Sky Is The Limit



Hello everyone, this is me, Haneul. And no I'm not a boy, my father named me this name which means 'Sky' because he wanted me to spread my dreams high like the sky, anyways now I'm in a pretty awkward situation because of that boyish name and because I look kind of –or pretty much?- like a boy.


The vice-principal was really sorry, he almost begged me not to tell anyone about the truth “I'm really sorry Haneul-shi, I'm really sorry. I just looked at your name and photo and thought that you were a boy, your separate dorm's room and your uniform are already ready but, if you really want to enter as a girl you can wait until the second semester”

I knocked the table with my palms “but I can't!! I'm here for the sport scholarship, if I waited until the second semester it will be already gone to someone else!”

He gripped my hand “I'm sorry Haneul-shi, but please don't tell the principal about this mistake. I beg you! I will be in a big trouble if she knew about this; I could end up on the streets! If you disguised as a boy, I promise you that I will help you to be part of the boys' team here”

He looked truly troubled and I couldn't say no to him, not when he begs me in that way “ok, I will do that but, don't you think that they would be able to notice it?”

He smiled really bright, as if he was a person who was saved from falling into the abyss “It won't be a problem for you I guarantee that; you already look like a boy, so skinny and tall, your face isn't that girly too with these scars. You'll be able to live your three years peacefully if you kept on the low profile and didn't get that friendly with anyone”

I've been told that few times before but, I kind of feel offended now when he says it this way. Anyway I can't help myself but to get happier and happier, I will be part of the Bulletproof's famous team! It's the dream of every basketball player. I won't have to worry about money if I got the scholarship too, this can't get any better.


I went out of the vice-principal room with my back-pack and a small sport bag to head into my dorm room. I need to go through the crowded hallways since I'm in the middle of the school; it was a school day since I was half-week late already, you know how much of a pain in the it is to move over from Busan to Seoul, right? Anyway, I had to go through the crowded students to move to the other side but, I saw three boys crashing a small boy really hard!!! They were hitting him really hard and everyone was laughing and cheering while they enjoy their heart contents over the whole scene, what the hell is wrong with them.

I threw my backpack and the sport bag before I run and kick that hoodie boy who was hitting the bullied boy the most; he was shocked already from the sudden attack so he was pushed harder than planned. I hurried to the already bleeding boy and asked him “are you alright?”

He barely nodded and my eyes were already filled with anger, who in hell does he think himself? I yelled “what the is wrong with you guys!!!! Are all of Seoul's people this sick? If you wanted to fight someone, go and fight someone on your level!!”

He scoffed “and Does THAT person supposed to be you?”

I ruffled the bullied boy hair before I smile and murmur a fast –I'll be back don't worry- before I stand up fast and pushed that bully's chest hard with my palms “yeah, any problems? I will crush your face if you think that you're allowed to go around and toy with other's bodies, dirty city boy”

One of the boys who were standing next to him asked in a really friendly tone “are you by any chance from Busan?”

I nodded dumbfounded by his sudden friendly tone “yeah?”

He said excitedly to the boy I just pushed “Tae-Tae hyung, he is from Busan too”

This Tae-Tae called guy gave him a harsh stare which made the other turn calm and lower his head, ugh! I just can't stand this damn bastard so I said sarcastically “stop acting tough if you can't even raise your fist against a person like ME! If you don't know, they always say don't mess with a Busan kid if you don't plan to be as good as a dead fish”

He lost his poker face and gripped my shirt's collar, he was offended by my words and was going to punch me but, a teacher interrupted finally “you're doing that again basketball freaks!!!” All of them had troubled expressions before they separate alongside the whole crowd, guess this teacher is a pain in the for everyone; he looks like a math teacher (?)


I went to the bullied kid's side and helped him to stand on his feet “you want me to help you to the infirmary?” He shook his head “no, I don't want to trouble you” I smiled “what are you saying? It's totally fine I've already finished the worst part of it hehe”

He had guilty expressions on his face “I'm really sorry, I've forced you to make the worst enemies you'll ever get in this school”

I've already heard the other students say things like 'who is this idiot that tries to show off by fighting against the Bangtan gang!' and 'this is a first right? To hit and push Kim Taehyung, He is definitely looking for his death' 'he is totally a bad case' 'how long do you think he will last? I think he will quit after two days, Tch' and a lot of gossips about how great they are and how stupid I am. Tch.


I carried my bags with one hand and helped the boy with the other one; I asked him when he finished getting treated “so who exactly are these Bangtan boys?”

