Sky Is The Limit




Taehyung's Pov.

This day wins as one of my worst days ever! I didn't go to class today but, Jungkook told me that THAT bastard is seating in front of me and next to Yoongi hyung!! I went to my favorite place in this ty school later to meet him there too!!! Not to mention that ridiculous incident that happened inside of the cafeteria a while ago; I swear I would've crushed his face if  it wasn't for Namjoon. He warned me not to cause any fights today for any reason or else, he will prohibit me from practic later. And guess what!!!! Yeah it came out in the end it's just because that bastard became part of the team and he knew I will fight him since he saw what happened yesterday.


But, Is he seriously telling me that he will accept him like that? To allow him to be part of our family just like that! “Hyung, I'm not allowing this! I would rather to kill myself than to accept some freak in our team! we're enough for each other”

Namjoon smiled “and who said that we will? The vice-principal is observing us for now, two or three days later and you can do whatever you want”

I smirked, and here I thought there was something wrong. Namjoon more than any of us wouldn't allow a threat to cross over the members, a threat like a new member who came in because of the vice-principal's powers.


Yoongi gave us one of his hard stares “if you plan to play dirty tricks on him, you shouldn't have acted all good and nice in the first place Namjoon! Don't give me one of your about protecting the image and whatever crap because you know better than anyone else that they don't give a damn about us and even if they did, it will only be to control us”

He ruffled his hair and headed to the dorm before us, great now we have to fight because of that bastard! I'm going to freaking kill him! But, Yoongi hyung is always like this, he likes things to be straightforward. 'Ignorance or crushing heads' this is his motto when it comes to strangers, he hates going in circles more than anything else and will talk his mind out honestly if he thinks there's something wrong, whether that person was a friend or not.


We followed him in silent to end it up when Namjoon smirked and told me “there's a present waiting for you upstairs”

“Don't freaking tell me…?”

I ran upstairs to find a living body on MY BED, God! Did I destroy the earth in my past life or something? Why are you treating me like this! Isssh I'm going to lose my freaking mind. I kicked the bed, I kicked my precious bed because if I touched that bastard now it would be the last time he will be able to breath this world's air “Oi, wake up!”

I kicked the bed once again and I can feel him moving around but, I can't figure out if he woke up or not since I see his back only so I shouted “want to die!! Wake up”

I kicked the bed again so he woke up immediately, gasping for air. I swear I saw something sparkling inside of his eyes… are those tears!! I couldn't make sure since he wiped his eyes with his sleeve harshly. He stared at me after that but, they weren't the same fierce eyes! I don't know why but I couldn't take out the bad words that I've planned to shower him with when I first entered this room.

He smiled “what do you want, bastard?”

He's supposed to feel pissed off from my actions, why is he smiling!! “Get the hell out of my bed! And on your way get the off of my life”

He smiled again, God! He pisses me off!!! “I will get out of your bed but, I can't get out of your precious life since I plan to stick to this school until I graduate”


I couldn't control myself and gripped him by his hoodie's collar, when I dragged him out of MY bed I saw the bandage on his leg. It wasn't there when we had the game? wait… don't tell me he put that much pressure on his ankle when he stole the ball from me and sprained it before his winning strike? “Are you crazy!!!! Why in hell did you risk getting injured for that score only? You could've lost and did a re-match later!!”

He stared blankly at me before he talks in a tone that sent shivers down my spine “if I took basketball that lightly, I won't have a reason to live anymore. It might be a game fore you but, basketball is a LIFE to me”

He looked so lifeless that I couldn't even move for an inch, I was so shocked by the sudden change when he smiled brightly again and apologized fast “I will make sure not to sleep in your bed again, don't worry, roommate”

He took his bags and moved to the other side of the room; I don't understand a single thing anymore.


I headed down and seated between the members without saying a word, I don't understand myself anymore. It's the first time that I faced a person like HIM and I don't actually know what to do, a part of me is telling me to beat the hell out of him but the other part stops me from doing that!

Jungkook, who was clinging to my shoulder, took me out of my thoughts “hyung, what's wrong?”

