have a personal interest in basketball? Sorry for being nosy, I'm just curious because you seem to know a lot about it haha. Also can't wait for the next chapter take care love. <3
Chapter 2: Im wanting to kill V already and he's one of my biases in bts...... It's only the second chapter too......