He sighed “they're the members of the great basketball team of this school, they're also known for their fighting skills, they already knocked a lot of heads inside and outside the school. If I were you, I would avoid being on their bad side as much as possible! And I will say this because you helped me, stop talking in that Satori accent or else you'll be the target of the students' jokes and fun games”

I left one of my eyebrows, totally pissed off from his advice “why should I change it? I'm pretty proud of being a Busan kid and I don't plan on changing anything because of some spoiled city kids who can't give a damn about other's troubles”

He said quietly “it's just an advice but, I really hope you won't get hurt later. Thanks a lot, you're the only one who ever stood up and helped me”

I smiled before giving him a fast goodbye, I need to unpack my stuff and get ready for tomorrow because it will be my first time playing basketball with a team in a half year already.


-Next Morning.

I did some morning stretches and fast Karate trainings before I take a shower and wear my uniform. Another positive side, I don't have to wear a stupid skirt. I went to the school and all eyes were already on me. Well, they should! Because I will be the best basketball player in this school.

I went to my class and waited for the homeroom teacher to come and introduce me to the class since I'm late. He came and told me to follow him “quiet class quiet class! Here is a new student”

One of the students said “we already know him; he is the kid who will quit school soon”
All of the class burst out in laughter, they think they will be able to break me and force me to leave? Well, it will happen in their wildest dreams, Tch.

The teacher cleaned his throat before he says “introduce yourself”

I gave them my brightest smile before I say “Hello everyone, my name is Choi Haneul and I will be your classmate for the whole year and, let's happily graduate together after three years ok?”
All of them looked at me shocked, they might think of me as an all-talk kid but, I've been through worst and as long as I have basketball, I don't care about anything else.


The time passed really slowly, I could've died if I wasn't called by the vice-principal himself on the third period. He smiled before stating “I did my part of the plan and forced the school to give an extra scholarship for the boys' team, now it depends on your skills. Don't forget, nobody should know about you being THAT or it would be the end of both of us”

I suddenly felt burdened but, I've pretended to be a boy a lot of times to play street basketball or to do some part-time job so it won't be a problem for me. I met the basketball team couch and he kind of feels young? Wait is he wearing a uniform? The couch is a student!!!

The vice principal took me out of my thoughts by saying “he might be in the same year as you but, Kim Namjoon is the brain of the team. He is one of the best couches despite his young age; you can do some web search about him”

That Kim Namjoon guy didn't wait for me to introduce myself and told me straightforward “I will test your skills now, feel grateful for Mr. Jung since he praised your skills but, it will mean nothing if I don't approve it”

I took off my jacket and did fast stretches before I smirk “let's start”


God! I feel extremely excited… this Namjoon guy is no joke! He cornered me from the first attack, I was able to steal the ball from him before he scores but, he won't allow me to score even when I'm far into the three score zone. Guess he saw through me and kind of guessed I'm on the three points scorer side but, bad for him I played a lot of street basketball and fought against much more taller players to be stopped by his block, I took advantage of his tall by dribbling the ball and throwing it fast between his legs before I turn around fast under his arm and grip the ball again to throw it inside of the basket.


We played a bit more and he stopped me after ending with a 5-3 for me, I'm sure he went easy on me but, god! I had a lot of fun.


He asked me “did you have some kind of injuries recently?”

I think Mr. Jung saying he is one of the best couches was not an overstatement since he already noticed that I wasn't in my best shape “yeah I had a knee injury but I finished the last stage of recovery a month ago”

He clapped his hands “although you still have to improve a lot of your muscles but, Welcome to the team, Choi Haneul”

I was so happy to hear these words to be surprised as much by the followed sentence “you'll have to move to the basketball team's dorm, you'll live with Kim Taehyung since he was the spoiled ace and has a room for himself for all these years”

Did he just tell me to move into another boy's room? And wait a minute, is this Taehyung the same Taehyung from THAT time!!!! You've gotta be kidding me “do I really have to come to the dorm? You know I just moved into my room yesterday and packing my stuff again is a bit ha-ha”

Namjoon shook his head “do you take basketball lightly? Of course you have to because we will have different kind of exercises all the day and we need to be in the same place” “but-…” he cut me “no buts, now go and eat your lunch, you will meet the others after it since we have three whole periods of training on Wednesdays”

I answered excitedly before I bow “I will, take good care of me as a member of the team”


I don't know why others keep on dragging me into their own paces! firstly, the vice principal when he made a joke out of me by that act of being a pity man and seducing me with offering me to be a part the boys basketball, yeah I just realized that now; and Now Namjoon is making me Ok-ing to live in their dorm! I'm risking getting discovered by doing that and I might even kill that Taehyung bastard before anything happens.
Well, I think I only think about playing basketball more than anything.