I gave him a bright smile before I say “nothing, hyung is just thinking of a way to get rid of the new member” Jungkook wants to say something but he bite his lips so I asked “what do you want to say, Kookie?”

He gave me his puppy eyes “don't get mad at me ok?” I nodded for him to complete “you said you won't get angry... Why don't we give him a chance? He doesn't look that bad besides, he is a really good player”

I half-smiled and completed “and he is from Busan too, right? God! Kookie how many times did I tell you not to trust people that easily?”


Now I really can't allow that boy to stay here any longer, Kookie is going to get too attached to him and end up hurt like every time a bastard like THAT shows up. Yeah Jungkook is easily fooled by others; he ends up really hurt every freaking single time a new member comes to the team, or a freind to our lives to the much that he will lock himself in his room and stop talking to anyone for a while, he loses over ten kilograms when that happens.

Speak of the devil, he came down and our food arrived at the same time. Namjoon and Jen entered with our food, the delicious smell of pizza is all over the place. Yummy!! I can't wait to dig in those boxes.

I swear that I saw that bastard rubbing his stomach while he stare at our food! No! I won't go weak and give him. He was a step ahead and headed to the kitchen, I followed him and hissed “don't act like you're in your home, nothing of this belongs to you. If you want food, pay for it”

Yeah, he should know his right place! It's not like we have money problems but, it's just that all of this is from our OWN money and he shouldn't take what belongs to us since he is not accepted by us, the members and owners of this basketball team's dorm. His attitudes of being the –young master with silver spoon in his mouth- won't work here, if he wants something, he should work for it.


He let out a heavy breath and said “and are you the son of the water company? This water doesn't belong to you Mr. I have it all. So don't annoy me with your crap, I won't take something from your money even if you begged me to!”

He is back to his old annoying self, what a serious mood swings he have there! “If you know that then it's fine, just remember you're an OUTSIDER, and you'll always stay like that”

I made sure to pronounce 'outsider' in a loud and clear voice for him to understand, his eyes shook for a second but, he replaced it with a smirk fast. I end it there since Jen was shouting for me to bring cups. Let's see how long he will be able to endure all of this.



Haneul Pov.

He didn't really have to remind me of that! I know it god damn it. It's ok Haneul, it's ok as long as they let you play basketball and pass the ball to you. That's what I kept telling myself until I went out and smell pizza all over the place. God! I'm so hungry and now you're sending my favorite food in front of me... Endure it my little stomach I will feed you delicious Ramyun now.

I headed upstairs and took a Ramyun cup out of my bag, lucky me there's one left. I made sure that the socks doesn't show the bandage on my foot one more time before I head down and yeah, these boys are beast! They already swallowed all of the pizza's huge boxes without leaving anything…


I start boiling water to throw Ramyun inside it later but, I heard someone footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Namjoon seating on the counter while observing every move I made. I ignored him but, I was on my guards now; I'm not that air-headed to not notice the hatred in his eyes. Even if he tried to mask it with his nice acts, it's just so obvious that they're only a show to fool the vice-principal and do whatever he wants to me later when no one can even smell it.

Although I don't like Taehyung but, I don't like this Namjoon more! At least Taehyung is obvious and doesn't go in circles unlike this little snake.


I cooked the Ramyun and seated on the floor with the pot, I don't need a plate because it will add more cleaning work. I ate it with a lot of grateful, I had two AND different meals in one day; I don't think I could be any happier.


Namjoon is still observing but, I decided to keep on the stupid act and walk outside after cleaning the pot. He prevented me from keep my walk outside the door, I stared at him innocently “what's wrong, couch?”

He smirked “it's good that you know our right places, now how about you take your stuff and get the hell out of here?”

Let's keep the fool act on “what do you mean? It's my first day here, where else should I go?”

He let out a heavy breath before hissing “it looks like you won't be able to get it by words, isn't it?”

He was going to punch me but I dodge it fast, I smirked back at him “you're showing your true colors now, finally”

He stood dumbfounded “are you telling me now that you knew from the start!!”