I headed to the cafeteria and stood in the line grinning; I already checked it once again from Mr. Jung and he told me I can stay here with the scholarship and if I was good enough they might give me a full one and I can focus on my sports only without worrying about my school scores! God, I'm so happy that I feel like exercising all the time but first, I think I should start cooking for myself starting from tomorrow since it's pretty crowded here.

Suddenly, girlish screams were heard all over the place, I turned to see the source of it and it was no other than Taehyung bastard and his friends. It was my turn to take my food but, suddenly this Damn Taehyung stood in front of me and I couldn't hold it although I know I should try to fix the mess I already caused before even becoming an official student here “what in hell do you think yourself doing bastard! Don't you see the line?”

Yeah I just can't go with the flow when he comes to the top of the line and take his food like that when I had to wait for a damn whole 20 minutes to get here! Doesn't he know how to respect the rules? Ugh.

He came closer to me “well, well, isn't this our Busan kid? Did you kill the fish already or you want me to do that for you”

Dear god, I know I promised that I will give a fresh start after coming here but, I just can't when bast-… I mean bad people like him exists around me “how about you shut your mouth and learn how to respect others? Why in hell do you think yourself so great to step over all those who waited to come here as if we live in some jungle without any respect for others! Are you animal or something to not know a simple role like 'respect the lines and stand properly in it'?”

One of his friends whistles and mouthed an 'oh' and yeah, I just realized that I was digging my own grave but, I have no plans to stop anytime soon! He smirked and whispered into my ear “you just made the worst enemy you'll ever meet in your whole cycle of lives”

I took my food and went to a table at the corner, like hell I will get scared from a threat like that! Tch, let's see what is he made of.


In the midst of enjoying my meal a bunch of girls showed up, before I hear anything I know what they'll say; it will be about oppa this oppa that. One of them talked “who do you think yourself to bother V oppa? Stop being a pain in the ”

Who is this V guy??? I smiled anyway, actually I'm used to deal with others' fan-girls “I am Choi Haneul, I think it's bad for a girl with all this makeup and efforts to be pretty like you to say words like this, right?”

I barely managed to stop my laugh because her face flashed in red; I hope I won't have to deal with the likes of them each minute.


I was finally able to finish my meal from all those guardian-like fan-girls; whatever, now it's basketball time, finally!!! I bounced to the male's toilet to change my uniform to the basketball pair; I wore my basketball shoes and headed to the court before the bell even rings.

I wore my earphones before I do my warm ups, finally the smell of a real court. After I got my injury from that unfortunate accident all what I was able to do is play some streetball bets to gain money, I couldn't go back to the school team's court and that's a really long story.


At some point, someone came behind me and put all his body's weight on his knee ON MY BACK! I did a fast backward split before I turn around since I was already warming up my thighs and back by splitting my legs and stretching my arms between them, the person was shocked by the sudden move so he lost his balance. He was going to fall on top of me so I elbowed him on his stomach.

It was Taehyung!! Serves him right, Tch. The scars on my back bother me sometimes and when he did that it bothered me again, he should be thankful that I end it up with only that “you thought you would hurt me by doing that?”

His eyes widened when he saw me “what the hell are you doing here!!!”

He turned toward Namjoon “why is HE here!!!! You told me that the new member a person who I will have fun with, hyung!”

I let out a loud and heavy breath before I say “shouldn't we start practicing?”


Ok, this is the worst! Taehyung was just bumping into me causing me to fall each time, he wasn't playing but instead, he was acting like a kid. I feel pissed off at myself because it just reminds me of those times from the past and I can't help but to feel heavy once again.

The last time he bumped into me caused me to bite my inner cheek by mistake when I fell on my , I can taste blood now. He asked me with obvious sarcasm in his tone “what's wrong with you? Weren't you the one who was going all high and mighty in front of the students? Tch, don't think that the vice-principal will come to pamper you here”

It looks like even his friends were getting feed up by his actions since one of them screamed “Kim Taehyung, Enough!”


I stood up fast and spitted the blood that gathered inside of my mouth, I was really furious about the fact that he is treating me as if I was one of those who love basketball half-assed!!! I bet him to end this once and for all “let's fight on-on-one, if you win then I will shut my mouth and endure anything you do but, if I win you will let me practice like how players should”

He smirked, totally believing in his own skills “ok, don't cry later. The winner is who gets five points first! Street basketball style”

You'll be the one who cries in the end, I've already saw some holes in his play besides, I was hated by my old teammates because I played too good so playing one-on-one or even one-on-five is my specialty, Tch. Get yourself together Haneul, you came here to play and let your dream spread to the sky so jump high and stop spacing out!


We jumped at the same time but, he was a step ahead and the ball is with him now. He was trying to score from the three pointer zone so I stick closer to him with my arms up to force him on struggling with that shot even if he managed to throw it. He faked a dribble and I fell for it so he gripped the ball with his other hand before he turns around and score two points.

“The first score goes to me, be ready to suffer for your entire high school life”Smile Haneul, smile. The ball with you now.


I dribbled once before I run fast toward him, he was shocked by the sudden speed so I a bit with another dribble in front of him before I step and move to the other side and score three points, I smirked at his face “Tch!”

I stood near him since he has the ball now, I couldn't stop my smile. Although he have the worst personality but he surely knows how to play. He did the first dribble and I pretended I will do a steal but, he gripped the ball fast; he has a fast reflex.


We ran around the court for a while now but, my left foot slipped when I tried to stop Taehyung who is already near the basket now. So I have two choices in front of me; first, I would give him this score and lose but guarantee that I won't get hurt. Second, I will put more pressure on my ankle and cause it to slightly sprain… Of course I will go with the second one! I stepped fast before I jump again behind him and hit the ball that he jumped half-assed for, as if he was underestimating me. I caught the ball as soon as it hit the floor before I dash fast toward the basket and score the last two points to win.


With his level he could've won but, since he was so confident with his skills and obviously underestimated me, it caused him lose. I was going to jump and celebrate my win but I felt the pain strike right through my brain; I think I will have to rest for the whole day with a lot of ice when I go back to my room.

I smiled and stated “now I'm the winner, you would let me practice without doing those childish acts like what we bet on. And also, don't underestimating your opponent next time if you don't want to lose like today”

Namjoon clapped his hands “now, now. Since we didn't introduce the new member and practiced immediately instead, let's do that since you all saw his level”

It's just now that it hits me, I was so overwhelmed by the court view that I played with them without even knowing their names! Well, I didn't need to since all what we did was a separate practice, with Taehyung interfering of course.


I bowed before I afford the brightest smile I could wear on my face “Hello everyone, my name is Choi Haneul. I adore basketball and my specialty is that I can jump high and score three points from anywhere on the opponent half of the court, also I have speed and can play any place except center. Let's get along”

They start introducing themselves, forcefully and uninterested since Namjoon gave them a hard stares “Park Jimin, Point guard” “Min Yoongi, shooting guard and the 'court' leader” was there a position in basketball called like that? “Jung Hoseok, Small forward” “Kim Taehyung, Power forward” “Jeon Jungkook, Center” “Kim seokjin, Call me Jin. The manager” “you already know me but I will introduce myself again, Kim Namjoon, the couch and the actual leader” I can tell that they're not friendly at all and don't allow outsiders but, I'm used to that so it's ok as long as they let me play.


I was barely able to concentrate on the rest of the practice, the pain is really strong and I am already hundred percent sure it's swollen with a great purple-blue color. Luckily they cut it fast since it's the first practice in their high school life; I notice a lot of things since I was observing them more than doing an actual practice since I avoided moving too much before I treat the injury properly. Like how this Taehyung bastard is actually a funny-weirdo person, Jungkook is like their little brother who they can't help but to do whatever he wants with a smile. The other one, Jimin, he was really a good person, he was always smiling and even treated me kind of better than the others. Yoongi is really quite, even when his friends were acting all dorky and stupid he just watched them and laughed a bit, he have a serious adult aura around him. Namjoon is like the leader who tries to act all adult but fails with his stupid expressions, I just can't help myself but to laugh every time I look at him. Jin is like a mother? He makes sure to feed them and take care of them even if they had the slightest bruise. Hoseok surly have a big heart, they keep on teasing him and do a lot of stupid stuff on him but he shrugged all of that off and laugh along with them, he even goes to help all of the members whenever they needed a partner to practice with.

There's one common thing between them all, they love each other more than anything else. I can feel it with just seeing them for a short time; they cherish each other to the much that they won't accept anyone else between them. They have this aura around them that tells others to get the hell away from them or else, they will crush bones.