I laughed “of course! Man, your acting skills ”


I headed out immediately before it get fired up again, the tense calmed down a bit due to his stupid expressions. No one talked to me when I got out to the living room but, their actions made it sure: The coming is much worse. The reason that prevented them from doing anything has gone now, I'm sure of that after seeing that wide smirk on Taehyung's face.



-Two Days Later.

I'm on my way to the dorm since we ended our practice early today. We didn't do any actual basketball training for the last two days and instead, we were training our muscles while making sure to high up our stamina. That Namjoon bastard was extra hard on me after revealing his true intention that night but, I'm still grateful for him. Those exercises paid off immediately, I can feel the difference in my shouts and breaks plus, it's much better than playing since my ankle wasn't fully recovered since I usually put more pressure on it when I play since I basically tend to jump and spin all the game.


 Suddenly, a group stopped me from completing my way peacefully to play some stupid trick, again.

I turned the volume up and ignored them, I want to go back to my room and sleep like there's no tomorrow since I won't be able to sleep at night but, I think ignoring them had really pissed them off; I was gripped by my uniform's collar before that boy shouts really loud “who do you think yourself in hell to act all high and mighty?”

They really like to ask this question aren't they? I smiled really bright and answered “I'm Choi Haneul, do you think of becoming my friend or something? You should've asked in a nicer way” Yeah it's better to act stupid rather than crushing bones, let's hope that they'll get bored and off.

He raised his fist and shouted even louder “who in hell wants to be friends with you!!!!! Don't joke with me you freak village boy”

I took one of my earphones off before I scratch my ear “Ok, ok I get it so stop screaming. Your voice is really annoying”


I think his friends' impressed stares provoked him so he was going to punch me to flip the table. But before that, he said the only thing he shouldn't have dared to say “you want to die, son of a bit-…”

I punched him really hard that I heard one of his teeth crushing voice! He fell on his back so I shouted really furious “if any of you wants to sleep in the hospital tonight then step ahead!! But, know that you're the ones who's started it!”

They were scared from seeing the beast that I start turning into so they packed their belongings and helped their friend to run away from my sight. There's two things that make me totally lose it, first: Talking bad about my parents. Second: When the scars on my right shoulder start bothering me.


Ok, no more thinking! I will go to my room and start my weekend with deep sleep after taking a shower of course. I entered the room to find all of my stuff on the floor with some yogurt and something else on top of it! What the hell is wrong with this jerk!!! Can't I just live in peace?

But, Did he really thought that I will turn into a drama queen and yell after seeing this? Tch, he just invaited himself to a drinking party, because hell I will return the glass he offered doubled.


I headed downstairs and mixed a cola I found inside of the fridge with other stuff and believe me, you don't want to see what they turned into; I hurried back to his wardrobe and threw all of his clothes on the floor before I pour that weird material on top of them. Pfft, he can have a nice picture with it later when he wakes up.


I gathered my clothes and placed them inside of a plastic bag and for the first time, I feel really grateful for them to be so few. I will wash them later when I wake up but for now, I will sleep in my uniform.


After a good three hours of sleep which felt like ten hours of sleep when I saw Taehyung in this state, I woke up on his furious scream “bastard!!!!!!! You didn't dare to do that right?”

I grinned with my sleepy eyes “but, I did! I just returned the glass that you lent me”

He shouted in frustrate “isssh!”

He didn't findanything more to destroy and thankfully, he was aware of the fact that I had the vice-principal protecting my back. Yeah I let them think whatever they like since I don't usually care to explain things to those whome I don't care about besides, if he knew that the vice-principal doesn't have anything to do with me he will destroy all off my school belongings!! I won't be able to afford them anytime soon which means dropping few scores that I can't afford to lose, not if I plan to get the sport scholarship later.


Hoseok entered the room when he heard Taehyung's loud scream “what hap-... what is this!!” his expressions turned into a really funny one when he saw the mess that came out from Taehyung's precious clothes.