All of them went to the washroom but I went first to Namjoon and asked him “I need the dorm's keys; I want to move my belongings fast and rest there”

He gave a questioned and kind of disgusted look “you won't shower?”

I smiled and scratch my nick “I don't feel comfortable with the thought of showering with others and on top of that, I didn't bring any change with me hehe”

He shrugged and gave me the keys “your room is the last one on the right, I will give you your copy later so leave this one on the entrance's table”

I thanked him and bowed before I hurried to my bag and took my leave, as soon as I was away from their sight I bent down and hugged my leg due to the pain. Thank god they didn't seem to sense anything but seriously Haneul, you got an ankle sprain on your first day? Ugh what's wrong with me!


I stood up again and went back to my room –the previous one- but I already found another boy in there? “Are you the old owner of this room? Do you mind to gather your stuff because I want to unpack mine?”

Couldn't Mr. Jung wait for a half day at least? “Oh, I didn't know that you would come this fast hehe”


I packed my stuff fast, it's only four dark t-shirts, sweatpants and three black hoodies and tank tops. I also have few caps. And if we added the basketball sneakers I'm wearing, that's it. Well, you shouldn't expect much since I used to live alone and had to pay rent by myself.


I headed to the basketball team's dorm; it was good in its own way. It has this home-like feeling. I went to the room that Namjoon told me about earlier, I placed my bags on the neat bed since the other one looked like a mess and used before I enter the bathroom. Finally! Warm water against my bare skin, no more showering under that water which changes as if it was the mood of woman on her period.


I wore a tank-top and a hoodie on top of it; the air conditioners here are no joke. I went downstairs in hope that I will find an ice bags and first aid kit bag, my feet is kind of in a worse shape than I thought but thankfully, it will go after a day of rest and few tricks.

No one was downstairs so I took what I came for, bandage, a muscles spray and ice bag. I went upstairs once again and sprayed the muscles spray before I rested the ice bag on my ankle until it went numb, I took a wooden stuff out of my bag and when I put some pressure on it a sharp metal knife came out of it. Yeah I take this everywhere with me, it belonged to my father and he wouldn't allow me to carry it at all, not even in a million years! But, he is not here anymore so it's mine now hehe. Anyway I cut the swollen area with Woodenife –yeah I call it that, got a problem?- the swollen area start pouring blood out of it. Good, now the swollen will go pretty soon.

I waited for few more seconds before squeezing what remained of blood outside of the wound; I cleaned it and wrapped the bandage around my ankle before I lay down on the bed. I will have a small nap; the bags could wait a bit more.


Those moments when I lost the best part of my life, or should I say when I lost life? Are rewinding again and again, they're happening slowly to kill me and get me back to life to only kill me again. The glass crashing, the voices of loud bangs, the lights that blinded my eyes… all of that was so fresh in my head as if it happened yesterday. I know I'm dreaming and all of this is part of my memory but, why does it hurt this much? Somebody, wake me up. Please I don't want to see it anymore… umma, appa, I'm sorry. Please forgive me! I will be good kid, please...


Someone kicked the bed and I woke up gasping for air, I wiped the tears that were formed in my eyes before he can notice them as if I was trying to clear my vision with the sleeves of my hoodie. And for the first time, I'm glad to see Taehyung's face.





Author's note.

So this was the first chapter, what did you think about? I would really like to read your comments so don't be a silent reader.

I didn't actually plan to publish this fic because I kind of lost the interest in my old one because of the lack of comments on it so I didn't want that to happen here too but, after I decided to do that because of my friends who saw it and liked it… well who cares but I just wanted to say that.

Don't forget to comment and I hope you enjoyed it.

Have fun.


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Chapter 4: Hello, remember me? Haha you always come and write literally essays on my stories so I though I should do the same for you. I am in love with your original character. Seriously so badass, and kickass. Taehyung, well I still don't like him, but judging from the last chapter we're gonna get another side of him and a explanation for his behavior at school. I'm really curious as to whether her and Jimin's relationship will go. *wiggles eyebrows*.

Though seriously, how is she able to deal with all this crap. I hope she gets accepted and maybe reform the basketball members in some way. Although I'm getting serious Too Kool 4 Skoool vibe with this fanfic :D
Chapter 3: Just the beginning of this story and I'm already loving it. You write so well. And this is sort of random but do you by any chance have a personal interest in basketball? Sorry for being nosy, I'm just curious because you seem to know a lot about it haha. Also can't wait for the next chapter take care love. <3
Chapter 2: Im wanting to kill V already and he's one of my biases in bts...... It's only the second chapter too......