I sneaked outside the room with the plastic bag before they notice me. I ran fast toward the front door while laughing my heart content after hearing Taehyung's loud screams after losing sight of me. I met Jungkook in front of the front door, I smiled at his face before I complete my running mission.


I checked the money inside my pocket and it was enough to buy a beer and Ramyun cup, or to go and wash my clothes. I'm so stupid, I should've stayed at the dorm and washed it there instead of wasting my money but if I did, we would've had a serious fight. I just got my ankle recovered so I did the right decision with coming here.

Anyway, I can stay hungry for a few more hours until I dry my clothes and bet on my basketball skills like old times. I'm sure there will be a lot of stupid Seoul's player who will take the village kid lightly and after that I will have serious opponent and play real basketball, which means a lot of fun and more money hehe. That's the reason why I told you I don't even need a single thing as long as I have basketball, and if I was lucky enough, I would be able to find streetball's competitions near soon.


People keep on staring at me because I'm wearing my uniform when it's already Friday's evening. Well, not all of us are lucky enough to not have Kim Taehyung in their lives.

I picked my favorite hoodie after folding the remain clothes into another plastic bag; I wore it and put the hood over my head, although it's not that cold yet but, I didn't bring my mask with me and I don't feel comfortable with the idea of showing my face while I play streetball; I feel I can free from myself and everything else when I play on streets which, with no name nor a face to show! I'm just a basketball player who wants to face strong players and that's it.


I was moving around Seoul to find places of outdoor courts; I found an outdoor court and guess what? Yeah it was in the best spot ever, you just need to walk a bit further away from the Han River and you'll find it there. It looks like those kind of places where it's so famous on the day time with people and players, I can already see few players around.

I stepped inside the court and two boys stopped playing, one of them asked pissed off “what do you want?”

I grinned and said with my satori “I want to play basketball, want to bet?”

The other stepped and looked down at me “you think we will stop our game to play with a beginner like you!”

I kept my stupid grin on, keep fooling them to accept the bet “how about I play against the two of you? The winner gets to take whatever price you decide”

The two of them looked at each other before smiling as if they won the lottery “fine, how about 300,000 Won? -261 Dollars-”

God! They're the real deal. They underestimate me now and they will definitely go easy on me in the start but, they'll try to manage it by playing rough when it's already to late. I kept my stupid act “waah, you must be rich! God, I hope I won't lose or else it will be a big trouble”

The two of them talked at the same time “you can't quit now!!!” “Aigoo, aigoo. Ok I won't but, let's make the winner who gets twenty points first”


They gave me the ball since it will be a two-on-one game. Let's the fun begins.


It ended with 21-9, a total win for me hehe. They should stop underestimating others when they can't even throw a proper ball; I don't like to say this about others but they really have no skills for basketball! It's not that they can't but, they don't even try to play it properly. They just keep on bouncing and even giving up on the ball whenever it gets away from them! I really despise the likes of them but, I should thank them for the refresh warming up training “thanks guys for this, I will use it wisely. And you've already learned not to judge a book by its cover, right?”

They cursed me as soon as I gave them my back so I turned around once again and talked sarcastically “if you don't want to be stolen like this again, play basketball more seriously! This half-assed efforts won't get you a dead bone even, Tch”


I carried my plastic bag and decided to head home, I spent a lot of time exploring Seoul and the good places in it. I even found a coffee shop that sells really delicious pancakes and a lot of other things made of chocolate with a price I can normally afford, it also have a big book corner, for free!!! But, you have to buy something first and read that book inside of the coffee shop. I found a hideout for myself and an amazing outdoor court, I'm so lucky.


When I entered the convenience store I saw two boys harassing a really weak girl, I didn't hesitate for a second to step in and kick the one who gripped her s on his stomach. I can't stand still when I see something like this! I gripped him and start punching him really strong, the other was going to hit me from behind but, luckily I was able to dodge it thanks to the girl's scream. I gripped his arm and elbowed him on THAT place, he winced in pain, now I can play as I like with this scum before I take care of the other one. I start punching him until I saw blood coming out of his injured lip. I threw him and start punching his friend before I kick him on his stomach.

I screamed really furious “you're just scums! If you think that you will be great by hurting a weak woman and acting like men on top of her then you're wrong! You're nothing but pieces of that are better off dead” I spit on them.


I helped the girl who fell on the floor due to fear, she shook my hand off and screamed “M-Monster! You almost k-killed 'em”

You think I will feel hurt because of her words? Not at all, I'm used on hearing that. I didn't help her in the first place for her sake, I did it to feel better about myself and because I can't stand watching scenes like this.


I took a step back and headed off the store, I don't think he will sell me anything after seeing me fighting like that. I didn't notice that one of these bastards had already stood up, not until he hit me on my back with a stick, it hit my right shoulder, the place with those scars which started to bother me. I lost it “you brought this upon yourselves!”

I got bunch of punches since few of their friends came by but, I caused them much worse injuries since I was really furious. The fight became personal when he dared to hit me on those scars and refreshed my memory.


Damn it, now I need to buy some blasters, which means less money for the food! I went to another store and bought some small blasters alongside snacks and other food to later. I start figuring where are the cheap places here in Seoul and the ahjumma here looks nice, she let me buy all of the stuff in my plastic bag with lower price if I helped her with the store for a half hour, lucky me I can save more money for rest of the week.


I headed to the dorm and unlike what I thought, I saw them all inside? I thought everyone should go to their families on weekends. Maybe they're not from Seoul too? Don't know. As soon as I stepped inside of the dorm with all of these plastic bags, Namjoon laughed “did you fool someone to get all these? You surely look like you've got a good reward with all these blasters”

I smiled “Wow! You're really smart, how did you know?”

His eyes widened, god! I really can't get enough of his dump expressions because they're way too funny “you know, that was supposed to be a mock! Are you a gangster or something?”

I laughed my heart content before I barely managed to say “Maybe I am a one? Man you're so hilarious”


On my way upstairs, I saw Taehyung and he looks so happy! Bad news for me “what?”

He grinned before he shrug “nothing, Can't I smile?”

Ok, there is something dangerous going here…


I hurried to my room and found everything as I left it but wait, where is my bag!!! I threw the plastic bags on my bed before I run toward Taehyung “yaaa, where did you hide my bag!!!!”

He smiled and shrugged “Don't know”

My fist start shaking due to , my parent's marriage rings are together inside of a chain in that bag; it's the only thing that left to me from their shadows and I even forced myself to stop wearing it because I almost lost it once, so I'm only wearing it on official games. 


I tried my best not to make a scene “Kim Taehyung, I'm not playing with you right now! Where is it?”

His grin only got wider before he says “ok, ok since I'm a good person I will tell you. You see, there is an old building near the school's main building. If you hurried, you might be able to go inside it before the guards do their shift around and take it away or maybe even worse, burns it! Because they always throw whatever comes to their eyes inside of that buildings, it usually known for being the hideous of dealers in this school”

I gripped his collar “I swear to God Kim Freaking Taehyung, if anything happened to that bag it would be the end of you!!!!!”


I hurried outside; I need to find it no matter what.






tell me what you think about this chapter, I can't wait to see them.

Have fun. 

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Chapter 4: Hello, remember me? Haha you always come and write literally essays on my stories so I though I should do the same for you. I am in love with your original character. Seriously so badass, and kickass. Taehyung, well I still don't like him, but judging from the last chapter we're gonna get another side of him and a explanation for his behavior at school. I'm really curious as to whether her and Jimin's relationship will go. *wiggles eyebrows*.

Though seriously, how is she able to deal with all this crap. I hope she gets accepted and maybe reform the basketball members in some way. Although I'm getting serious Too Kool 4 Skoool vibe with this fanfic :D
Chapter 3: Just the beginning of this story and I'm already loving it. You write so well. And this is sort of random but do you by any chance have a personal interest in basketball? Sorry for being nosy, I'm just curious because you seem to know a lot about it haha. Also can't wait for the next chapter take care love. <3
Chapter 2: Im wanting to kill V already and he's one of my biases in bts...... It's only the second chapter too......